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Yep!! I have PSOne Controllers connected to my cab for console games, even though A/B X/Y useually stay in the same place on a controller, I do have a couple of people who use my cab that keep asking me which button does what.

The type fonts are HanzelExtendedBold and Broadcastbold.

By the way, I am running your theme on my cab right now, and I do have to say it looks fantastic! :D

So once I have my moniter bezel printed with jukebox/console instructions AND the new control instructions before a game, it should be awesome enough for an idiot to use...OR I may just be over estimating my friends again :unsure::blink: !!


Adultery - obviously you know which ones they are, but for those who do want to customise - that's why I pointed them out :D

For those that do want to cutomise, google them, and you will find all of them - FOR FREE (YAY!, otherwise you will find that photoshop will just default to the next font - as we all know in office and IE...

I'm just glad you didn't use a font brginning in 'WIN' - damn WIngdings!!!!! :D


@ Adultery this theme kicks all types ass,buddy! I especially like the SMB3 level select music when choosing a game.Such a great tribute to the great game that started it all!


Version 2.2 on the way shortly with fixes to weather, time and date, about info 1 and 2, and popup descriptions. Can't believe I didn't notice these weren't showing when I put this out. I'm about half way done and hope to have it out tomorrow. Sorry about my inexperience with foreground_topmost and thanks for your patience!


Updated to Version 2.2, grab it from the first post. I'll have to PM Tom and have him delete the one on GameEx's download page, so please wait if that's where you plan to grab it from.


Houston,we have a problem.this theme is crashing GameEX

it load fine,but after selecting emulated games,the screen goes black and doesnt come back

can someone else please confirm this?

last line of log

13:04:47.8 10/20/2011: Media Center was not open when starting GameEx, so not launching

what does media center have to do with anything?



That's the stock line after closing. Unfortunately I can't duplicate this. Can you try downloading it again? You didn't have any issues extracting it right?

Try closing GameEx and deleting the theme folder and re-extracting it.


after redownloading and a restart,all is good.sorry about the false alarm,my friend!

loving the bottom now,where the game name\info is displayed!


It was probably my fault. I put the link up before I finished uploading it. :)

Did this solve the issue where you don't see the whole game name?

That's how it was designed initially. I forgot that the foreground setting pushes that stuff down a level when I released it. Lol!


yes it did.now while a game is highlighted,the full name is displayed on the bottom.the only needed finishing touch to a excellent theme (the fact that it is sort of a tribute to SMB also helps) ;)


Glad you like it. I worked hard for you! :)

And btw, my whole existence is a tribute to SMB! :)

If you've been wondering... the selector bar sound is a jump from smb3, intro music is from starting a game in smb2, selecting a game is from entering a level in smb3, the item select sound is a coin in smb1, and exit attract mode is the game over music in smb2.

I thought the SNES version sounds were a little more modern than I wanted them to be. I always rip and remaster my sounds with Sound Forge.

I love me some Mario. Lol!


I am using it now while working on my themes. I have only ever used my own themes (not that some that are stock or user submitted themes aren't good, but I needed a motivator to learn how to make my own). So who was the lamer that only rated this 2 topic stars? If I was allowed to rate it it would be 5 stars all the way!


Savages and haters everywhere! Lol!

Posted (edited)

I love this theme. Awesome job on it. I have a couple small "glitches" if you will that I cant figure out how to fix. Issue #1 and Question - does the resolution of the windows desktop effect the layout? Reason I ask is that the Weather Icon on the 2.2 version overlaps the date a little bit. I run my desktop reso at 1280x1024. I will attach a snapshot.

Issue #2 - All my emulators (mame, snes, nes, tg16) all have the way cool theme artwork in the big box to the left, the list to right, and a screenshot or avi in the small box at the bottom left of the theme when I highlight the emulator....EXCECPT 32x and Genesis emulators. I cant figure out why the screenshots wont show ( i will add a second snapshot of this too). I checked and double checked all settings and I cant figure it out. shot #1 shows the 32x not to have the snapshot and shot #3 shows to have the snapshot and both shots show the weather icon.

