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Posted (edited)

SwitchDisc 1.0.4

What is it?

This is an automated disc mounting program specifically geared towards changing disc images in multi-disc games. Essentially this program is intended to be a universal replacement for ad hoc scripts used to automate disc switching for multi-disc games. My intent is that this program will be compatible with any emulator in which it's possible to switch discs for multi-disc games via keyboard shortcuts and/or command line directives.

Download Page

  • Full featured command line interface
  • Runs as a resident application in the system tray
  • Full compatibility with GameEx (it should be launched/exited as a 'Launch Before/After' command)
  • Disc switching through a heads up GUI display or through full automation using no GUI (automatically switches to next disc)
  • Robust configuration application
  • Configurable for multiple monitors
  • Configuration stored as XML
  • Full logging utilities

How do I use it?
  • Configure emulators and multi-disc sets through the configuration application
  • Configure necessary Launch Before and Launch After commands in GameEx
  • Trigger SwitchDisc while playing an emulator using configurable trigger key
  • Select the next disc in the set using the GUI, or automatically switch to the next disc in the set (no GUI)
  • Continue playing

Bug Reporting

First of all, thanks for using this application! :D If you encounter any errors while using SwitchDisc or are simply looking for some guidance with the application, please feel free to report back in this thread. In order to expedite any troubleshooting or requests for assistance, please include the following files when reporting issues:

SwitchDisc config: ...\SwitchDisc\config\SwitchDisc.xml
Switch Disc log: ...\SwitchDisc\log\SwitchDisc.log

(Hmmm ... please include a copy of your log and your config when reporting issues ... now where have I heard that before? ;))

Change Log

  • Added automated mouse functionality as part of send key operations. Mouse operations can be mapped via the Send Keys Builder.
  • Improvements to the automated open file dialog special operation.
  • Incorporated updates to ePSXe compatibility. This update adds a special operation specifically designed to send the ESC key to ePSXe. This operation can be mapped via the Send Keys Builder.
  • Placeholder strings will now allow for [ROMFILE], [ROMNAME], and [ROMPATH] to be used in place of [DISCFILE], [DISCNAME], and [DISCPATH] respectively.
  • Enhanced logging information
  • Bug Fix: The combination of a valid emulator specified with an invalid disc file will no longer trigger an exception. SwitchDisc will load the entire configuration under this circumstance
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a Configurator issue which was preventing the removal of send key slots under certain circumstances


  • Critical Fix: Send Key Strings were not parsing correctly under some circumstances. All Send Key Strings will parse correctly now.
  • Improved clipboard behavior
  • SwitchDisc Configurator: Improved navigation within the tree view. You can now navigate using arrow keys and select a module using the Enter key.


  • Bug Fix: Improved image caching routine. This will prevent SwitchDisc from reusing previous image settings
  • Added an Artwork Path switch to command line parameters (see readme for details)
  • SwitchDisc Configurator Send Keys Builder: Addition of automated Task Killer operation


  • SwitchDisc Configurator: Allow Disc File names to reference a shortcut (.lnk)
  • SwitchDisc Configurator Send Keys Builder: Addition of automated Open File Dialog operation
  • SwitchDisc GUI: Improved handling of custom default artwork


  • Initial Public Release

Thanks, for checking this out guys and gals! Furthermore, I need to give a shoutout to Chesko for his MuDiGUI application. That was something of an inspiration for this project.

Special thanks to the following individuals (yeah this is my lame shoutouts part): Adultery and headkaze for technical suggestions and advice. RIP-Felix for testing the bejeezus out of SwitchDisc; thanks for your patience and perseverance man! Draco1962, KRC, and celly for support and continued interest in the project. You guys helped me see this thing through!

Lastly, thanks to any and all of you who incorporate this program into your emulation rig! Edited by nullPointer
File moved to Downloads section
  • Like 8

Sweet! I'll def test this out when i get Dreamcast and Gamecube back up and running. Does Dolphin support disc swapping? haven't used it for a while and it definately did not when i last looked - would love to finish Killer 7 at long last :P


Dolphin does indeed support disc swapping. Within the Dolphin GUI select File > Change Disc IIRC. I hope to include some examples of working SwitchDisc profiles sometime in the near future, so I'll make a point of including information on Dolphin. Thanks for your interest in SwitchDisc everyone!


Awesome to see your first release! Hopefully the first of many! :)

And to anyone who's wondering... Null put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this... It's pretty fabulous! :D


Congrats Null! A very very, nice piece of software. Hope you are proud to release it, I can't wait to try it out. Thank you and congrats again!


