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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. Thanks ... found it and got it working
  2. I think there is a bug in GameEx I just found. When I goto Advanced Config and select Text/Language option and try to change the start page text it won't change it at all when you run GameEx for example I chanhed it from Start.. to GameEx.. and it dis[lays as Start.. still even thou it shows in the Advanced config that I changed it?? There are a few others that do the same thing as well. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here.
  3. What is this option? and what does it do ?
  4. It seems like it would be a much easier way to run DOS Games within GameEx if it would work. The system crash is reporting that it's DOSBox, but it doesn't do it at all if I just double click on the .lnk file within Windows XP only when running it from within GameEx.
  5. How do you get .lnk (shortcut) files created in D-Fend Reloaded to work in GameEx. I set it up just like my PC Games (shortcuts) , but when it runs it closes down and system crashes and exits back to GameEx. However when I double click on the D-Fend Reloaded .lnk file to my DOS Game it runs fine.
  6. I couldn't get Visual Pinball to work either with GameEx, but found a work around that work better and you don't need to run the file vpauto.exe at all here is my config: Enabled=True StartPageName=Visual Pinball TitleText=Visual Pinball StartPageLogo=Visual Pinball RomFilter=*.lnk RomsInFolders=False ROMPath=C:\Games\Visual Pinball\Tables\Shortcuts SnapPath=C:\Games\Visual Pinball\Snap WorkingPath=C:\Games\Visual Pinball\Tables\Shortcuts MapKeys=False WaitBeforeKeys= SendKeys= ReplaceDash=False ReplaceUnder=False Capitals=False RemoveBrackets=False AlsoLaunch= ShowDesktop=True Debug=False MapFile=False OLDatZip= Command="[ROMPath]\[RomFile]" TitlePath= BoxPath= LaunchBefore= LaunchAfter= CartPath= configFile=[Mapping Off] Exit (ESC+ENTER) ExcludedFiles= CustomBackground= Import= Export= DumbyValue= PlayMusic=True PCGame= DATABASE= GamesIn7Zips= PlayInScreenSaver=True DontShowInfo=True PlaySelectionMusic= SelectionMusicFolder= ShowMostPlayed=True RandomMostPlayed=True ManualPath= ControlPanelPath= InstructionsPath= CDCheck=False CDCheckFile= lastgame= UseDbName= CustomArtName1= I created a new Advanced Config file called [Mapping Off] Exit (ESC+ENTER) which looks like this: # This is an advanced emulator configuration file. It does things such as allow keyboard only emulators to be operated by a gamepad, wait for additional processes to exit and map keys. If this file is used it overrides the MAPKeys setting for the emulator. [GENERAL] # Enabled. Use this. Enabled=True #Make MCE Back button and X-ARCADE Escape and SlikStik Escape to close emulator process MapBack=True #Make Escape key close emulator process MapEscape=True #When exiting an emulator via the above mappings, you can specify keys in the send keys format to send instead of having GameEx close the process to cleanly exit the emulator. Such as the Q Key or ALT F4 which is %{F4} KeysToSendOnExit={ESC}{ENTER} #Wait for keys to be processed by the emulator EmuWaitForKeys=True #Additional processes to wait to exit or close on exit. Dont include the .exe. Leave blank not to use. Process1= Process2= Process3= Process4= [JOYMAPPING] # For mapping a GamePad to keys # Specify a virtual key code to send when the specific joystick control is pressed. Look at vkcodes.htm for codes. JoymappingEnabled=FALSE Left= up= Right= Down= Button1= Button2= Button3= Button4= Button5= Button6= Button7= Button8= Button9= Button10= Button11= Button12= [GAMEPADEXIT] #MAP Gamepad controls to exit and make controls exit process MapGamePadExit=True #Flag the controls that exit a game by placing True next to each control. To not use the control as part of the combination use a 0 Left=True Down= Right= Up=True Button1= Button2= Button3= Button4=True Button5=True Button6=True Button7= Button8= Button9= Button10= Button11= Button12= [MOUSEMAPPING] # For registered users, the ability to control the mouse with a gamepad and/or directional keys. # For example for PC strategy games. # Apparantly this functionality is similar to the software Pinnacle profiler. Remember you can setup an emulator # as one PC game. Specify enabled, and mousespeed 0-20. 20 Being fastest. This setting overrides the directional # mapping for the above and buttons 1 and 2 Button 1/CTRL becomes left mouse. Button 2/ALT Right mouse MouseMappingEnabled=False MouseSpeed=0 [bLOCKKEYS] # Use this section to disable and block key presses and mouse clicks. # To disable the mouse clicks use code 1 for left mouse button, # 2 for right button and 4 for middle button Enabled=False BlockKey_1=1 BlockKey_2=2 BlockKey_3=4 BlockKey_4= BlockKey_5= [KEYBOARDREMAP] # Remap Keys for the emulator. Specify from the from key, which is the key you wish to replace the to key # This should be good enough for real time gaming. Registered version feature. Look at VKCodes.htm for codes. Enabled=False Remap_1_From_VK= Remap_1_To_VK= Remap_2_From_VK= Remap_2_To_VK= Remap_3_From_VK= Remap_3_To_VK= Remap_4_From_VK= Remap_4_To_VK= Remap_5_From_VK= Remap_5_To_VK= As you can see you do not need to use the launch before file called vpauto.exe at all. I'm also using a program that I highly recommend called Pinnacle. You can get it here: http://www.pinnaclegameprofiler.com/ (Cost about $20, but well worth it!!) I use it to play Visual Pinball with my Xbox 360 wireless controller. You could create your own map file as well for displaying the tables however you wanted too ... I just named my .lnk files of my tables like this: Alien Poker (Williams 1980).lnk so there was no need for a map file at all. Hope that helps out anyone looking for an alternate way of playing Visual Pinball with GameEx. I don't know if it is the correct way, but it works real good for me and was easy to do.
  7. Thanks got it working ... modified the Map file to only NeoGeo games and looks perfect now!!
  8. Krakerman

