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Can't "change view"


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I'm stuck on the view that hides the "change view" icon. according this thread, http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/12213-what-happened-to-change-view/?hl=%2Bchange+%2Bview, it's at the end of the list, but I scrolled all the way to the end and it's not there. Everything else is there, the "sort by" icons and the "back", "home", "exit" icons, but not the "change view" icon, the only one I want. Suggestions?

Is there a way to change view without being inside Gameex? Is there an ini file somewhere that I can edit?

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It's the one that looks like Windows Media Center. I was in my NES emulator menu clicking "change view" to see the different kinds, then when I got to that one, the option disappeared. It's only specific to that emulator menu. When I back out, it reverts back to the theme I have applied to all of GameEx.

No, I haven't tried the Setup Wizard. Can you change views specifically for each emulator menu?

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Hi dishwater and welcome to the GameEx forums!

Sorry, no you can't change views on a per emulator basis via the Setup Wizard. You may need to be a bit more specific as to what theme you're using as there are several media center themes. I'm guessing you're using one of the following.

  • Default - MCE Glossy
  • Default - MCE Glossy V3
  • Default - Media Center Background
  • Default - Media Center Background V1
  • Default - Media Center V1
  • Default - Media Center V4

If you don't feel like being bothered with that, you can post a copy of your GameEx.ini (and possibly a copy of your log), and we'll figure it out. Thanks man!

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Thanks for the welcome!

Sorry for the late response, but I figured I'd show you the issue rather than tell you. The video can be found here:


I think this'll make it easier on the both of us. So, I'm not sure which theme it is, but it's only applied to that specific emulator list. In the video, you can see that when I select the NES emulator, the theme changes to where it only shows the snaps of the games. If you go to the end of the list, there is no "change view" available, as it was in the previous themes. Once you back out of the emulator list, the theme reverts back to what I have applied globally to the frontend. For comparison, I select the SNES emulator and show the default list (at 1:09 mark). This is how I want it.

Thanks in advance. I'm pretty new to all of this if you can't tell and I really like the GameEx frontend, but I find the simpliest of tasks to be difficult. But don't worry, I blame the operator (i.e., me) more than the program, haha.

Edited by Adultery
Fixed the missing YouTube link. @Poster: You can wrap your videos using the [media]video url[/media] tags.
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Please submit a copy of your log.txt and gameex.ini file so we may quickly assist you. Please refer to this link for additional information.

It may be something as simple as you have accidentally disabled "Display Change View" from within Setup Wizard or some such, but not having these files to "see" your settings leaves us only guessing. Thanks!

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Try disabling display Change View via Setup Wizard, X out, then go back and reenable it. You may want to also go into your \gameex\data\ path and delete all files with cache in the file name, then load GameEx again. When you get to the screen, Change View should show.

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Sorry Draco, I resolved the issue before I read your post. I chose another theme, which then gave me an icon for the "change view" option so I could change the view of the emulator list back to how it was originally.

However, I still have a question about your solution. I went through the Setup Wizard several time, but never did I see an option to enable/disable "change view". Do you happen to know specifically where that change can be made? If not, I'll just assume that it's there and that I overlooked it. If something to this effect happens again, I'll try deleting the cache files and see what happens.

Thanks for the response and help!

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It's on the Enable / Disable Features screen (the linked page is slightly out of date, but that's where the 'Hide Change View' setting is in the current build of the Setup Wizard).

I checked that screen multiple times and I even checked after this post, but I still can't find it. You said it's in the latest build of the Setup Wizard, where can I get that? I recently just updated GameEx, so I would assume the Setup Wizard and all the other functions (I use the Advanced Configuration, personally) would update as well.

The version of GameEx I had prior to updating was about a year old. I updated for the Steam integration, which is a beautiful addition by the way.

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Thats one of my themes dishwater63, sorry your having problems, I don't have any issues myself. I sometimes I add 'DisableChangeView=True' in the theme.ini as a quick way to disable that function, maybe thats causing your issue? if your setup wizard settings are correct, you can disable it in the theme by either deleting 'DisableChangeView=True' in the theme.ini or changing it to =False. The reason it was disabled in the first place is only due to this theme not really supporting that particular view, but by all means change it if it helps.

yea this theme has a nasty bug imho, i lost the ability to change view also and i get random crashes now really sucks too cause it was my favorite theme

I can't see how this is possible as I only use the theme editor to place images in desired locations, nothing is in the theme that isn't already in your native GameEx setup. Maybe its the video background thats causing your issue?

