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If so what games do you play online?

Im a SSF4 AE addict and also play, SF X T, Forza 4, Mortal Kombat.

If you feel like a game add me:

Bison II <<<<<<<<<< my Street Fighter account

I Evii Ryu I <<<<<<<<<< My main account

RCKJ <<<<<<<<<< my new account


Yeah I'm friends with Draco and Adultery, although we've never played together. Adultry seems obsessed with Minecraft. I think it's his kids probably. My tag is ChewVodka. I usually just play Halo games on Live. Or some Pinball FX2.

  • 1 month later...

I play every now and again.... I played trials evolution alot at the time and made a few maps for it (One called 'Whitwells Revenge' and the other called 'Going Loopy'). May tag is R4GE ON if you want to check them out. I think I'm still in the top ten for a few maps on Bulletstorm but that was a while ago. Mainly I played COD


I play every now and again.... I played trials evolution alot at the time and made a few maps for it (One called 'Whitwells Revenge' and the other called 'Going Loopy'). May tag is R4GE ON if you want to check them out. I think I'm still in the top ten for a few maps on Bulletstorm but that was a while ago. Mainly I played COD

I'll add you when I get the chance .

My 360 died and i wont be replacing it. Ever.

I did read a post that you used your 360 as a coaster :D



Just thought I'd add a little post to this. My Gamescore got reset last week for no reason. According to their help site, it would have only been reset after careful examination and 100% proof modding the achievment list took place. I don't know what they think I did, but I definately didn't do that. I've been a Live subscriber for over 4 years, and worked very hard to earn my 30,000+ gamerscore. I've seen people with over 100,000 that have only been on Xbox Live for like 1 or maybe 2 years. I don't see how they can get away with obvious modding, and they reset me for being legit. The worst part is, they block you from being able to re-earn the achievements again. That's just dumb. I'm over it now, gonna just keep playing and continue earning legit as before. What I'm pissed about now is that I've posted 3 messages to their support forum asking for details and they require moderator approval prior to posting (which hasn't happened yet) so it's like they're ignoring me.


Yeah MS are a pain in the butt, I had a friend in the same situation, he legitimately got 1000gs in about 8 days for Devil May Cry 4 (which isn't easy to max achievements) about 4 years ago and got his gamer score reset for no reason. He contacted them several times but didn't get a response. He also got branded a cheater on his Live profile.


In terms of customer service MS suck! I had similar problems when I first set up my Xbox, I had to start another Tag as my original (Rage 0n) was set up on an american account which didn't allow me to add Live credit bought in the UK. I called MS support and they just didnt care. They told me to start another account and that I had to start over again. I think I got up to a few thousand points the first time. I told them it wasnt the points just the tag that I wanted (which they told me to delete at the time). I was told my old tag would become available after a year, that was 4 years ago and it still isnt :)


ClassicGMR - I use the same tag everywhere. I rarely play my 360 anymore but when I get time to I play for hours.


@ KRC that old xbox RROD twice before the GPU went out. I do miss have it for Marvel Vs. Capsom 3 and Mortal Kombat. Oh well.


@ KRC that old xbox RROD twice before the GPU went out. I do miss have it for Marvel Vs. Capsom 3 and Mortal Kombat. Oh well.

I'm currently on my third 360.

First one got RROD, Second had a drive failure, and my third which is a 250gb slim is running sweet as a nut, for the moment anyway.


I would just like to add my disgust @ M$ - i was an xbox fan years ago but slowly and surely M$ has destroyed all respect i had for them.

@Hansolo - they are ignoring you, and they will until you threaten them in some way. I had my account hacked a few years ago (someone was online using it 24hrs a day) and it took 2 months for them to even bother with me - and that was only after i sent them a nasty letter threatening all sorts of compensation claims :o

It's a shame because the xbox is/was a great medium - its the company behind it that blows! And don't even get me started on DLC that should be free that they get away with charging 1200points for! ARRRRGH


Anywho i will still play a few Live Arcade titles such as PB-FX2 and in the process of re-doing times with my new tag on Trials Evo.

If anyone who plays Evo wants to add for competitiveness go ahead and add me:


My old tag (in sig) is still in the top 1500 after not using it for 8 months tho so, if you just want someone to make your own scores look better - i'm probably not the guy :P


And don't even get me started on DLC that should be free that they get away with charging 1200points for! ARRRRGH

I think charging for extra content in some cases is kind of acceptable but nowhere near acceptable if the DLC you are purchasing is already on the disc and your just using 1200 points to unlock it.

Street Fighter X Tekken did this, all the extra characters who were available for download from XBL were already on the disc :wacko: . So basically we were paying for something that was already paid for in the first place.

raaaaaaar :angry:


I think charging for extra content in some cases is kind of acceptable

Absolutely, i have no qualms about paying for genuinely new or extra content ;)

but nowhere near acceptable if the DLC you are purchasing is already on the disc and your just using 1200 points to unlock it.

Yeh this sickens me, also releasing games with half the content, then having half the game content on Marketplace on the day of launch at around the same cost of the actual game itself! Forza anyone??

But i was (beginning to, and trying hard not to) rant about DLC that is free on Steam, free on PSN, yet M$ charges 1200 points for that exact same content! Left for Dead is a prime example of this.

Not only that, if said (free for everyone else) DLC is not given the go ahead to make Profit for M$ by the games publisher then M$ will just refuse to make the DLC available to the customer - Portal 2

M$ always was and always will be a ruthless organisation and they simply don't care about the consumer. If they gain nothing from it- they simply won't do it.

