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It appears that Global Exit is offsetting key entries by one when entered as Joy Stick input. This bug report is based on the following threads:

Global Exit not functioning

Just one newb question please!

EDIT: Think I know what the problem is and I don't think I can fix it. Win7 controller setup shows it maps the four shoulder buttons as 5,6,7,8 but when I enter them in GameEx Setup it shows up as 4,5,6,7... I've manually entered them as 5,6,7,8 and 4,5,6,7 and neither work. Sounds like a communication problem with Win7. If anyone can think of something I might be missing let me know but I think J2K is my only solution. :(

I'd say it's the second one - GameEx interpreting keys incorrectly. For example, I select L3 on my PS3 controller (button 9 in windows controller properties), but GameEx sees it as button 8. Button 8 is my start button, but even pressing that does not exit.

Custominput.ini does have it as button 8 though, so GameEx is recording it the way it sees it.

Yeah its the same problem as on that thread

I also tryed to setup with Analog stick click-in buttons, it should be entering Button 9 I Button 10 , but it enters Button 8 I Button 9

So i used BACK and START Button, They input with the Correct Button numbers (Button 7 I Button 6) And it does work with MAME just no other emulators

I think its a bug also, How would i go about showing a DEV this problem?

I don't use this functionality in the same way as reported here, but I figured there was enough input and common symptoms to go ahead and file a report. One of the above users can likely expand on the issue if necessary.


For the sake of completeness, I should add that doesn't have this problem with global exit key. Running Windows XP SP3.

I too noticed that Windows numbers joypad keys starting from 0, whereas GameEx and most emulators map keys starting from 1, hence the "gap" between numbers. Nothing that can prevent GameEx to correctly interpret the right keys, in my case.

Strange thing is that, in your case, GameEx recognises the right keys while browsing, isn'it? The same schema should apply to global exit combo... but it isn't in your case...


^English isnt your first language :)

Im running XP to, Joystick Global exit doesnt work on anything but MAME, So your saying it works for other emulators for you???


:P Yes, English isn't my native language! Some mistakes happen when I write in hurry! Sorry! But, speaking in general, I have to admit that I'm not so good!


In my opinion you should try AdvanceConfigEditor.exe.

1. From its UI, select "Game Pad Exit" tab and set your exit key combo.

2. Save the file in the default directory: GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS\

3. Run Setup Wizard, go to Advanced Emulator Setup, and in the appropriate box (you'll recognize it) select the file you just saved.

Repeat this process for every emulator. Your issue should be resolved now.

What I've explained doesn't mean that global exit key should work without this workaround. The fact is, as you guessed, that in my setup (running XP SP3) it works well.

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Good stuff AlphaUMI that worked great !!! Thanks, i can now finally exit other emulators and even use the buttons i want (both analog stick click-in buttons)


I'll have to give this a shot Wednesday when I'm off. Thank you. :)

Posted (edited)

:P Yes, English isn't my native language! Some mistakes happen when I write in hurry! Sorry! But, speaking in general, I have to admit that I'm not so good!


In my opinion you should try AdvanceConfigEditor.exe.

1. From its UI, select "Game Pad Exit" tab and set your exit key combo.

2. Save the file in the default directory: GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS\

3. Run Setup Wizard, go to Advanced Emulator Setup, and in the appropriate box (you'll recognize it) select the file you just saved.

Repeat this process for every emulator. Your issue should be resolved now.

What I've explained doesn't mean that global exit key should work without this workaround. The fact is, as you guessed, that in my setup (running XP SP3) it works well.

Good call AlphaUMi! Advanced Config to the rescue. Also wanted to mention that a lot (most?) of us ignorant Americans only speak one language, so you're already doing better than several of us. :D

Edit: I'm going to go ahead and mark this one as [RESOLVED] since the workaround seems to have done the trick.

Edited by nullPointer

@NullPointer: I'm satisfied if native language speakers and readers can at least understand me. :P

[blarney: on]

All of us should thank Tom and Ben for creating a soooo versatile software and utilities. Thanks to Adultery for being a plugin and theme factory, to Draco for his amazing themes, to Tempest for his software too, and, finally, I want to personally thank all of you for being a great community that I'm willing to visit daily! :wub:

[blarney: off]

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