    NeoGeo Games

    How do you configure GameEx to use WinKawaks in GameEx? Also is there a way to display the zipped roms with full names (ex. 2020bb.zip -> 2020 Super Baseball).
  9. Krakerman


    Where go you say put videos to play like TV commercial of a certain console or handheld games and where and how do you set it up in the advanced config under the emulator of choice? For example: When I select my Atari 2600 Emulator I want it to play a video of an old atari 2600 commercial before it plays the emulator or if I hit any key it will skip it. Is this possible in GameEx or have I just inspired to add this feature to it.
  10. Krakerman

    DOS Games

    What is your config for using the .lnk files you made in D-fend Reloaded as when I set mine up I keep getting a system crash (dosbox.exe). Can you post a copy of your config for it? Thanks
  11. I am using D-Fend Reloaded w/DOSBox and trying to config it to work with GameEx, but DOSBox keeps crashing. I used D-Fend Reloaded to create a .lnk file of each game and when you double click the icon of the game it runs fine from within windows, but if you config it from within GameEx it crashes and you have to close the system crash dialog (dosbox.exe is the file crashing) and return to GameEx. Any ideas?
  12. Fixed it!! Thanks...
  13. Krakerman

    MAME issue!

    I setup MAME for use in GameEx, but when I go to see the games it keeps saying no roms found even thou they are there and the directory is setup in the config where the are. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
  14. Thanks !! Got it ... be nice if there was a setting in the advanced config menu
  15. I looked under the daphne setup options, but I don't see a button to set a custom background for Daphne. Anyone know where it is or is there even an option for it?
  16. I looked and I don't see that button in the config anywhere? I looked under the menu option you said. I'm using 9.60 GameEx and the Advanced Configuration and I don't see it
  17. Is there a way to put the listing of emulators in alphabetic order even thou you have them entered in GameEx not in any order?? Example: Emulator 1 is SNES Emulator 2 is Daphne Emulator 3 is Atari 2600 but I want them to show up after you run GameEx in Alphabetic order Atari 2600 Daphne SNES ect.... Thanks
  18. Krakerman


    Wow finally got it working .... sheesh! thanx for the help!
  19. Krakerman


    I named it like you say and it still don't work. All filenames match in artwork zip file, the lay file as well and in the roms folder the names match. The only way to change to correct overlay was to press tab and change the overlay that way, but then that overlay is the default for all roms.
  20. Krakerman


    btw what is messpp.exe? I don't see that exe file in the mess 0.127 archive all I see is mess.exe and messui.exe
  21. Krakerman


    I installed the new MESS 0.127 and when I run a vectrex game is keeps showing the Minestorm overlay for all games.
  22. Got it fixed !! I had Treat as 1 PC Game set to YES by accident. If anyone is interested here is my command line to run Bliss.exe Bliss.exe -fullscreen "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]"
  23. What should the command line be fore setting up Bliss.exe (v2.0.5) in GameEx? I use to use Maximus Arcade and it works fine under that frontend, but I can't seem to get GameEx to even recognize even the roms/bin files at all either even thou I set it to my Roms directory under Bliss. Is this a bug in GameEx?
  24. Krakerman


    Tried yours, but it just turns black and exits back to GameEx. I think the command line options are different with M.E.S.S 0.106 I would upgrade to the latest M.E.S.S if I new where to get the updated overlays
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