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About GAH1068

  • Birthday October 30

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  1. Nice job, I have barely touched FX at this point still. Portrait mode is still borked and they need to get UE4 optimized. I have a 5900X/RTX 3070 and the performance is a joke. Forget turning on Raytracing still even after all these months and the flipper lag is awful. I have been buying the tables when discounted but have to say I am really disappointed so far in FX. FX3 plays so much better and I am underwhelmed with the "remasters". I get going to new engine but other than the new tables FX3 plays so much better.
  2. Great news Tom! My script works well but native support would be soooo much better!
  3. I don't use joytokey at all It very well might have due to that. The script does send keypresses, etc so your reassignment may be interfering with it.
  4. I must have been editing in original game manager. I removed the .Bu files and warning went away. Thanks for heads up @Mike_da_Spike
  5. @Mike_da_Spike - is there a way to determine why the new DB manager warns about the XML being modified outside program. It appears only to be doing this on my main VPX list and one of my VP9 lists. I attached them just in case. Not sure if this is due to a invalid character in a table name or something stupid like that. List appears to be fine in standard game manager. Visual Pinball.xml Visual Pinball 9.xml
  6. I am able to run either Arcooda and standard TPA without issue. Attached is my Pinball Arcade.XML file. I don't include any of the ones that are part of the Arcooda so these are the ones that are in TPA only Pinball Arcade.xml
  7. @joyrider3774 - Thanks, just saw the new table and was coming here to post.
  8. @Mike_da_Spike. Great work, love the filter options
  9. @Mike_da_Spikewrongthread, sorry
  10. Sorry meant scoring on on backglass. Confirmed they moved for all deluxe tables. Kudos to zacarria for listening to our requests.
  11. New Deluxe table released. Here is the name to use for your Game Manager. They also have the scoreboard on the DMD now so you can turn off the UI again. Nice looking table! <game name="spookydeluxe"> <description>Spooky Deluxe</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Magic Pixel</manufacturer> <year>2020</year> <type>DX</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidetopper>True</hidetopper> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game>
  12. Check in the faq and guides subforum. There is a long post with a script to launch zaccaria from pinballx that I created.
  13. Scutters is correct- you have to bring up the backglass in FP and then move the videos and dmd off the screen.
  14. No luck so far on the Extra tables. I was able to see the table name is zombie001 and added that new category to script. The launcher does select the Extra table category but for some reason the actual table selection doesn't get focus so it doesn't launch. I will still tinker and see if I can do anything but was fighting sick all weekend so really didn't spend any great deal of time on it.
  15. I will take a look. I haven't tried out the extra tables yet but I believe they should work if I update the script to support it. Let me take a look over the weekend and get the table names and give it a whirl.
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