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[THEME] >>> Gameroom Theme Released!!!<<<

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Ok guys I have decided to continue the production of the Gameroom theme! :)

However I am looking for a good font to use for this theme as I have lost the one that I was using when my system was re-installed. Forgot to backup my fonts folder :( . So if you have any good ones to choose from let me know.


1st - glad to see you are continuing the work on this!

2nd - What kind of font are you looking for? What kind of feel? With there being fonts for every whim or fancy it's hard to know what you might like.

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Ok got my computer back today and been spending the whole day re-installing Win 7x64 and it's updates while also killing the ant invasion I had out in the living room. I also upgraded my system as well adding 2TB and 1.5TB hard drives to my internal drive bays and most importantly I also upgraded the video card as well. While at Frys this morning I got a Radeon HD7870 replacing my nVidia 560TI. So now later tonight I'll start moving files from my backup external HD's. So maybe by Tues I'll be back up and running.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is my current wip on the Gameroom theme. Images are of the Main Menu and the Atari 2600 theme. I am going in and re-doing all the themes that I had done previously.

NOTE: The theme is 1920x1080 so these images look a bit squished as I re-sized them to save space.

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Thanks for all the kind words but with a recent issue with the 3 monitors and Game Extender I have put the theme on hold (again! I know) until Tom comes out with a update for it as I want this theme to make use of the 3 monitors at least on my end which is the important part. :P

So for now I am not working on it. But to pass the time I've managed to finally and I mean finally figured out how to create themes and setup Hyperspin so I am making a theme currently using that frontend (Sorry guys I know I moved on to the darkside for now, but GameEx is where my heart and soul is). Once Tom has that update out will continue with this theme and more.

Note: I know I found a work around for the 3 monitors but recently I updated my ATI Drivers stupid me and now I just can't seem to get it to work again 100% correctly for some reason. Just getting frustrated with it so I'll just wait for the update to GameEx!

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Well that is a shame. While I understand your desire to run it on 3 monitors, I guess I am not seeing what that has to do with completing the theme. GameEx has never run on 3 monitors and, while a nice thing if Tom and Headkaze can make it so, your rationale just doesn't add up to me. If everyone waited for the next enhancement to come out as an excuse to create a theme, then no themes would ever be created.

/me shrugs

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@Adultery No Hyperspin only runs on 1 monitor (currently).

@Draco This current theme I'm working on was meant for my personal use, but I was going to share it with you all that is why I am wanting the 3 monitors for this theme as it is for me! not any competition .... So I never said I wasn't going to complete it I'm going to complete it when I'm ready too and I'm happy with it.

As far as using Hyperspin I like what that frontend brings to the table that GameEx is missing so I want to create themes for it as well and have alot of ideas I want to put to use on my other computer (only has 1 monitor) in my Man Cave. Alot of users over here at GameEx I see over at Hyperspin so I know I'm not the only one using both. I know I don't have to explain myself to everyone why I am using one particular frontend as I paid for GameEx and I have also donated to Hyperspin and I can use whatever frontend I want to but since I have known you guys for such along time I just wanted to let you know where I am coming from and where I am going with what I do. It's not that I am not happy with GameEx I just that I like them both alot and they both have 2 different looks to them, but I find GameEx far more easier to setup. Anyways enuff ranting about this as we don't need to be comparing them both as we seen enuff of that in the past

I hope that clears up anything that I might of mislead anyone of my intentions and I do apreciate everything Tom and the GameEx crew bring to GameEx and put into it. I am really looking forward to what he does next with GameEx. :D

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Well, it just seemed that you were "balls on fire" with busting out this theme well before any intent was mentioned about running on 3 monitors. I am sure you can understand that it might give some the perception that you "weren't getting your way with the feature request for 3 monitor support quick enough so you are going to hold back until you get it."

You are correct, there are more than a few using both products. Hell, I have even toyed with HS a small bit early on, but did not find where it fit with my plans so have not wasted much time on it other than to look at it.

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Its cool Krak. It's your thing. It just seemed from your post you jumped ship due to having 3 monitors as if HS had multimon support (I was pretty sure it didn't though).

HS is great, I get it. It's something I've definitely heard before. I'm not completely oblivious to my surroundings! But GameEx will always have my vote, but I kinda get where you're coming from. Although you'd never catch me personally on HS, rest assured. :)

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@Draco I felt that way along time ago then being curious I watched alot of youtube videos on setting it up then bam it hit me and now I have Daphne, MAME and a few other emulators running perfectly and just recently figured out how to make themes.

No I am not trying to pressure anyone to put in the multi monitor support like anytime soon as I know Tom will do it when he can. Never would I not release anything just because Tom didn't implement something in GameEx that I needed. I really appreciate the feedback I get when I am designing a theme that is one major reason for posting pics of it to get me excited about putting in the hard work to make it look nice not just for me but for everyone else that I share it with as well so it looks nice on there systems ... hell Draco you were the one that inspired me to get into this as well as helped me with so many issues I've encoutered along the way as well as a few other people on here which you know who you are. ;)

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Just to show you why I am getting so excited about multi-monitor support this is what I have running when I run Missile Command on the Atari 2600 and have GameExtender output to my monitor that is 1050x1680 (Portrait mode my monitor rotates Vert/Horiz)) ... see the attachment.

I also made another one for Space Invaders just to show you.

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It's alot of work but it will be well worth it as it looks stunning when you see it running. My other monitor (1280x1024) is for my Future Pinball backglasses and I want to also put my VP backglasses on that monitor as well one more reason for the multi-monitor support. :D

So under each emulator you could tell GameExtender to send those image to a particular monitor. Atari 2600 send to monitor 3 Visual Pinball send to monitor 2 ect ect...

This is the kinda stuff I'm working on.

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