Hey thanks for all the kind words everybody! I'm taking a bit of a break from SwitchDisc, but I've still got some enhancements I'd like to make. Stay tuned for future updates! :D

  • Like 1

Hey null, i probably should do my homework before i post, what can i say - i live on the edge :P will your proggy support disc swap in nullDC? is there a better emu for DC? I'll be honest i've not run any DC emu's for around 2 years. I guess i'm asking which emu's your app works with best? Judging by the comments of the big guns i'll bet it works with all! But still, do you have any recommendations? On personal experience? I'd love to hear your 2c :)


Honestly Dazzle, I’m sure you’ve done your homework just fine. I'm afraid I need to include some better help documentation with SwitchDisc. The included readme.txt gives a bit of overview regarding settings, but it’s regrettably anemic insofar as describing how to actually use the software. I'm ashamed to admit, but thorough documentation is one area where I tend to fall short. All the same, one of the ‘enhancements’ I’m working on is the inclusion of a CHM (Compiled Help Manual) with SwitchDisc.

Essentially it boils down to this: SwtichDisc should work with any emulator in which it’s possible to change discs using a combination of keyboard input and/or console commands. This technique does admittedly require a bit of trial and error insofar as figuring out what keyboard input is actually required to make this happen for any given emulator. All of this keyboard input should be entered as part of the “Send Keys Before Disc Switch” setting (or potentially the Send Keys After Disc Switch Setting). I’m away from my SwitchDisc development machine but many of my settings typically look something like this:

Send Keys Before GUI: Bring the emulator out of full screen (typically Alt + Enter).

<GUI displays, user selects a disc to load>

Send Keys Before Disc Switch: First and foremost bring up the menu in the emulator (almost always Alt + F), then use arrow keys to navigate to the applicable emulator sub-menu and hit enter.

ProTip: SwitchDisc will copy the full file path of the selected disc to the clipboard. So if you enter Ctrl+V as part of your keyboard input, that’s what will be pasted into whatever field you tab to.

Send Keys After Disc Switch: Send the emulator back to full screen.

A couple of things to be aware of:

  • Use the ‘’ buttons when configuring send keys! It’s really the only way to do that. I’ve left the resultant Send Keys string as an editable field, but I wouldn’t advise editing in that way unless you’re extremely confident as to what you want to change.

  • Some emulators require that the emulator itself be restarted as part of the Disc Swapping process. That should still be manageable for SwitchDisc, but GameEx will want to return back to the GameEx interface when the emulator blinks off. In this situation you’ll want to create an Advanced Config for the emulator and enter SwitchDisc.exe under the additional processes to watch (Remember to exit SwitchDisc when you exit the emulator via the GameEx prescribed method. Further if you use ESC to exit back to GameEx, don't use ESC to exit the emulator in SwitchDisc - use the menu options via send keys instead)

  • Some emulators require you to select the next disc from an 'open file' dialog. That’s where having the full directory path of the next disc file copied to the clipboard comes in handy. Use send keys to paste that file path into the file dialog. Caveat! I like to keep my disc images in sub-directories. Pasting the file path into the open file dialog has been a bit hit or miss for me when the open file dialog does not open in the same directory as the next disc image. I’m working on a technique that will help to further automate the process under this particular circumstance, but it’s not quite ready for prime time yet.

SwitchDisc Order of Operations:

  1. Send Keys Before GUI (if you’re running in GUI mode)
  2. Send Keys Before Disc Switch
  3. Disc Switch Command (If present. Assuming you’re using a virtual drive you’ll want to load the disc image to the virtual drive right here, and most of the emulator manipulation will take place in the form of keys to send after Disc Switch. Note that if you’d like to run more complex SwitchDisc operations this command could take the form of a batch file)
  4. Send Keys After Disc Switch.

So finally getting back around to nullDC. That’s my DC emulator of choice. I think some people have had success with Demul and Makaron, but I’ve never used either of those TBH. At this point I feel like Chankast is too dated to be a real contender. SwitchDisc should work OK with nullDC.

I believe the disc switch routine for nullDC goes like this:

Options -> GDRom -> Swap Disc

Switch disc should be able to automate that routine using something like the following:

Alt+O > Combination of Arrow Keys and Enter to get to the proper menu location.

I’ve done quite a bit of testing with SwitchDisc, but I fully expect there to be some areas of the system that have escaped my attention. Please feel free to report any bugs you find right here in this thread (along with a copy of your SwitchDisc log and config if you feel like being thorough – I’ll probably ask anyway ;))

Thanks for again your interest in SwitchDisc!

* There. Now I've met my obligatory nullPointer's Wall of Text© quota for the day


Question about switchdisc confugurator.

