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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. Looks like the QuickLaunch command isn't even running
  2. I downloaded it from here http://www.gameex.info/forums/files/file/39-quicklaunch/
  3. You have QuickLaunch v1.0.3 but when you look in the plugin manager it says 1.0.2?? Also It appears that QuickLauch is broken or it's not working with MAME. I have MAME setup as an emulator to test my commandline and it works fine, but if I use MAME default setup and try quicklaunch to run HyperBezel ][ it doesn't work?
  4. Has anyone got Future DMD (v1.4) working within GameEx at all? If so how did you set it up? Thanks
  5. Atari ST Computers WIP! - Missing wheel art and videos left to do.
  6. Oops one more update to the Amiga theme. Forgot to add in the classic pointer. Now that makes it complete!
  7. Yes it's a General Amiga theme for all Amiga Computers. Thanks glad you like it as I made the background image myself and thought the colors were perfect for this system. No prob setting up C64 or Amiga Forever 2013 is so easy much easier than you think.
  8. Commodore Amiga done and complete! @GC Ok my friend how's this look? Note: I am using Commodore Amiga Forever 2013 on my system and it works awesome!! I had to create a custom Advanced config file so that when it shuts down .... all the processes close correctly when you hit the ESC key and returns back to GameEx. Same thing for Commodore 64 Forever. C64 Forever also runs your VIC-20's and C-128 games/programs as well. One thing to note is with Amiga Forever you don't need WinUAE Loader anymore. All you do is setup your games in Amiga Forever 2013 and that's it. Just point GameEx to where you have all your games at and use a simple command line ""[ROMPath]\[RomFile]"" and also use my advanced config file and your done. Once I get all these system themes done I'll be able to spend a little more time gathering and setting up all my title/wheel artwork for each game. I have a alot of them zipped up but need to rename them ect ect but I've been spending more time focusing on getting the themes done and will work on the artwork later. Alot of the others systems are done and have complete wheels/art in place thou.
  9. Most definately as I also have an Amiga (Amiga 600HD). I used to use the Amiga to surf the Internet back when the net was all text based/linux like commands. Ahhh more memories .... Amiga is the next system I'm working on with the Atari ST to follow. This theme will have more systems than you'll know what to do with my friend as I'm just getting started.
  10. Here is the older ATARI 400/800 banner that I did before I switched everything on my system over to ATARI Home Computers.
  11. Thanks KRC! I've updated the Atari Home Computers this morning I think this one is much better! This theme brings me back to my childhood memories ... as the Atari 400 was my very first computer that my mom got me for my birthday and she even got me the actual keyboard replacement for it instead of that membrane keyboard that was on the Atari 400. Funny we didn't know that it didn't come with Basic (programming cart) as I thought it was built in and I wrote my first program in that damn Notepad and it took me like a half an hour before I realized that I wasn't in Basic (hahaha) stupid me. So we had to go back to the store and buy the Basic programming cartridge. Ahhh the memories. Well that's my story behind this theme. This theme includes a custom ATARI Home Computers banner as well.
  12. Happy B-Day GameEx! and many more years to come ...
  13. Sammy Atomiswave theme done and complete! (includes a custom banner as well)
  14. Well I haven't been able to sleep either as of late as it's been so damn hot here in Socal and even hotter in my house. Feels like an oven in here maybe because I have 3 monitors and an HDTV ON .
  15. HighScore.com, a new high score registry based on peer review. HighScore.com enables average players to see how they rank relative to their peers. The site can show users how they rank in their city, state, country, and the world, and awards trophy icons (a.k.a. badges) to users who hold the highest score in their region. Users can submit scores along with photos or videos to document their accomplishment, then other site users can vote on whether or not they believe the score is legitimate. After the voting is finished, the user will receive any trophies they qualify for, and they will then also receive a ranking. They are also holding a contest as well! Go check it out.
  16. On the first page of this topic I updated my post with a current listing of the themes that have been completed so far. This way I guess you can see what systems are going to be included with the theme in a simple list.
  17. Amstrad GX4000 done and complete! (Includes a banner that I made as well)
  18. Look here. Works in GameEx so I'm sure these scripts will work in PinballX as well.
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