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Everything posted by echodun

  1. I think I may have fixed the issue. Watching the various tables in attract mode it turns out it was the NFL Stern table that at about the 30 second mark, would literally reset the entire pindmd3 display whereby it would display the firmware, version number, etc. all over again and just stay on the pindmd3.com logo from then on out. After re-uploading the dmd display from Pinball Database Manager, it now seems to have taken. I'll continue to monitor it throughout the next couple of days. I'm not sure why a dmd video would all of a sudden cause this kind of issue, but I'm glad to have fixed it.
  2. Load PinballX and after about 30+ minutes (I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact elapsed time yet), the dmd changes to just pindmd.com logo with alternating colors and will not change to game DMDs even when switching tables. Exiting out of PinballX and going back in fixes the issue. USB ports set up to not let computer shut them off. pindmdlog.txt shows everything as true except the last entry pindrvdinit = false. Thank you. PinballX.ini
  3. Updated firmware on my playfield LCD and now I can't see stats on backglass. Didn't change any of the settings in the ini file, but I think the Windows screen assignments may have been changed from 1 for the playfield to 2. My ini file for the stats2.0 plugin shows an x axis position of about 5350 which typically put the stats right on the lower right corner of the backglass. Now, anything over the x axis max of the playfield (i.e., 3840) doesn't show up at all anywhere. UPDATED: Fixed by making my playfield the only display. Apply settings. Then extending that monitor so that backglass monitor is on the right for "extending the display" My backglass had moved to the left in Windows Display Settings.
  4. It's interesting that you brought up me not having the latest versions. When I updated Freezy recently, I was forced to replace the dmddevice.dll and dmddevice64.dll with my prior versions because the DMD colorization went away when I updated. I wonder if that's causing some of the issues. I seem to recall once that the pindmd3 folks said you had to use their .dll files for it to work, but I'm wondering if you've encountered any similar issues when upgrading or perhaps you don't utilize the colorized dmd?
  5. Yeah, that didn't work. After moving the dmddevice files over I couldn't exit the tables without getting the Visual Pinball exit option menu and even if I selected exit game, PinballX would crash as not responding.
  6. Thank you Mike. I'll give it a shot.
  7. Two new issues since adding a 64-bit version of VpinballX along with my existing 32-bit version (why do we upgrade?). 1. When I exit out of PinballX, there are three apps still running by PinballX (and the Windows system bar [at the bottom of the screen] is gone for a bit of time). Those processes are as follows: AnyCPUPluginWrapperx86.exe, ConsoleWindowHost, PinballX It takes a good period of time (several minutes) before those processes finally end and close and the Windows system bar eventually reappears. 2. When I load certain 64-bit tables, I get random errors. Johnny Mnemonic, for example, sometimes loads great. Other times it gives me a black playfield and I need to ALT F4 out of it. Another table, LOTR, doesn't always show the DMD display. Now these very well could be issues with the 64-bit version of PinballX, but when I load them directly from the program itself, they don't indicate any issues. Also, I'm wondering if they have something to do with the fact that I'm loading them via the "Other Systems" function of PinballX even though the system is set-up to incorporate Visual Pinball. I do thoroughly enjoy PinballX as my launcher and would like to keep it that way. Pinball.ini file attached. Thank you. PinballX.ini
  8. Thank you Mike. I appreciate your quick response.
  9. Misunderstanding. Sorry about that. Sadly, I replaced it and now I'm back to getting that error VPinball64 is unknown. This is after renaming it back from VPinballX64 to VPinball64 and changing the reference in PinballX.
  10. Nothing happens when I click this file? Computer just sits there. One time I had to select "Run Anyway", but it's not working.
  11. See attached. Thank you. On a side note, my PinballX is not closing (in Task Manager) upon exit for some reason. It takes me to desktop, but with no icons at the bottom of the screen and Task Manager shows it's still present. PinballX.ini log.txt
  12. I installed a 32/64-bit Visual Pinball into one directory. Created two table folders (Tables for 32-bit and Tables 64 for 64-bit). When I load Pinball Database Manager I can read the 32-bit tables fine. When I switch to Visual Pinball 64\Visual Pinball 64.xml I get the following error: ERROR INFO : clXMLfiles_SelectedIndexChanged Executable [VPinball64.exe] for directory [c:\Gamee\Visual Pinball\Tables 64] is unknown. Cannot check for new/deleted tables PinballX "Other Systems" appears as follows: If this isn't the way to set up 64-bit tables for use in PinballX, please let me know. For what it's worth, I can add 64-bit games just fine using Game Manager in the PinballX directory.
