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Everything posted by Jollywest

  1. Pretty sure its normal for the bin and cue file to only be 1kb after you exit GameEx. Have you run GameEx with the - Run As Administrator - unchecked in 7za.exe properties? (I realise I said check the option in a previous post, but thats because I thought by default it came unchecked. I think its the other way around)
  2. Try this: In your gameex folder right click on 7za.exe, select properties, click compatibility and check run as administrator. See if it works, it will take a little while for the games to unzip. You could just unzip all your games first, bit of a chew if you have a lot of games, then change the 7zip option back to no.
  3. I have ePSXe running on my pc without using any batch files and have attached the - GameExConfig - .ini file I use. (Make sure you change the Rom / Snap / Working path to suit your system once imported into your - GameExConfig -) You will need to change the - ZIP / 7-Zip / Goodmerge - option to - Yes - to use your 7-zipped games. Use the latest version of ePSXe (1.7.0), ** EDIT ** No need to mount Games, just need to use *.cue in the Rom Filter option (as in the attached .ini) ePSXe.zip
  4. Hard to say personally as this is my first update since about 11.26, and it was working fine then. Great update by the way, lovin' the on-screen keyboard. ** EDIT ** When I navigate away from GameEx and then go back to it, the mouse is working as normal.
  5. I have a similar problem. The cursor appears over image / home / exit, but disappears when navigating to list / menu. The scroll bar appears as normal but any press of a mouse button be it left / right / back / forward sends GameEx to a black, non-responsive screen. Joypad and Keyboard work as normal. log.txt
  6. Fantastic Stuff Tom! ... Appreciate all the work, Thanks.
  7. Just to point out that a new version of PCSX2 0.9.7 is out with command line support. Download Links: PCSX2 0.9.7 r3878 Links Use command line: pcsx2-r3878.exe --fullscreen --nogui "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"
  8. Well I never ... command line support, thats a bonus! (If I hadn't already adapted 0.5.5 scripts, updated .map & .ini files to suit 0.5.6... grrr... should have gone to specsavers!) Embarrassing link
  9. Any PC compatible Steering wheel should work. Mine is far from the best but does the job great; Logitech Formula Force EX Steering wheel The force feedback works a treat in model 2
  10. Really, Got to say the emulation is near flawless on my system and using a steering wheel definitely adds to the experience
  11. Yep.
  12. No probs, NullDC will play them both well. I use Sega Model 2 for Daytona MameUI64 for San Francisco Rush (decent spec required) NullDC for San Francisco Rush 2049
  13. Since NullDC became open-source it now has xbox 360 controller support. Download latest NullDC emu here Read this thread - NullDC Loader 1.0.4 - for how to get NullDC running through GameEx
  14. I have attached the Adv Config .ini I use for PCSX2. I can't remember which version of Brian's Loader from the top of the page I used so I've attached this also. I still have the same issue when I can hear PCSX2 running a game in the background but focus returns to GameEx. It may work for you though, but if not I select Resume Game and then ALT + ENTER for fullscreen. pcsx2.rar
  15. I don't have Atari setup on my system and I don't use a .map file for my Nintendo Emulators, but you may find them in the pinned topic User Submitted Configs, Map Files, Wrappers and Databases (Uploads) Otherwise perhaps someone who has the Emulators set up with .map files could upload. As for Zinc, I set it up through the built-in setup but I found that these games ran quicker for me just through MAME, think this is system dependant though. Can anyone else confirm this is the case?
  16. There are quite a few versions of the same game with the Sega Model 2 emulator and I've only put 30 games in the .map file so there is only 1 version of each game (Just for a more clean looking list). Edit the .map file with Notepad if you want to add more clones.
  17. If you open up GameExConfig.exe in your GameEx Directory (C:\GameEx) Click on next page till you get to Emulator 1, Emulator 2 etc... Click on your 1st empty emulator slot (eg. Emulator 14 if you have 13 already setup) Click on Import and navigate to the .ini file I attached (C:\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS\IMPORT-EXPORT) You wil have to change your Rom Path to where you have your Mame Roms installed (eg. C:\Emulators\Mame\Roms) Change the Working Dir to where you have Sega Model 2 installed (eg. C:\Emulators\Sega Model 2) Click on Next Page, Find the option Map File, click on this options browse button and navigate to the .map file I attached (C:\GameEx\MAP FILES) Save and Exit. Run Sega Model 2 outside of GameEx and under the video tab turn on - Auto Switch to Fullscreen - Run GameEx.
  18. I also run Sega Model 2 as a seperate emulator. I've attached my Sega Model 2 .ini file for Adv Config and a map file for user friendly rom names. If you use this map file, then all you have to do when choosing your Rom Path for this Emulator is select your MAME rom path. SegaM2.rar
  19. Finally got chance to knock-up a video of my machine running GameEx. (Excuse the poor video quality) -------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Updated to a less poor quality video -------------------------------------------------------------- I based the Arcade Machine on the X-Arcade Control Panel it uses ... (not very original I know, but hopefully in the near future when time permits, I will be constructing my own control panel) CAB: TV: Sony Trintron CRT 25" GUNS: Dual Act Labs AUDIO: Logitech X-230 2.1 Speakers/Subwoofer CPANEL: X-Arcade Dual Joystick PC SPEC: CPU: Intel E8400 (overclocked to 3.52ghz) GPU: Radeon HD 4670 MOBO: Asus P5KPL-AM RAM: Kingston 1GB DDR2 800MHz CASE: Casecom KB-7720BK Black ATX HDD: 2 x Hitachi Deskstar 160GB PSU: Corsair 400w FAN: 1 x Artic Freezer Pro 7 CPU fan. 4 x 80mm case/cabinet fans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j_T_Yqpeso
  20. Yea DJ Infinity is right ... you don't need a loader. You just need to have certain options enabled in nullDC configuration file and have the right command line in Adv Config. I've attached the nullDC .ini file I use and the nullDC .cfg file which resides in the nullDC working directory. nullDC ini & cfg.rar
  21. Thanks Brian. The script works fine as is. All I did was amend the - Advanced Config - field in GameEx Advanced Configuration to blank. However even though I can hear PCSX2 running, focus returns to GameEx with the following screen: Anyway to keep focus on PCSX2?
  22. I also have the same problem. When I watch the pcsx2 window while the loader runs I can see the Rom folder name being pasted into the Choose Iso command line but then nothing. Should the Rom Name also be pasted? If you could upload the script Brian I could have a look myself, If you don't mind that is.
  23. Here is the Loader I use to Run Naomi with Demul 5.5 through GameEX. (File attached) Its based on Brian's Atomiswave Loader and runs exactly the same way. Follow the topic below but use the files attached here instead. Topic - Atomiswave Anyone Naomi_Loader.rar
  24. Hi, I'm running MameUI32/GameEX on an Arcade Machine (see pic attached) with Act Lab guns.
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