I'm trying to setup the emulator now, I went through the general config first, following your readme. I 'm wondering if I should use the ePSXecutor for the working path now that all my games are shortcuts with unique configs. That wont create a problem will it? I mean the ePSXecutor.ini config I made tells GameEx to look at the ePSXe.exe to know when to send its before and after comands, corect?

So ePSXecutor is launching ePSXe --> GameEx thinks it's buissness as ushall --> run before runs my autohotkey and then switchdisc runs in the tray (can I just add to the command, so 2 are run at the same time?) --> I hit the switch disc trigger key, navigate to the next disc and select it --> switch disc then uses the ePSXecutor working path to launch the next disc --> switcjdisc works its magic and some how the game recognizes the disc change --> the game continues on until I save and hit escape --> GamEx sends the run after comand and swithdisc ends. Did I get all that right?


Ok, I have now have no idea what do in the emulator settings screen. Readme couldn't help. It was written for simple installations. This is more complicated sir.


Well first allow me to say thanks for checking out SwitchDisc! :) As I mentioned in your ePSXe thread, SwitchDisc is a very new application, and I'm still in the process of actively making changes and improvements to it. The next release will include a fully comprehensive user manual, so be aware that help is on the way. (The trouble is that IRL concerns prevent me from throwing a bunch of time at it ATM. Writing comprehensive documentation takes quite a bit longer than making code changes!). So getting on with it then:

So ePSXecutor is launching ePSXe --> GameEx thinks it's buissness as ushall --> run before runs my autohotkey and then switchdisc runs in the tray (can I just add to the command, so 2 are run at the same time?) --> I hit the switch disc trigger key, navigate to the next disc and select it --> switch disc then uses the ePSXecutor working path to launch the next disc --> switcjdisc works its magic and some how the game recognizes the disc change --> the game continues on until I save and hit escape --> GamEx sends the run after comand and swithdisc ends. Did I get all that right?

That is a fairly good overview of the general process. The question here is how to run multiple commands as a single command (or stringing commands together). This can be addressed via a batch (.bat) script. Here’s an example of a testing batch script I’ve used for SwitchDisc

cd "C:\Users\nullPointer\Desktop\SwitchDisc"
switchDisc -w "E:\Emulation\Emulators\ePSXe v1.70" -f "Final Fantasy VIII (USA) (Disc 1).iso"

You could add additional commands to this batch file and they will run in sequence as part of the script. So you would save off that file as a .bat and run it via the command line simply as

Start “” “C:\ Whatever\YourBatch.bat”

While we’re on the subject, note that the above SwitchDisc command could be expressed in GameEx as

switchDisc -w "[WORKINGPATH]" -f "[ROMFILE]"


Ok, I have now have no idea what do in the emulator settings screen. Readme couldn't help. It was written for simple installations. This is more complicated sir.

ePSXecutor does indeed present a unique challenge, but it may not be the challenge you expect it to be.

Here’s a dirty little secret about SwitchDisc: the working path doesn’t really do anything in terms of the disc swap operation. The working path merely identifies the emulator at start up. This helps to identify the disc that is running and in turn the multi-disc set that the disc belongs to. You can successfully start SwitchDisc without identifying the working path directive at all (that’s exactly what happens if you simply 2X click to start the application), although there is a greater potential for problems.

So ePSXecutor. Let’s start with a couple of config details:

  • Working Path will be the exact same working path you use in GameEx
  • Rom Path will be the directory you use to store your shortcuts

There are two ways to swap discs in ePSXecutor. One is potentially problematic for SwitchDisc and the other one is not. This is where the challenge presents itself

Method 1: Many games will prompt you to save to a memory card prior to the disc swap. Pripor to swapping discs you’ll save off game progress just like you normally would in game. In this case your operations will play out like this:

  • Send Keys Before GUI: You may (or may not) need to bring the emulator out of full screen in order for the GUI to properly display (a key combo containing [ALT, RETURN])

  • SwitchDisc Command: This will be a batch file containing something like the following:
    taskkill (or tskill depending on your OS) ePSXe.exe
    “[DISCPATH]\ [DISCFILE]” (that literal string should work assuming your “rom files” are ePSXecutor shortcuts).

  • Done, save for one detail. You’ll notice that we killed ePSXe midstream there. You want to be sure that GameEx doesn’t steal focus back at that point, so you’ll want to add SwitchDisc to your advanced emulator config (you’ll remember that we had to do that already for ePSXe)

Method 2: Some games do not prompt for a save prior to switching discs. This presents an issue for ePSXecutor since it doesn’t have an integrated way of handling this situation. ePSXe does, but you need to be able to get at the ePSXe GUI to pull it off (which ePSXecutor (mostly) prevents). You’ll notice that I’ve stressed on a number of occasions that:

SwtichDisc should work with any emulator in which it’s possible to change discs using a combination of keyboard input and/or console commands.

