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I was thinking of just doing a simple MsgBox that will run GameEx.exe if the timer elapses or abort if cancel is pressed as opposed to doing a plugin. A simple exe as Drac suggested should really only be needed... I can get GameEx's path from the registry. I may add a timer setting later but thought 30 seconds would do the trick.

That's exactly what I was thinking about. :D

I realized this would be a very niche request when I suggested it but I would definitely appreciate it if it could be done.

Don't forget to program the abort with the "Any" key! :P

MAN! Now I have to buy a new keyboard. Mine doesn't have that one...


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REQUEST: Have GameBase emulators use background/foreground images similar to those used for internal emulators based off the same naming schema as the .ini used for them (i.e., the name of the GameBase database is what's looked for in the graphics).

(Same as Bigby's above, just adding in my request.)


REQUEST: Have GameBase emulators have the same options available as internal emulators regarding how data is displayed (e.g., show game info page, etc), launch a program before/after, etc.


THEME ABILITY REQUEST: Ability to add any of the following to a theme (note, any/all of these may be coming in an update but I haven't read through this entire thread so...)...in order of what I think would expand themability:

1. Placeable static images (i.e., not dependent on emu/etc.) for any individual layout where you can do X/Y/Z positioning for them (i.e., insert a png file at x:10 y:100 top z layer in a layout.)

2. Seconding a request above, ability to select what field is used for Image 1/Image 2/etc. from those set in Config Wizard

3. A placeable image (X/Y/Z positioning all controllable) that is based on the emulator name. (e.g., ImageEmu). This could make themeing a lot easier by making it possible to have a emu 'theme' image that can be placed on a standard background. (This may be possible now using a logo, but I'm not sure how and if you were to do it then a logo would be set that might cause missing art issues.)

4. Add missing art images for each image possible in a theme (i.e., Image1, Image2, Image3, etc., all able to have 'MissingImage1-EMUNAME.png's'

And...I'm done with requests/suggestions for a bit I think ;)

(I may have requested those already...sorry if I did... :) )

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I'm with everyone else on the need for the ability to choose which image is viewed in image1 image2. I have taken my title images off so the box art is shown instead.

However, since this is a personal preference, and everyone has their own, couldn't this be handled best in the setup wizard? Adding a preference for image priority would give each user their own choice. i.e. box, title, snap, cart. This could be set up with a selection box for each image.

If not, please switch the order to box art, carts, title, snap since this is my preferred order and I'm sure I know best. ;)


The ability to rotate any selected part in the theme editor. So the list, images etc. could be displayed at an angle.


No idea if it's been asked before..

But would it be possible for registered users using the autoupdate function to only have the updated files updated, rather than downloading the whole updated install every time?

I find the autoupdate to be very slow...



No idea if it's been asked before..

But would it be possible for registered users using the autoupdate function to only have the updated files updated, rather than downloading the whole updated install every time?

I find the autoupdate to be very slow...


Sorry, but that is not going to happen. There would just be way too much maintenance involved.



I notice that is not possible for gameex to automatically switch off the music when you're in preview video (with sound).

It would be cool if an option is added to allow gameex automatically switch off the music from the juke-box when you are on a game video preview (with sound), and when you're not on , the music return.

Because previews videos sound and music from the juke-box do not go well together.

My english is bad, i don't know if I'm clear?


Sorry, but that is not going to happen. There would just be way too much maintenance involved.

No worries, thanks for the consideration anyway :)


I would make a request:

Ability to assign a joypad key for returning directly to the start menu (Home), like the one that already there is for keyboard.



The possibility to change font color per emulator/module.

This would unlock more possibilities for the creative. :)


MAME Sorting. Being able to disable the by Manufacturer, By Date options. Also if it could be possible if we want them that we could create png images for those that could be moved around on the screen sortof like a button that each one could be placed via the theme editor.


Not sure if it's been asked before, but is it possible to do a coverflow in GameEx?

I don’t think this would be possible with the current set of tools. I’m not going to say it’s absolutely impossible as we have some very creative theme creation artists around here, but at the moment there is no way to accomplish a cover flow using the default set of GameEx theme creation tools.


Coverflow or similar type of display would require changes within the display engine proper. I would say it is within the realm of possibility but that would be up to the authors to research and implement. I have requested it previously.


Can there be a feature added, so we can change the location of the Steam Media folder?

Myself i have a small 120GB SSD that i am running GameEX and my emulators on and then and i use a 2nd 1T drive for my ROMS and then a 3rd 1T drive for the artwork and video snaps.

But as the steam games artwork is saved in the GameEX folder, it will max out my SSD very quick.



Hi Tom !

Watching a video this weekend on YouTube I got an idea that can be good to GameEx.

In my setup I only use joysticks to select a game.

So, for example when I want to select a game with the first letter "R" I have to go trough the entire list.

Yes, we have the search option, but I tought about something more quick.

My request is, when you press a key, a small box pop on the GameEx screen and allow you to select a letter.

So after you select the letter, you jump to that letter section on the game list.

For the guys that play RockBand, it's the same concept.

You press a Key, an small menu allow you to select a letter, and then jump in the list to that letter.

This video shows what I'm talking about : http://tinyurl.com/93kp9h

Here's an exemple :


Thanks to Everyone !

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Hi guys !

I'd like to make another request.

- Diferent Font Sizes on theme editor/GameEx

I would like to have this option, because it kinda limits our possibility of layouts.

If I change the font size on the Menu field, all the other fonts whitin the theme, except for the title changes.

So, that's it ! Thanks guys !

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