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[RESOLVED] modify a theme.... no idea


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can someone please explain how to modify a theme? have tried everything and i do not get it what so ever. have been trying to add the image2 block in the layout for the last hour and have got no where. I have updated the theme to v2 btw.

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Ive attached the theme.ini which contains Image2

Please make a backup of your theme.ini from your alpha olive theme and overwrite with mine, ive just tested it and it works fine.

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I have no idea how to edit a theme, period. No idea, can't find documentation on this topic, but sense i'm here would just like some common steps outlined that would make sense to someone who has no idea how to edit a theme.

ok, see you posted the change already, i'll take a look, thanks. Stil would like to know how you did it.

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tried your ini file, lots different from the one i was attempting to edit and again no idea how to get things the way i want it. also got some errors trying to run then it worked but so many differences no idea how to begin changing. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE SHOW ME THE DOCUMENT IF ONE EXISTS HOW TO PROPERLY CHANGE A THEME?

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I have to admit that I’m not much of a themer, so in terms of raw knowledge I’ll have to defer to the wisdom of our more experienced theme creators. We’ve got a lot of super talented people around these parts who are more than willing to share some knowledge. I can assure you that they all started exactly where you are. If you want to get into brass tacks trouble shooting, please feel free to post the theme.ini you’re working with. It will likely mean more to those in the know.

Having said all of that, have you checked out the theme tutorial materials available on the GameEx product site? Again I haven’t delved deeply into theme creation, but I have checked out the tutorials, and to me they seem like a good starting place.

Lastly, your patience will be your most valuable tool in regards to diving into a theme creation project. I admire your obvious enthusiasm for what you’re doing, but we’ll need to take it one step at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and in all honesty you’ll be lucky if your theme is! :)

I encourage you to stick with it though; the results are highly rewarding.

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Look here, ask specific questions in the appropriate thread, learn. ;)

It's not as hard as you make it out to be. Make a copy of the theme folder, open it in the Theme Editor, try moving stuff around. It's really not hard at all, unless you're just editing the INI (which you shouldn't need to do at all if you're just making layout changes to an existing theme).


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Patience with making and editing themes means rewards. :)

There are various materials and faqs as mentioned above by the guys.

If you could be a little more specific as to what your trying to achieve, the answers will come quicker. :)


Me neither

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Okay, well i guess i will just adress each of my issues one by one. First question...

Have noticed some themes will start playing a random game at startup, how do i disable this?

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Can you specify which themes? I am not aware of any that will start a game, however, it may be that there is a video file under the \gameex hemes\THEMENAME\Media\logo path that is being invoked as opposed to a static logo snap. If that is a case, it is a matter of removing the video file and ensuring that there is an image file of the same name.

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default - brokeh 1024x768 is the one i'm looking at the moment but have seen this behavior with many others as well. I did see the video line in the ini file and removed it but didn't stop the behavior. if i use the default theme with gameex it doesn't have the problem.

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Please provide us with a copy of your gameex.ini file (located under \gameex\config path. I am the creator of that particular theme and there is nothing in the theme that should be producing a random playing of a game.

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I can save you the trouble. Just noticed for whatever reason the Random menu pick in my custom start page was causing this.

Well, I'm waiving the white flag on this custom theme project, really frustrating cause I'm usually able to figure things out when it comes to new programs and manipulating things. Just to put this into persepctive, I am not someone who lacks computer skills, quite the contrary. However, when it comes to creating a theme for this software I'm stumped. It's beyond me how anyone can create their own theme... moreover, I can't find a single theme that doesn't have some type of "issue". Worse, the "change view" thing is a joke. It is nearly impossible to get what you want and if you happen to be in a screen with a long list you're hosed cause there is no way i can see to get to the "change view" menu again without scrolling through thousands of games. I've followed every link or suggestion on info on this subject of themes and don't see anything in there worth 2 cents.... even watched the video from the zipped executables.... didn't help.