You’ll further notice that ePSXecutor doesn’t fall neatly into the above category (since you can’t simply restart the emulator in this situation). I do actually have some ideas to deal with this scenario, but I’m a bit hesitant to go there at least until I can complete the help documention, and I’d like a bit longer to settle on a solution that’s not a bloody mess.

So that’s a lot of information to digest. Hopefully that can help you out long enough for me to get squared away with the comprehensive documentation. :lol:


Here are my batch files:

Disc Switch Command:

goto 1
taskkill "ePSXe.exe"

Switchdisc (GameEx launch before).bat:

goto 1
"[FolderPath]\PS3 DS3 Tool Enabler (GameEX Launchbefore).exe"
goto 2
"[FolderPath]\SwitchDisc.exe" -w "[WORKINGPATH]" -f "[ROMFILE]"

Switchdisc (GameEx launch after).bat:

goto 1
"[FolderPath]\SwitchDisc.exe" -q

When I run Switchdisc (GameEx launch before).bat it completes without error messages but switchdisc does not preset the GUI. When I click the tray icon and tell it to start, it returns, “SwitchDisc failed to load due to an invalid disc or disc set. Please verify that your SwitchDisc configuration is valid.” Also the command prompt is still running in the background. This is probably because I haven't set up any disc sets yet. I'm still unclear on that part of switch disc. I assume that each multi disc game needs one, correct?

Switchdisc (GameEx launch after).bat successfully closes switchdisc and the open command prompt.

Here is where I'm stuck, GameEx doesnt send the launch before and after comands, as far as I can tell. There is some time before the emulator goes full screen when I can see if my autohotkey program is launched, and it doen't appear. I know it works when I manually run it. Could the problem be in the special emulator config .inf? I don't know if it would interfere with the send before or after comands, but they don't seem to work.

As far as the switchdisc log goes, the problem for it is that there is no running epsxe game and it can't figure out what disc is running. It basically waits for an off comand. So I need to figure out why GameEx won't send the before/after commands before I can test if switchdisc is working.


Under emulator settings:

Working Path = “…\Game Shortcuts”

Rom Path = “…\Game Shortcuts”

I added a “mult disc set” called “Final Fantasy VII”

Then I tried to add a new disc to the set. I clicked the […], and it brought up the rompath location. I selected “Final Fantasy VII (Disc 1)”, and it returned this error,

“The directory path for the Disc File must be in the same directory as the Rom Path for the emulator.

Emulator Rom Path: …\Game Shortcuts

Selected Disc File Path: “…\ISO\ePSXe (1.6.0)”



Hey man, let me thank you once again for giving SwtichDisc a test drive. As far as I know I’m the only other person who’s put the application through its paces, so it’s great to be getting some external feedback as well.

In regards to the issues you’re experiencing, let’s break it down into the constituent problem areas. I think it will be most beneficial if we address your GameEx problem first.

1. It’s very odd that GameEx isn’t running your Launch Before and After commands. OTOH you’re taking a bit of a different tack with those commands than I’ve seen before (not saying it’s necessarily wrong, just saying it’s a unique approach). So let’s check out some of your GameEx info. In this case there are three files that will help immensely to determine what’s going on (in descending order of importance by my estimation):

  • Runitgame.bat (after attempting to load a game via the above configuration) – This will tell us whether GameEx is attempting to run your commands
  • Your GameEx log (after attempting to load a game via the above configuration) – This will likely tell us if the above commands are failing some how
  • Your Emulator Config for this emulator – This will provide some potential grounds for making suggestions for improvement

Details on how to access all of the above information can be found in the How to Ask for Help thread.

2. You’ll definitely want to set up some multi-disc sets and discs within SwitchDisc. Above I mentioned that the Working Path isn’t necessarily critical for SwitchDisc configuration (although it’s highly recommended). The disc path (rom path) and disc file names are fairly crucial to the operation of SwitchDisc. The application uses the Disc to determine what game is currently running, and uses the Disc Set to determine the other discs that belong in the set (and the order of those discs). If you run into difficulties, feel free to post your SwitchDisc config and your SwitchDisc log

  • Config: …\SwitchDisc\config\SwitchDisc.xml
  • Log: ...\SwitchDisc\log\SwitchDisc.log

3. I looking at your batch scripts, I caught myself in an oversight. I got a bit carried away with the pseudo code in my previous message. You may need to provide the [WORKINGPATH], and [ROMFILE] variables as parameters (or arguments if you feel like being syntactically correct) which are fed into the batch file. It’s not terribly difficult to do, but it’s not necessarily intuitive either. For example to run your Launch Before batch script you would do something like this in GameEx:

LaunchBefore.bat “[WORKINGPATH]” “[ROMFILE]”

Then inside your .bat it would look like this:

"<directory>\SwitchDisc.exe" -w "%~1" -f "%~2"

Where <directory> is an actual full directory path, and where %~1 and %~2 represent the contents of the inbound arguments in the order specified.