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If it is the video, then it may be a codecs issue. You may want to install the Shark007 codecs (if you are running on Win 7 x64, you will need to download and install the Windows 7 32-bit and Windows 7 x64 codec packs in that order. These are used by most users without any trouble.

As for the theme After Darkness, it is a bang-up job and does not have any bugs after much testing and use by the community.

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Thats one of my themes dishwater63...

Hey RageOn, thanks for the theme! I personally don't have any other issues with the theme, it was just that one instance that I wasn't sure how to resolve. I didn't particularly like that view, but I just wanted to see what was available. Once I saw I couldn't get out of the view, I panicked and came here posting a frenzy, haha. Thanks for speicifying the line within the .ini file.

To Draco, I'll look into that particular codec. I come from a time and place where downloading and installing mysterious "all in one" codecs were a big no-no and ever since then I've feared them, haha. They usually lead to more issues than solutions. However, if most of the GameEx community supports it with no concern, then it sounds safe to me.

Thanks again for everybody's help.

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To Draco, I'll look into that particular codec. I come from a time and place where downloading and installing mysterious "all in one" codecs were a big no-no and ever since then I've feared them, haha. They usually lead to more issues than solutions. However, if most of the GameEx community supports it with no concern, then it sounds safe to me.

Dude, I'm so with you on this. I was always (and to a certain degree still am) on the "no codec packs' bandwagon. The one exception I'll make is for Shark007. Interestingly enough the developer of Shark007 is very vigilant about keeping the codecs up to date, but more importantly he's vigilant about insuring that there are no conflicts within this set of codecs. He also goes out of his way to insure that the Shark007 pack can be uninstalled cleanly with no adverse effects to the prior state of the system (or at least that's his stated goal, and I can say that I haven't run into any issues). Just be sure to carefully follow the installation instructions on the Shark007 site, and you should be good to go.

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He also goes out of his way to insure that the Shark007 pack can be uninstalled cleanly with no adverse effects to the prior state of the system...

Music to my ears. Thanks nullPointer for understanding where I'm coming from and that I'm not some crazy, fringe computer user, haha. I'll definitely give the codec a shot when I get home tonight.

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hey i am really sorry about the bug comment, it might not be a bug i noticed that in the theme in change view is disabled so maybe i never could change view it changed on it's own after i added the artwork (boxes, carts, titles etc)

this is roughly what it used to look like

GameEx 2013-01-24 14-05-54-61.bmphat it used to look like

this is what it looks like now

GameEx 2013-01-24 14-04-35-26.bmp

this is what it looks like after re enabling view change and putting it back to the old view

is the box art supposed to be in front of the video?

GameEx 2013-01-24 14-04-58-13.bmp

and there is all kinds of weirdness with the directories being mixed up, all the correct file are in the correct folder both visually inspected and after looking through the config files

GameEx 2013-01-24 14-06-34-04.bmp

some emulators show screenshot (large where video should be) and video behind it and others show box art behind video

what is the correct layout for the view shows in the first screenshot

should it be background in the back with large video in front and box art at top right corner?

i love the theme i just want it to work for me

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No worries about the bug comment, I can understand what you mean if its misbehaving for you. Your second posted image is what its supposed to be. I'll have a look at all .ini's tonight and get back to you.

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I just had a brain fart!!!

As the icons in this theme a full screen would this cause issues? I can do a complete change of the layout so they are standard size and use my foreground layer to place all console images. I'll try that later when I get time just to test it. What I believe to be the problem is that 'image' (as its named in the theme editor) layout is full screen and GameEx looks for snaps, videos, box art etc in a specific order. If the icon isn't found for a certain game it will go to the next available one and so on, on certain screens that icon isnt used and it will gameex will switch to a videoo etc, thats what it sounds like is happening. I originally did it this way to give myself another layer to play with. I'll let you know how I get on

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I just found what you are talking about. I tried to recreate your problem and tested everything and I finally stumbled across the problem. It seems that when I select random game everything works as it should until I exit that Random game. Then when GameEx returns it displays the video/snap/box art etc full screen. I could not get this to happen any other way than selecting Random game, then exiting that game. Can anyone else verify this ??

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mine looks as it is every time i start it, i think i am going to deletes all my artwork as all i want is full screen preview video playing behind the selected game, and i think the theme doesn't seem to play well with the carts boxes etc, at least not on my system....thanks for you and everyone elses help

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