Okay... I'm done with my rant.

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You are correct in that there is not a lot of documentation.However, if you are as skilled as you say then you have more going for you than when I first started - and I was able to figure it out. The theme editor is more for placement of the various fields and image elements and font selections, colors, etc. You will need tools such as Photoshop or GIMP to create/modify the graphic images. Of course, the choice is yours.

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Thanks for the reply as always. Moving things around is the first thing i figured out how to do, that's not a problem. Creating images or understanding how to swap out my own images with the existing ones is not a problem.

I'm just going to list out some basic things that I would have thought would have been basic and see if someone has an answer, hopefully with any luck a light bulb will go off.

1. How do you delete or add something in the editor? as an example lets say i wanted to delete weather, i can't delete from the gui, if i delete it from the ini file it shows up in a different spot when i reopen the gui and is still there. also, let's say i wanted to add image2 to an existing layout... how do you do that?.... i tried adding the line in the ini but doesn't show up in the gui.

2. seems like all the themes but the default-default have a different start page rather than the "home page"... how do i change this?

3. how do you delete the top menu that many themes have? More specifically the menu that scrolls from left to right that has things in it like change view, home, etc.?

4. never seen this one but curious to know how you could use the marquee of a game next to the name rather than the icon associated with mame game.

5. is there a way to add a third image block?

Hopefully this will clear up any confusion as to what it is I'm having trouble with understanding. Thanks!

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1. How do you delete or add something in the editor? as an example lets say i wanted to delete weather, i can't delete from the gui, if i delete it from the ini file it shows up in a different spot when i reopen the gui and is still there. also, let's say i wanted to add image2 to an existing layout... how do you do that?.... i tried adding the line in the ini but doesn't show up in the gui.

You can disable the weather icon from showing up under Edit>Options and uncheck the Display Weather option. In a theme that does not have Image2 showing, it is best to use the Theme Editor and poke about a bit. I usually leave it enabled but shrink the size to 0 width/0 height and move the X and Y coordinates to a location outside of the resolution (ex: if 800x600 theme, may be at X 801 and Y601). To restore in those cases, you have to locate the Image2 entry within the theme editor or theme.ini and give the width/height larger than 0 and change the X and Y coordinates to a location within the theme's resolution. If via the theme.ini, be sure to save it then open in theme editor to confirm, then resave.

2. seems like all the themes but the default-default have a different start page rather than the "home page"... how do i change this?

The Start page should show by default, unless one is using Custom Menus.

3. how do you delete the top menu that many themes have? More specifically the menu that scrolls from left to right that has things in it like change view, home, etc.?

You cannot delete the top menu but you can place it outside of the theme's resolution as noted in my answer to #1. Some settings can be disabled via Setup Wizard if you do not want certain options visible.

4. never seen this one but curious to know how you could use the marquee of a game next to the name rather than the icon associated with mame game.

Not possible.

5. is there a way to add a third image block?

No, however, several have requested this as an enhancement/feature request.

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thank you sir.... next question.

i like the description info that appears on many themes after a slight delay when selecting a game with rating info and so forth. have noticed if i attempt to modify any theme i first have to create new and copy, then for whatever reason this description fuctionality is gone. Any ideas on this one?

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First, if it is appearing in a theme, you should "Load an existing theme" as opposed to "Start a new theme." When you start a new theme, it does not retain all of the "parent" theme's default options.

Locate that option in the same area you enable/disable Weather, Title, etc. in Theme Editor.

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That is correct. Some of the themes are from another version so, in essence, you have to convert it to a supported version. In doing so, the defaults are set and have to be modified to enable or disable some features. To convert, you would have to "Start a new theme" and reference the theme you wish to modify. You will give the new theme a distinct name that is not the same as the original.

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Yes, i've done that many times but again the original problem is the description/rating window that used to show up while hovering over a game is no longer there after converting and I see no option that allows me to turn this feature back on.

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