  13. Changed the VPX file names and it works great now. Thank you Mike!
  14. Having trouble after upgrade. I recently upgraded my 32-bit VPX to 32/64-bit. In my Visual Pinball directory, I created two separate table directories as follows: Tables (for the existing 32-bit tables) and Tables 64. I also deleted VPinballX and was left with VPinballX - x86 and VPnballX - x64. In PinballX, I changed the Visual Pinball main settings to load VPinballX - x86 from the Tables directory. I also created a new "Other Systems" for the 64-bit VPX version and told PinballX to look at Tables 64 and load VPinballX - x64. The good news is that PinballX works fine. A 64-bit table from the Tables 64 directory loads fine (I know this because I copied an upgraded 64-bit version of an existing 32-bit table and put it in the Tables 64 directory only and it loaded fine). The problem is PinballX Database Manager won't let me add or delete any new tables. I'm getting the following error: clXMLfiles_SelectedIndexChanged Executable [VPinballX-x86.exe] for directory [C:\Games\Visual Pinball\Tables] is unknown. Cannot check for new/deleted tables I tried overwriting the installation of PinballX Database Manager with a new one hoping it would take in the new data from PinballX, but it didn't work. It also doesn't show the new "Other System" I set-up for the 64-bit Visual Pinball in PinballX as an option in the Database Manager. In PinballX Game Manager I am able to select the Visual Pinball 64 Other System from the menu, but the select list is empty. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  15. Never mind. I got it working by installing the latest update to PinballX. Thank you.
  16. This killed my installed version. Now I get "Could not find PinballX installation directory." I've been able to update just fine in the past. Even loaded it, downloaded new version, closed old version, installed new version and error.
  17. As an update, it happened again, but unusually particular to the Tales of the Arabian Nights table. While playing, it would pause for a beat and then I'd completely lose the sound of the flippers only. Thinking at this point it must be a driver issue. I completely uninstalled Vpinmame, PpinballX and my Startech USB sound device software. I then reinstalled pinballx and vpinmame and copied over my original files from before. I elected not to install any specific software for the Startech device relying on the setup provided from Windows alone (which does support a 7.1 setup anyway). I'm hoping it was the installation of the Startech software that maybe caused it not to work because TOAN is now working fine.
  18. Fingers crossed, but so far either the bass.dll trick or reverting Windows update has fixed the issue. I did check the third party sites for updates, but nothing yet.
  19. Even more weirdness that makes me wonder if it's a PinballX issue after all? Loading a table and while playing, there was a definitive pause and next thing I know, the flipper channel goes out. When I returned to PinballX the change table sound no longer works. I did replace the bass.dll file like you suggested, but this now sounds more like a windows issue with the USB sound card no?
  20. There was a Windows update that precipitated this issue, but, as a result and before I pinpointed it to the Windows update, I also updated and reinstalled PinballX, EqualizerAPO and PinVol. So yeah, there's that. I appreciate the suggestion. Perhaps I'll try to revert to the version of Windows prior to the update.
  21. Long time user with no issues. All of a sudden, when I go into a table and exit, eventually I lose complete sound in PinballX. When I go back into a table the sound is there fine. PinballX also starts out okay with sound. Sometimes I'll lose sound even when merely browsing through the tables after going into a table initially. I've never had an issue like this before. I've tried reinstalling PinballX, disabling AIO Equalizer and Pinvol, but to no avail. Also, after losing sound, I can go into a new table and sound is fine. When I return to PinballX there's no sound. Further update, exited out of PinballX, went back in, heard initial sound when switching tables, then no sound. log.txt
  22. realdmd works in the plugin preview, but is overwritten during PinballX processes. In other words, I can't see it, but still see either an .mp4 of my original DMD video or if I delete that, the PinballX default video.
  23. Any chance on getting a real DMD display option?
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