Here is an alternative to the X-Arcade CP Skins thread, this is for Xbox 360 Controllers. Attached is the .PSD for the layout and also included is a blank .PNG template which will help you make skins more easier. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Tutorial for making skins with the template. (For Gimp 2.8) 1. Open up the template provided in GIMP, next choose a suitable image you want your Xbox 360 controller skinned with, I have gone with Purple Streak, now drag and drop this over your template that's opened in GIMP and resize the image (shift+T) to 2259x1801 and then centre the image layer, now go to LAYER>>STACK>>LOWER LAYER, it should look something like this. "At this point make sure the Controller Template layer is Highlighted" 2. ( a ) Then go LAYER>>TRANSPARENCY>>ALPHA TO SELECTION ( b ) Next go to Select>>Then click FLOAT ( c ) Next LAYER>>ANCHOR LAYER ( d ) Again go to LAYER>>TRANSPARENCY>>ALPHA TO SELECTION ( e ) Now click on the GREEN ARROW (Pictured) ( f ) Next RIGHT CLICK your image layer>>ADD LAYER MASK>>SELECTION>>+ADD, and it will look like this (pictured) ( g ) Finally click on SELECT>>NONE, and there you have it, your skin, now save as whatever you like. ( h ) Now open up your Xbox 360 Controller PSD in GIMP, and drag and drop your skin on top of the PSD and move your skin to just above the XBOX MAIN LAYER, and it will look like this. And there you have it, Now save as a PNG file and whatever name you like. TIP* You can change the color of the bottom of the Controller and the Guide button surround (Grey/Black) Any problems just mention them, although this tutorial is pretty straight forward. Xbox 360 Controller