And those are the small things I have. anyone have any ideas what could be causing these? I have deleted and re-downloaded the theme to see if it was a corrupt theme, but it wasnt. I am racking my head against the wall to figure this out and all I have to show is a lump and a headache.

EDIT: Oh and by the way, yes I do have snapshots in the proper directories....and yes GameEx actually sees those directories.



Edited by nizzoatlarge

For issue 1 - the answer is yes. If I am running a 1920x1200 theme on a 1650x1080 resolution screen, then no issue as it will scale properly as they fall within the same aspect ratio of 16:10 whereas the resolution you are running at does not fit into the usual 4:3 ratio found on most older CRTs.


Awesome.....thats what I thought. Thanks for the timely response. I guess I better get a bigger monitor.....this little 19" aint cuttin it!!


For issue #2 : does this also happen with the default theme or just mine?

For issue #1: Sorry but I was worried about this type of thing. You can easily change the size or position of the weather and rescale lists and snaps in the theme editor if you want. :)

You'll probably want to run the baks and foregrounds through an image resizer first though. Perhaps I'll do a 1024x768 version as well.


What resolutions are compatible with your monitor? I think if you could run it at, say 1280x720, that would get you a 16:9 resolution and closer to the 16:10 that the original was made - hence much less distortion and shifting of elements.


Issue #2 --- I tested it out on the hexed theme, the enter the dragon, and the mustarda themes...and in those those themes the snapshot nor the 32x, genesis, or snes cool console pics don't come up....so there is something else wrong here. I didn't even think to try a different theme....my bad.

Another question, do themes share items from other themes? what I mean by that is the only themes i have on in the GameEx themes folder is the 3 above plus megamame theme 2.2. Do any of these themes share parts from the default themes installed by GameEx? I took out all default themes and just left the ones I wanted. If so, then I will reinstall GameEx and see if that fixes it (that's what I get for deleting crap I'm not suppose to!!). I have to reinstall GameEx anyway to get the ISO mounting..i didn't check that box at first install....DOH!!!

Issue #1 - Draco - I am running the max reso that my monitor will support 1280x1024. its a standard Dell 19" monitor no widescreen or anything like that. I couldn't afford anything "high tech"....lol! This one was donated by a friend to me.....

No need to make a 1024x768 theme, don't go to too much trouble Adultery! Its not a big issue at all. I can do the resizing or I can just turn off the weather. thats simple enough too. I was just thinking it was a simple "change this setting in the ini to this" and it would be good. The weather is not a vital part to make my first cab work.


It's almost that easy... You can just open the theme.ini in the theme editor and resize the box. It's super easy. :)

Yes themes share the logo resources (the theme folder first then it looks to Default - Default if nothing is there). As far as layout and theme info, nope it shouldn't...

Maybe pop your gameex log in there and we can have a look see.


Sure....I will do that tonight after work. I need to get some more materials to finish getting the cab built, but after it gets dark i will work on the software. i will upload that tonight.....Hey thanks for the help.

  On 10/21/2011 at 1:07 PM, nizzoatlarge said:

Issue #1 - Draco - I am running the max reso that my monitor will support 1280x1024. its a standard Dell 19" monitor no widescreen or anything like that. I couldn't afford anything "high tech"....lol! This one was donated by a friend to me.....

Since you can support 1280x was wondering if you had a setting for 1280x720 (or maybe the next one down from that) to test. UI understand about making do with hand-me-downs!

  On 10/21/2011 at 4:09 PM, Draco1962 said:

Since you can support 1280x was wondering if you had a setting for 1280x720 (or maybe the next one down from that) to test. UI understand about making do with hand-me-downs!

You know what, I think i do have that 1280x720 setting.....in fact if I remember correctly i can go 1280x960, 1280x900, 1280x800, 1280x768, and 1280x720 on that monitor. I'm just guessing since I am not at home, but I run a pretty dam close setup at work as I do at home.

most of things in my cab were hand me downs or I already had. Good thing since this is my first cab....now my second cab is going to be a "SPARE NO EXPENSE" type cab.

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