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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. That error happened when I clicked on Edit before I clicked Add ... Oops sorry! Maybe needs a trap there just in case someone does that so it pops up a box saying you need to Add before you can start or something to that effect. But it is working great so far as I tested Display Fusion with MAME and it's running good. Love it thanks Adultery!!
  2. I got instant crash when I try to setup:
  3. Having a text centering issue with the "Sort by" feature so I am redesigning the themes layout with some new improvements as well. Adding in GimmieClassics Hi-Score RSS feed to the theme as well. Should have it up and running by tomorrow night at least a few themes I hope. I'll post a pic of it then.
  4. Thanks! Well not sure about the artist part but I'm trying to improve and get better at it. Updated the MAME theme today and the title screen as well.
  5. Very nice indeed! Love it can't wait to give it a test run!
  6. Thanks for having a look at it and looking forward to seeing what you come up with. You don't give yourself enuff credit as I thing your work is beyond amateurish my friend.
  7. Think I might like the wood grain look of the 2600 theme. I might end up making 2 versions thou a Silver and Wood theme for the 2600.
  8. Do you by chance have you menu transitions settings under the Display Settings in the setup wizard set to 3D Alpha Blended or 2D?
  9. One thing to note is DisplayFusion needs the " (quotes) in the command line to work. So it needs to look like: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe -wallpaperloadprofile "pacman" That might be the problem since PluginLaunch isn't passing the quotes in the command line it. So when using double quotes it just ignores them I guess where as Launch Before/After doesn't.
  10. The strange thing is it says can't find file but that same command line works in the launch before? So I'm confused but here you go.
  11. Updated the TG-16 theme just for you Celly!
  12. I already did that and took the [ROM] out and used [ROMNAME] and still no go. Also took the quotes out and it doesn't work. I saw the Help button and used that. Thanks for looking into it my friend I guess I need Ben to look at it and maybe there is something I'm doing wrong but I have tried about everything. Unless of course you want to take a stab at creating a multi-launch plugin! (hint hint)
  13. I can get this command line to work in the Launch before and after in the MAME settings but when I set it up using Ben's PluginLaunch plugin it doesn't work. I tried every possible combination and no go so this is leading me to believe that this plugin in broken.
  14. Tonight I added the "Sort by" options to the individual emulators menu. Also redesigned the menu a bit as well as some graphical improvements to the theme. Had to make the menu bar longer as well. So far I have only worked on the NES system but here are a few pics for you to see what it looks like in action! By adding this to the theme you now have a way to sort thru your lists and it works out pretty good since it's pretty much just like the MAME one I did just enhanced it a bit. Also added red joystick balltops to the arcade units at the top to give it a bit more color with the flow of this theme. Tweaked the Nintendo seal and added in the power/reset button graphics to give it a bit of NES retro feel. One more thing I've upgraded the box images instead of the DVD boxes I'm using the 3D nes box images. Be nice if it was possible to add the manufacturers banners when scrolling thru the manufacturers list instead of the default NES logo that would look pretty cool. To enable the "Sort by" option in the theme you will need to have the Database Names enabled and select the appropriate database for your emulator/system.
  15. Thanks! I try to put alot of attention to detail into everything and keep it retro. It's a very addicting hobby to say the least.
  16. 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) Yes 5) That all depends ..... motivation, my mood, real life issues, ect ect .... Lately I haven't done a whole lot with it as I've been setting up Hyperspin (50% done with that), learning and writing AHK scripts, so I have been a bit busy and haven't made the time to work on it thou it's pretty much up and running. Just need to add in the handheld, computer and a few more console systems. It's coming thou sounds like your looking forward to it. That keeps me motivated thou when I see others interested in having it run on their systems. I might work on it later tonight as I have been learning some new techniques/tricks with Paint.net to help improve with my theme designs. So as you can see I've been a bit busy plus also full-time job and other real life crap that goes on everyday. Somewhere in there I squeeze in sleep, play PS3 and spend time with the wife and cats.
  17. Sorry.....I guess I must of asked this before and forgot like I usually do.
  18. Here's a feature request that I hope are legit and haven't been asked before. 1) The ability to change the colors of the selector bar on an emulator basis. So each emulator could have it's own color for the selector bar.
  19. Sorry Tom if you think I was trying to act like that was some new thing that was never done before. The point I was trying to get across was maybe for future versions of GameEx just improve upon what you already had done or possibly add a few new feature like the save state and disc switching which hasn 't been done yet. Like you say it's not the flashiest it gets the job done but maybe for a future version take it a step further which you probably are but I don't know that. I don't see what you guys are doing for the next big update so that is why I just mention it. I know you guys are working on improving it which I for one appreciate all the hard work you guys are doing and I thank you. I'll go back to theme'ing now ....
  20. watch this and see what it can do. Maybe you can see some useful features that you could take from that and put your own spin on it like your doing with PinballX. Now is there something in GameEx that can do something like that that I've missed over the years?
  21. GameEx needs a HyperPause feature similar to how the one over at Hyperspin works. If you guys haven't see this in action or how it works you need to check it out. Look on youtube for HyperPause videos and see it in action. Wow! is all I can say this is a must have feature. Hope Tom can add something similar to this is the next BIG upgrade.
  22. Another cool feature that I did was change the snaps directory for say for example on my Sega CD's to point to my Hyperspin wheel art and so when I scroll thru my games list now the wheel art displays on my secondary monitor using GameExtender which looks alot better than snap images.
  23. Maybe when we setup an emulator in GameEx it creates a new EmuMap in the config folder for that emulator.
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