Thanks again Felix! I’m still pounding away at that documentation, but I’ll have a bunch of family in town from tonight until Monday so immediate progress may be somewhat limited.


I wonder if a setup wizard would acomplish better what a comprehensive readme makes bothersome. Just a thought.

Anyway I went ahead and created multi disc sets for each game I have, in the process becoming more familiar with the program. So this is where switchDisc looks for games that have multple discs? So if it doesn't have any, it shouldn't run at all? I couldn't get the [...] to recognise the shortcuts, but when looked at the properties I saw why. The target is located in a different location because this is link shortcut, duh! So I manually wrote in the filepath to the shortcut (...\ ShortcutName.lnk). I made the shortcut names the same as the ePSXe RomName, just in case that matters in the code. Hopefully switchdisc will treat *.lnk the same as *.exe. Or maybe it was asking for the actual rom (*.bin or *.img)? If so then they would need to be in the same directory as the shortcuts (that would be a pain in the "explictive word" to acomplish, especially now that all the shortcuts are based of of the rom's current location.


Before you ask I changed my name in the filepahs below from Michael to RIP-Felix for some of the entries below (in an attempt to remain annomous). When It became aparant that would be in vain, I stopped doing it. So, that is not an issue. the filepath are all through the Michael folder in each of the configs. Hellow world, my name is Michael. Not Mike or Mikey, its Michael, RIP-Felix, RIP or Felix.

The Switchdisc log would be useless at this point because GameEX hasen't launched it yet. However here is the...

log after running my launch before.bat:

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM SwitchDisc logging initialized

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Processing SwitchDisc command options...

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Command options parsed successfully:

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM DiscID =

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM DiscFile = [ROMFILE]

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM EmulatorID =

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM WorkingPath = [WORKINGPATH]

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM FullScreen = False

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM NoGUI = False

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Exit = False

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Parsing SwitchDisc configuration from file

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Registering SwitchDisc HotKey

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Registering SwitchDisc Interface Keys

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Cannot locate emulator matching these parameters (ItemID = WorkingPath = [WORKINGPATH])

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Options do not match the existing configuration. SwitchDisc will attempt to load entire configuration

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Program Terminated Unexpectedly

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Error:Second path fragment must not be a drive or UNC name.

Parameter name: path2

GameEx Emulator














LaunchAfter=E:\RIP-Felix\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\SwitchDisc-1.0.0\Switchdisc (GameEx launch after).bat

LaunchBefore=E:\RIP-Felix\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\SwitchDisc-1.0.0\Switchdisc (GameEx launch before).bat











WorkingPath=E:\RIP-Felix\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts

ControlPanelPath=C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Controls

ManualPath=C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Manuals

CartPath=C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Cartridges

BoxPath=C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Boxes

TitlePath=C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Titles

SnapPath=C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Snaps

RomPath=E:\RIP-Felix\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\

MapFile=[Console] Sony Playstation.map


Database=[Console] Sony Playstation



StartPageLogo=Sony Playstation

StartPageName=Sony Playstation (ePSXe)

TitleText=Sony Playstation

Info=Sony Playstation Emulator


RequiredFiles=scph1001.bin (512kb)






System=Sony Playstation



GameEx Log

14:18:08.1 10/11/2012: Opening Configuration File

14:18:08.1 10/11/2012: GameEx: Version 12.84: Starting Log

14:18:08.1 10/11/2012: Operating System Platform: Win32NT

14:18:08.1 10/11/2012: Operating System Name: Windows 7

14:18:08.1 10/11/2012: Operating System Version: 6.1.7601

14:18:08.1 10/11/2012: Aero running

14:18:08.1 10/11/2012: Initializing Vista/Windows 7 volume control

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Getting CPU and RAM info

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: AMD Phenom™ II X4 B50 Processor, 8190MB

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: 3.11Ghz - 4 Cores or CPU's

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Running Randomize()

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Loading PlugIns

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Running Misc startup tasks

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Setting Menu types

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Getting Configuration Values

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Using Theme: My Games for MCE (Widescreen)

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: My Games for MCE (Widescreen)

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: GameEx will check for media insertion (may affect performance)

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Is Media Center running?

