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[RESOLVED] CPWizard: Modify text displayed in control panel


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We tried skipping the disclaimer earlier. ;)

I thought it might be the send keys commands, but it was not to be.

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I see that Adultery posted about the D3D version too.

It's tough to debug these type of problems. The MAME window can be a bit of a pain to deal with. Can you try turning off the "Skip Disclaimer". Also try setting the switchres setting to "0" in mame.ini.

The mame.ini file is already set this way... i.e. switchres = 0.

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Maybe with a little more details will help the situation.... again, here's what happens.

I run a game (doesn't matter how, gameex, dos command, thru mameui, whatever), game starts full screen on monitor 1, after about 2 seconds appears to come out of full screen mode (very quickly), then dissappears, then cpwizard control panel shows up on monitor 2, stays for about 3 seconds then disappears, then the game comes back in full screen mode on monitor 1.

hope that helps.

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Hey Headkaze, sorry it wasn't obvious to me, but thanks for the reply. The option you speak of was checked and I un-checked it and here's what resulted from that.

After starting a game, the cpwizard control panel showed up on monitor 2, then after about a couple seconds went away and the game started on monitor 1.... that's it.

I might suggest attaching your config file that does what I'm attempting to do and works on your end. Again, simply what i'm attempting to do is this....

When i launch a game the game starts on monitor 1 and the control panel from within your program comes up on mointor 2 and stays there.

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There were a few issues with your settings but I did manage to get it working.

I've attached images showing the main settings you need to set. Just to go over them briefly.

- No need for verbose logging (I know you probably turned that on when you were having trouble) but more logging means more lag.

- You need to set a layout file for "Mame Layout Sub". This is one of the most important things you missed. This is what is displayed on the secondary monitor. It can be a single layout or you can have it rotate between multiple layouts by having them end with a suffix (Eg. "Sub (0)", "Sub (1)" or in your case "Walker (0)", "Walker (2)" or for your single layout use "Walker"). Personally I think you should copy your "Walker.xml" layout file over "Sub (2).xml" and set your "Mame Layout Sub" to "Sub (0)" and then it will include your custom layout in a bunch of different layouts that show artwork, game info and other information on your secondary screen. Layouts are stored in the "Layouts" folder in the CPWizard main folder.

- Make sure "Auto Show (On Game Start)" is disabled

- Another important setting. Under Display options the Screen settings should be the same as what you're displaying MAME on. This is for the main CPWizard display (menu etc.) You can't have this the same as your sub screen display. This is the reason why the setting was being automatically turned off.

- Turn on "Sub Screen" and set it to your secondary monitor.

- The sub screen display is separate to CPWizard's main functionality that comes from a menu system. You have that turned off. If you want it back on go to the Data options and turn off "Show CP Only" and then put a tick on all the "Mame Data Options" you want to show on the menu (for now select them all so you can see what it can do). When Mame is running and you press pause (default 'p') it should minimize Mame and show a menu. If the menu doesn't show try setting the "Detect Pause" setting in Mame, Pause Options. You should probably also have "Send Pause" set aswell.

Finally I discovered I had to actually quit CPWizard and launch it agian for it to work. I can't remember why that is but I guess it's because certain things need to happen on intialization. As you may tell it's been a while since I worked on CPW.

Anyway after that it seemed to work for me. Let me know how you go :)





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Thanks headkaze, all is well now. Thank you a bunch! I do have some additional comments/questions.

1. I tried to use different layouts in the sub-layout option but have found you have to use one of the sub layouts in order for anything to work. I figured out how to swap out the default sub layouts with one of my own and guess i could use my one custom layout for all sub one to achieve what i want which is just show the control panel and not all the additional info.

2. occasionally am now experiencing once the game starts it minimizes or something (essentially the screen goes blank and I have to pull up taskmgr and switch to the game).... will keep an eye on this and hope i can figure out what is making it do this.

3. is there a way to make cpwizard shutdown after exiting gameex?

4. have you done anything with visual pinball stuff?

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  • 2 months later...

2. occasionally am now experiencing once the game starts it minimizes or something (essentially the screen goes blank and I have to pull up taskmgr and switch to the game).... will keep an eye on this and hope i can figure out what is making it do this.

Happening everytime..... any ideas?

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Probably not CPWizard if the screen is going blank as you describe. Since you are bumping a very old thread, you might want to provide a copy of your gameex.ini and log.txt file right after it happens so someone can take a look at it for you.

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