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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. Looks like you are getting an error with the Boulder font. Did you install the font that I included with the zip?
  2. +1 on IrfanView been using that since it's beginnings.
  3. Ok I just got Future Pinball working now with the backglasses on the 2nd monitor and with a custom instruction card I made ... used with GameExtender all I can say is WOW! Now these Future Pinball these tables totally killer man on my system. In the past I was having issues with Future Pinball backglasses and my nvidia video card. I updated my video drivers to the latest drivers and now everything seems to be working once again thank goodness. Now I just gave myself alot more work to do
  4. Ok here is a snap of my DMD on the second monitor for VP table Attack From Mars.
  5. Ok well I find really with Visual Pinball that I don't need UVPServer as I am just gonna use GameExtender then use the VPinMame (Cab Bulid) and create custom backglass with Instruction Cards for each table. I Like to have my second monitor rotated and display is set at 1050x1680.
  6. Display 1 is 1920x1080 on HDTV and Display 2 is 1680x1050 on a monitor that can rotate horiz and vert. from the stand. I do have gameextender on. I basically play Future and Visual pinball on the HDTV not in a pinball cab
  7. Ok I'm totally lost on how to setup this up within GameEx. How exactly do you install this and run it from within GameEx? Thanks
  8. Well the most time consuming thing right now is creating all the game title images. I have started on the Atari 2600 first and for the last 3 days I have completed the game titles "A thru F". So I have a long way to go. I think I should stick creating easier themes
  9. Ability to change what Images or videos display in image1 and image2 in the theme editor. Image always shows either snap/video and image2 is always the box images. I want to select what is displayed in that box whether it is a custom image or not. Unless you can do this already and I have just overlooked it and can't find it in the setup wizard at all.
  10. This has been an issue with GameEx that I have made mention before in the past that the images do not truly stretch to the size that you setup in the theme editor as well has the video ghosting around the bottom and side of the videos is just annoying if you ask me sorry Tom I'm not a fan of that feature. (Future request ability to disable that)
  11. Seems I need to check this section of the forums more often as I keep missing the parties Happy B-day!
  12. This theme won't need any templates my friend. !
  13. Searching all over the internet (amazing what Google can find), magazine scans, books, forums ect ect... you name it you will find it Then it's cutting and pasting and alot of touching up using Paint.net as my program of choice. Gamepad is meant more for gaming not editing you definately need a mouse and keyboard for that.
  14. That's funny! The hardest part of this theme is doing alot of the game titles. There are many to do ... alot of them a matter of fact. I spent most of my Sunday today just working on the 2600's and I'm still in the C's. Some of them will be custom and not the traditional 2600 cart sideart as alot of the images out there are not that good or I couldn't find any at all. Some of these will look better than the original I think.
  15. All almost forgot by looking at your snaps you need to disable a few features like: - Hide Change View - There is also another one but I can't think of it right at the moment. So the By Manufacturer, By Date doesn't display.
  16. Yes I did and looks sweet on the HDTV
  17. Hmmm Load the theme into the theme editor and goto the options/settings and make sure custom emulator layouts and custom module layouts are checked.
  18. Wow! woke up to a nice suprise this morning Thanks guys!
  19. Very true...That is why I never made a emubak for it and never thought that would cause an issue.
  20. Will do. This theme shouldn't take me as long hopefully ... as the background art is mostly static so I don't have to spend much time messing about with it.
  21. Nope. Every emu has a custom bak.
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