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Media Center Mode 2

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Custom Game Device Input enabled: Getting custom codes

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Snap Delay set to: 2

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Get other settings

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Desktop set to Hide ICONS and set Background to Black

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Start work for Form

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Getting Original Screen Size

14:18:08.2 10/11/2012: Opening Database Connection

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Initializing Component

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: MAME Path is: E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\M.A.M.E\Emulator\MAME

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Cannot Find MAME Path: MAME Disabled

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Loading Controls.ini map file

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Applying Language/Text

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Text/Language: English

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Loading Language/Text

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Loading Custom Emulators

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 1: Nintendo N64

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 2: Nintendo SNES

14:18:08.3 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 3: Nintendo NES

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 4: Nintendo Game Boy Advanced

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 5: Nintendo Game Boy

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 6: Sony Playstation (ePSXe 1.7.0)

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 7: Sony Playstation (ePSXe 1.6.0)

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 8: Sony Playstation (ePSXe 1.5.2)

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 9: Sega Dreamcast

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 10: Sega Genesis

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator 11: Sony Playstation (ePSXe)

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Loading Emulator Group 1: Sony Playstation

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Using 2D Animations

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Retrieving resolution setting

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Error Loading Font: segoe media center

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Using General Font: Arial

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Error Loading Font: segoe media center

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Using Title Font: Arial

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: GameEx will try to reduce CPU usage

14:18:08.4 10/11/2012: Initialising Direct3D

14:18:08.5 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces

14:18:08.6 10/11/2012: Creating Primary Surface - Windowed Mode

14:18:08.6 10/11/2012: Creating Back Buffer

14:18:08.6 10/11/2012: Loading graphic Surfaces

14:18:08.6 10/11/2012: Display is running at: 1152x648 32bit color, 60hz

14:18:08.6 10/11/2012: Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series

14:18:08.6 10/11/2012: Max texture size: 8192x8192

14:18:08.6 10/11/2012: Available texture memory: -783MB

14:18:08.6 10/11/2012: Initialising Bass Audio Library

14:18:08.6 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces Volume

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces Arrows

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces Toolbar

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surface Unselected

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces Home & Exit

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces Snaps

14:18:08.8 10/11/2012: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars

14:18:08.9 10/11/2012: Creating Fonts

14:18:08.9 10/11/2012: Creating Game Font

14:18:09.0 10/11/2012: Creating Game Font Faded

14:18:09.0 10/11/2012: Creating Title Font

14:18:09.0 10/11/2012: Restoring Title Font From Cache

14:18:09.1 10/11/2012: Creating Menu Font

14:18:09.3 10/11/2012: Creating Font Black

14:18:09.3 10/11/2012: Creating Font Black Small

14:18:09.4 10/11/2012: Fonts Created Succesfully

14:18:32.6 10/11/2012: MAME CMD options: -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo

14:18:32.6 10/11/2012: Cannot Load Play List. Check Path and filename

14:18:32.6 10/11/2012: Initialising DirectInput for Gamepad support

14:18:32.7 10/11/2012: Unable to create a joystick device

14:18:32.7 10/11/2012: Loading Start Page

14:18:32.7 10/11/2012: Initializing MCE Remote

14:18:32.7 10/11/2012: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx!

14:18:32.7 10/11/2012: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame

14:18:32.9 10/11/2012: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully

14:29:47.8 10/11/2012: Starting Attract Mode

14:29:47.8 10/11/2012: Reading MAME hall of fame

14:29:47.9 10/11/2012: Disabling Attract Mode

14:43:41.9 10/11/2012: Gamepad inserted. Attached devices: 1

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_1: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_1: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_1: Database: [Console] Nintendo N64

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_1: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_1: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_1: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_1: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_2: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_2: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_2: Database: [Console] Nintendo SNES

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_2: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_2: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_2: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_2: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_3: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_3: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_3: Database: [Console] Nintendo NES

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_3: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_3: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_3: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_3: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo NES\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_4: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy Color\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_4: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy Color\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_4: Database: [Handheld] Nintendo Game Boy Color

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_4: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy Color\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_4: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy Color\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_4: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy Color\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_4: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy Color\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_5: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_5: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_5: Database: [Handheld] Nintendo Game Boy

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_5: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_5: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_5: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_5: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo Game Boy\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_6: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_6: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_6: Database: [Console] Sony Playstation

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_6: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_6: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_6: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_6: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Warning: Emulator_6: MAPFile Does Not Exist

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_7: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_7: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_7: Database: [Console] Sony Playstation

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_7: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_7: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_7: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_7: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Warning: Emulator_7: MAPFile Does Not Exist

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_8: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_8: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_8: Database: [Console] Sony Playstation

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_8: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_8: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_8: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_8: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Warning: Emulator_8: MAPFile Does Not Exist

