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[THEME] >>> Gameroom Theme Released!!!<<<

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Back at her eh?

Let me know when you're ready for me to set you up a URL/download for it! :)

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I was looking at the thumbnails for this yesterday and my 7yr old daughter was sitting next to me and she said wow, how come your stuff doesn't look like that dad, she really put me on the spot, she said my theme was for old people.

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That's funny! :lol:

The hardest part of this theme is doing alot of the game titles. There are many to do ... alot of them a matter of fact. I spent most of my Sunday today just working on the 2600's and I'm still in the C's. Some of them will be custom and not the traditional 2600 cart sideart as alot of the images out there are not that good or I couldn't find any at all. Some of these will look better than the original I think.

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I would not have the patience to do what you do especially the amount of work you put into it but the main thing is I do all my editing with a 360 controller and after a while my hands are numb and I cant carry on.

Where do you get the graphics for your theme from?

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Searching all over the internet (amazing what Google can find), magazine scans, books, forums ect ect... you name it you will find it ;) Then it's cutting and pasting and alot of touching up using Paint.net as my program of choice. :)

Gamepad is meant more for gaming not editing you definately need a mouse and keyboard for that.

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Unfortunately I dont have access to a mouse but the 360 controller is ok at the moment, my missus does have a good laptop and ive installed GIMP on that so I will start using that for the editing me thinks. Using the laptop should help things move along alot quicker.

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Well the most time consuming thing right now is creating all the game title images. I have started on the Atari 2600 first and for the last 3 days I have completed the game titles "A thru F". So I have a long way to go. I think I should stick creating easier themes :P

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In the HTPC - Simple theme I am working on now, I am just using the emubak.png (and emubak_foreground.png) image for all emulators (with the exception of MAME and Daphne) and letting the logo file for the individual systems and Title text show the system to be accessed. That has simplified the number of backgrounds I have to create significantly.

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Ok here is a revision of the Atari 2600 theme that I've been playing around with today. The cartridge images change to all the games you select and I have completed those for over 500 games in total with a few homebrews as well. Quite a few of them are custom ones that I made since alot of the images out there are hard to find or not so good. Not that big of a deal since the ones I made I think look pretty good I think.

[EDIT] Image removed!

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Late tonight I started working on redesigning the Atari 5200 and here is a peek at it. On the cartridge above the console it will display each games label on it some are the original labels and some will be custom made.

[EDIT] Image removed!

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I really like the font for this theme but I hear what you are saying. I think it might be because on the snapshot was shrunk down to 1024x768 but the theme is 1920x1080 so it does look much better. However I did change the color of the font to black instead of orange and also made the font size bigger instead of 18 changed it to 20 so I think now you can see it better.

When I get a chance later I'll go thru the 1000 of fonts I have and see if I can find another font that might work even better.

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