Sorry for the hijack guys, sometimes you just need to let it all out! :D


I agree completely about their gouging the pockets for DLC and what not. Thats why I have 2 xbox 360's. One is legit, and the other I've modded. I buy games that I want to play online, and feel are worth the money. But some DLC is just flat out rediculous and stupid to pay for. Like when The Force Unleashed 2's Endor DLC came out, people were furious about the cost and the fact that it only added about 10 minutes more of content. Eventually they knocked the price way down and offered people refunds for it. I was one of the upset people. It was something like 1600 MS Points and all it added was one little stage, about 5 new achievments, and then it was over. Some of the other stuff they try to charge people for is crazy too, like all their Avatar gear and dashboard skins. It's funny too because their dashboard has now upgraded to what they call METRO, and if you have an old BLADE style skin, it's completely incompatable. I purchased like 4 dashboad skins back when they had the tab interface (after blade, before metro) and all they do now is change the background and you can't even see it because of the new way they skin. And the Metro interface was a mandatory update, and yet they offered no reimbursement for breaking their older content. Then there's stuff like on Batman Arkham Asylum where you can play as Joker on the PS, but you have to BUY the expansion on MS, and then it didn't work.

Anyway, I had a whole lot more to say, but the autosave didn't save it and I accidentally hit the back button on my keyboard. So my rant is now over.

MS sucks. Modding for the win.

  • Like 1

Well, my gold membership just ran out and I got 3 months gold for £3, should keep me going a little longer.


I agree completely about their gouging the pockets for DLC and what not. Thats why I have 2 xbox 360's. One is legit, and the other I've modded. I buy games that I want to play online, and feel are worth the money. But some DLC is just flat out rediculous and stupid to pay for. Like when The Force Unleashed 2's Endor DLC came out, people were furious about the cost and the fact that it only added about 10 minutes more of content. Eventually they knocked the price way down and offered people refunds for it. I was one of the upset people. It was something like 1600 MS Points and all it added was one little stage, about 5 new achievments, and then it was over. Some of the other stuff they try to charge people for is crazy too, like all their Avatar gear and dashboard skins. It's funny too because their dashboard has now upgraded to what they call METRO, and if you have an old BLADE style skin, it's completely incompatable. I purchased like 4 dashboad skins back when they had the tab interface (after blade, before metro) and all they do now is change the background and you can't even see it because of the new way they skin. And the Metro interface was a mandatory update, and yet they offered no reimbursement for breaking their older content. Then there's stuff like on Batman Arkham Asylum where you can play as Joker on the PS, but you have to BUY the expansion on MS, and then it didn't work.

Anyway, I had a whole lot more to say, but the autosave didn't save it and I accidentally hit the back button on my keyboard. So my rant is now over.

MS sucks. Modding for the win.

+1 to everything you just said, intended to say, and may well say again in the future! (i can guess at most of it because i feel i probably want to say it too). With the theme thang i had a lengthy conversation with a M$ support guy regarding as such and after about 2 hours of debate he eventually gave in and actually said to me something along the lines of "you bought it, you screwed up, don't buy anymore" lol! Like you i bought like 8 "themes" which were rendered useless after said DB update. And such is the practice of M$ in general - not just on xbox. We gotta get on some chat someday Hans, coz i got a feeling we could bitch-into-the-night :P


Oh yeah, I hear ya. I especially hate when games become Game of the Year and they release that, repacked with all the expansions made available. I bought Grand Theft Auto 4, then the 2 expansions, then they came out with the GOTY and it had everything included. Luckily when I picked up Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion, it was the GOTY version. But there's tons of other things too. Like, you're playing Halo 4 and just can't get ahead no matter what you try because the other guys on the other team have mods like aimbots and impenatrable armor, and 1 shot kills. I felt like I was in a game of SWAT once, but it was just regular slayer; i couldn't kill anybody but the other guys were up 20 kills on me. So after the game, I go through the process of reporting them for system hacking, cheating, and report their user rating negatively for unsporting conduct. Yet it doesn't seem to effect anybody. It's like they don't listen to user's complaints at all, and just let the automated systems make the call, whether it's legit or not. There was this one guy who had over 100,000 gamerscore once, and his icon that says how long he's been an XBL member only said 1. Thats 1 year. How is that possible? And yet, I'm the one that gets his gamerscore reset because I only connect to XBL maybe once a week and spend the rest of my time on my modded box that doesn't go online. Microsoft is realy digging their own grave. And when they came out with Windows 8, I haven't seen hardly ANYBODY buying it because it's completely useless with a mouse, which most people still use.

I want to see a game console that's not based on any huge monopolizing company. Something like a Linux system would be cool, although I don't know anything about Linux (always wanted to learn though). I here there's a new console coming out called the Ouya (http://www.ouya.tv/) which is a build on the Android OS. So that might be something to look forward to. I dunno, I just feel like the more MS sucks and cheat people, the more userbase they're gonna lose.

And whats up with charging people a GOLD membership just to use Netflix, when you can get Netflix for free (with a streaming membership) on your computer, TV, phone, and Playstation? LAME.

  • Like 1

There are very few titles I purchase brand new as most of my original Xbox and 360 collection is GOTY - can't beat the price at $19.99 and get all the expansion packs. It may not be new at that time, but beats $59.99 + cost of DLC for the additional levels/modules.

Overall, my experience with XBL has been positive, but the costs can be prohibitive for some of the additional content.

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