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_9: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_9: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_9: Database: [Console] Sega Dreamcast

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_9: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_9: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_9: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_9: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_10: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_10: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_10: Database: [Console] Sega Genesis

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_10: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_10: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_10: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_10: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Genesis\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_11: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Snaps

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_11: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Controls

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_11: Database: [Console] Sony Playstation

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_11: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Titles

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_11: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Boxes

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_11: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Cartridges

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Validating: Emulator_11: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation\Manuals

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Warning: Emulator_11: MAPFile Does Not Exist

14:43:47.2 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 1

14:43:47.3 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 1

14:43:47.3 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 2

14:43:47.3 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 2

14:43:47.4 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 3

14:43:47.4 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 3

14:43:47.4 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 4

14:43:47.4 10/11/2012: No Database Data: 4

14:43:47.5 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 5

14:43:47.5 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 5

14:43:47.5 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 6

14:43:47.5 10/11/2012: No Database Data: 6

14:43:47.6 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 7

14:43:47.6 10/11/2012: No Database Data: 7

14:43:47.6 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 8

14:43:47.6 10/11/2012: No Database Data: 8

14:43:47.6 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 9

14:43:47.7 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 9

14:43:47.7 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 10

14:43:47.7 10/11/2012: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 10

14:43:47.7 10/11/2012: Not Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 11

14:43:54.3 10/11/2012: Creating instance of global keyboard hook

14:43:54.3 10/11/2012: Running: cmd.exe /c E: E:\RIP-Felix\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\EPSXE 1.5.2\ePSXeCutor.exe

14:43:54.4 10/11/2012: Shutting down display

14:45:28.9 10/11/2012: Writing Stats

14:45:29.0 10/11/2012: Plugin: Game Exit

14:45:29.0 10/11/2012: Plugin: Process Commands

14:45:29.0 10/11/2012: Refreshing Keyboard

14:45:29.1 10/11/2012: Initialising Audio

14:45:29.2 10/11/2012: Restoring Window

14:45:29.2 10/11/2012: Reinitializing Graphics System

14:45:30.2 10/11/2012: Reloading Game Info Page

14:45:30.2 10/11/2012: Returning to GameEx

14:47:50.3 10/11/2012: Saving Settings

14:47:50.3 10/11/2012: Running: cmd.exe /c C: GameExConfig.exe

14:47:50.4 10/11/2012: Shutting down display


chcp 65001


CD "E:\RIP-Felix\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\EPSXE 1.5.2"

E:\RIP-Felix\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\SwitchDisc-1.0.0\Switchdisc (GameEx launch before).bat

"E:\RIP-Felix\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\EPSXE 1.5.2\ePSXeCutor.exe" "Final Fantasy IX (Disc 1)"

E:\RIP-Felix\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\SwitchDisc-1.0.0\Switchdisc (GameEx launch after).bat

SwitchDisc config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<SwitchDisc xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:SwitchDisc">

<SwitchDiscVersion i:nil="true" />








<ScreenNumber i:nil="true" />

<XWinRes i:nil="true" />

<YWinRes i:nil="true" />


<DefaultArtworkPath>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\SwitchDisc-1.0.0\SwitchDisc-1.0.0\images\DefaultDiscImg.png</DefaultArtworkPath>

<VirtualDrives i:nil="true" />



<Emulator z:Id="i1" xmlns:z="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">emu-1</ItemID>

<EmulatorName>Sony Playstation</EmulatorName>

<WorkingPath>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts</WorkingPath>

<ArtworkPath>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\Artwork</ArtworkPath>

<RomPath>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts</RomPath>


<SwitchDiscCmd>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\SwitchDisc-1.0.0\Disc Switch Command.bat</SwitchDiscCmd>





<VirtualDrive i:nil="true" />


<MultiDiscSet z:Id="i2">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">set-0</ItemID>

<Emulator z:Ref="i1" />

<SetName>Final Fantasy VII</SetName>


<Disc z:Id="i3">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-0</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i2" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy VII (Disc 1).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i4">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-1</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i2" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy VII (Disc 2).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i5">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-2</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i2" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy VII (Disc 3).lnk</FileName>





<MultiDiscSet z:Id="i6">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">set-1</ItemID>

<Emulator z:Ref="i1" />

<SetName>Final Fantasy VIII</SetName>


<Disc z:Id="i7">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-3</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i6" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 1).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i8">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-4</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i6" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 2).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i9">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-5</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i6" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 3).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i10">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-6</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i6" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 4).lnk</FileName>





<MultiDiscSet z:Id="i11">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">set-2</ItemID>

<Emulator z:Ref="i1" />

<SetName>Chrono Cross</SetName>


<Disc z:Id="i12">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-7</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i11" />

