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Everything posted by KRC

  1. The Meanest SOB

  2. Can't wait to see some snaps of the updates Mike.
  3. My ability would be able to predict what was going to happen in the future, so nothing bad could happen to anyone or anything, I would also have the ability to change past events, and erase them from history, making the whole world live in harmony. All the grief that any family, person or the like had would be evaporated.
  4. If you had a Super Power what would it be and why? I will give my answer in the morning as my answer is long and im tired and need some zzzzzzzzzzz! Night fellas !
  5. mmmmmmmmm, An early morning snack of crumpets and a cup of tea!

  6. I'm not really an expert on fruit emulation but I was talking to my bro earlier in the week and he was talking about this specific emulator, I cant remember exactly what he said but he did mention that there is a way to get MFME to launch to fullscreen, either by way of AHK or editing the source from an existing wrapper from another system.
  7. owww, Ive got a headache grrrrrr

  8. No worries, glad you got it sorted
  9. No probs here is the new link http://i1071.photobucket.com/albums/u502/kaceyrayclare/te2-1.png
  10. All done, just copy the link into the URL in the image icon on the editing tab http://i1071.photobucket.com/albums/u502/kaceyrayclare/te.png
  11. No probs will do it now
  12. Hey, What I did was make sure its a pretty good scale, upload it to photobucket or your prefered hosting site, copy the link from that website and go to the signature section on your settings, click on image on the editing tab and paste the link and it should show in your signature. Or I could host it for you and send you the link?
  13. Arcade logo's are complete in this set. Only need to finish GameEx main logo's and handheld and these are ready to go. Hope you like the logo's ive attached
  14. Arcade logos completed for this set Looking to finish the console section of this set next. (Im just filling in the gaps really)
  15. Draco, I have been creating some more layers for the hex section and they look alot better, will upload some examples soon.
  16. Draco, </kick feet up mode [OFF]>
  17. KRC

    Majorly P****d off

    Han, My insurance stated that any stolen properties would result in an immediate replacement to the value of the item in question, Dell said that after the replacement laptop had been delivered, they didn't see fit too have the old laptop returned to them. I've already sold screen, Ram and HDD for £120 to a mate.
  18. These logos are going through a revamp as I'm not too happy with them.
  19. Thanks, These are coming along nicely, Not long now until these are finished
  20. Working on this set as the same time as the others as i'm looking to clean up my outstanding logo sets.
  21. Thanks for your input guys. null, I tried the program you mentioned but does not install on 64bit OS. I did find a program called W list which does exactly what I want but with a 30 day evaluation. Draco, Im not really too familiar with any type of command prompt as ive never had any use for it, but now I will have a deeper look into this as I may feel this may come in handy in the future (just GameEx command lines and thats it) Some things you know,Some things you dont, Its a way of life.
  22. Does anybody have any experience with using a program that turns a group of files into a .txt or equivalent. I have 171,213 pieces of media and I want them all catalogued into a text file, how would I do this and what's the best and quickest program to use. Thanks.
  23. KRC

    Majorly P****d off

    Double YAY Thanks null !
  24. Here is the next installment of the Backdrop Saga. -Sega 32X Again thankyou to emumovies for the snaps. *With these and the Daphne set I might start putting a glossy finish on top, not sure but I have yet to test the glossy layers I have.* Also Im not sure whether to change the grey honeycomb layer for each system and put something fresh, for example Genesis/Megadrive could have the black and white grid. I could do with some feedback on this. Thanks
  25. 100% Complete You can now grab this set from my Projects Page
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