<DisplayName>Chrono Cross</DisplayName>

<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Chrono Cross (Disc 1).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i13">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-8</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i11" />

<DisplayName>Chrono Cross</DisplayName>

<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Chrono Cross (Disc 2).lnk</FileName>





<MultiDiscSet z:Id="i14">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">set-3</ItemID>

<Emulator z:Ref="i1" />

<SetName>Metal Gear Solid</SetName>


<Disc z:Id="i15">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-9</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i14" />

<DisplayName>Metal Gear Solid</DisplayName>

<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Metal Gear Solid (Disc 1).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i16">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-10</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i14" />

<DisplayName>Metal Gear Solid</DisplayName>

<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Metal Gear Solid (Disc 2).lnk</FileName>





<MultiDiscSet z:Id="i17">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">set-4</ItemID>

<Emulator z:Ref="i1" />

<SetName>Riven - The Sequel to Myst</SetName>


<Disc z:Id="i18">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-11</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i17" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Riven - The Sequel to Myst (Disc 1).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i19">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-12</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i17" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Riven - The Sequel to Myst (Disc 2).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i20">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-13</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i17" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Riven - The Sequel to Myst (Disc 3).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i21">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-14</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i17" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Riven - The Sequel to Myst (Disc 4).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i22">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-15</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i17" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Riven - The Sequel to Myst (Disc 5).lnk</FileName>





<MultiDiscSet z:Id="i23">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">set-5</ItemID>

<Emulator z:Ref="i1" />

<SetName>Star Ocean</SetName>


<Disc z:Id="i24">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-16</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i23" />

<DisplayName>Star Ocean</DisplayName>

<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Star Ocean (Disc 1).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i25">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-17</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i23" />

<DisplayName>Star Ocean</DisplayName>

<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Star Ocean (Disc 2).lnk</FileName>





<MultiDiscSet z:Id="i26">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">set-6</ItemID>

<Emulator z:Ref="i1" />

<SetName>Final Fantasy IX</SetName>


<Disc z:Id="i27">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-18</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i26" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy IX (Disc 1).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i28">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-19</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i26" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy IX (Disc 2).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i29">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-20</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i26" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy IX (Disc 3).lnk</FileName>



<Disc z:Id="i30">

<ItemID xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/">dsc-21</ItemID>

<MultiDiscSet z:Ref="i26" />


<FileName>E:\Michael\GAMES\My Games\All Games (Files)\PSone\ePSXe Emulator\ePSXecutor frontend\Game Shortcuts\Final Fantasy IX (Disc 4).lnk</FileName>










Hi Felix!

Just a quick note as I'm on the run

You can collapse any material you like in a post by including it in spoiler tags. So this:


Here's some text inside the spoiler


Ends up looking like this

Here's some text inside the spoiler

Certainly not obligatory, but it can certainly make long sections of config data a bit easier on the eyes.

Also since we're on first name basis, I'm Aaron. :D or null, or nullPointer, or that jackass who wrote the nightmare program designed to swap discs.


I Ran the switchdisc from my run before batch and got a new error. Here is the log.

10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM SwitchDisc logging initialized
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Processing SwitchDisc command options...
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Command options parsed successfully:
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM DiscID =
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM DiscFile = [ROMFILE]
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM EmulatorID =
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM WorkingPath = [WORKINGPATH]
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM FullScreen = False
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM NoGUI = False
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Exit = False
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Parsing SwitchDisc configuration from file
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Registering SwitchDisc HotKey
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Registering SwitchDisc Interface Keys
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Cannot locate emulator matching these parameters (ItemID = WorkingPath = [WORKINGPATH])
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Options do not match the existing configuration. SwitchDisc will attempt to load entire configuration
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Program Terminated Unexpectedly
10/11/2012 3:36:23 PM Error:Second path fragment must not be a drive or UNC name.
Parameter name: path2


Just a quick hit and run. The error above is due to item number 3 in the post seen here. In this case you’ll need to pass the appropriate parameters into your batch script. Further if you’re running the batch outside of GameEx you’ll need to pass the actual directory path and file name into the batch script rather than the [WORKINGPATH] and [ROMFILE] place holders.

I'll be on later tonight (U.S. MST)


Would you be cool with me writing a plugin that works with this? I have some ideas how you can get around this from within. ;)

Could really take advantage of the CL and make it work seamlessly.


Shouldnt need much really.... depends more on what command lines your exe takes. I'll tinker around and see what I can come up with... TBH I was waiting to see the documentation so I know what I'm getting myself into. :)

I'll try to keep up with ya though! Does SwitchDisc write the install path to the reg?

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