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Visitor Q

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Everything posted by Visitor Q

  1. Cool. Is that what you using fRequEnCy?
  2. How would I go about making these? Is there an easy way?
  3. Ok... Requests please. Turbo CD Sega CD (USA & Japan) Sega Dreamcast (USA & Japan) Genesis (USA & Japan) Saturn (USA & Japan)
  4. Doesn't look like it but you did a really good job here, thanks! I am going to see what else I need while you are in the giving mood.
  5. I guess it is personal preference as I am not sure what you are getting at. I just like sorting them in my line up of emulators by their respective system.
  6. =] It has. Would it be possible to split the Demul rom set into map files how they are categorized in the attached file? romset.txt
  7. Will do! I will let you know more this week when I have a chance to get configuring more again. Thanks!!
  8. Yes, that is one of them that I noticed off the top of my head.
  9. Atomiswave... Pretty sure I fixed it all last night if you want me to attach a copy? I have not looked through them all but would be willing to give you a hand with it.
  10. I've had this problem before as well. I am pretty sure the fix was restoring an older version of some files that Game Ex backs up prior to updating to a new version. Does that ring a bell at all Tom?
  11. Is anyone updating these files or is there an easy way to go about it other than manual adding them in notepad? A lot of these files seem very out of date to the current set of roms...
  12. I would love to see a mix of HS and GX. Love the looks of HS but the versatility of GX, in fact I run HS in GX when I have guest over from time to time.
  13. Awesome! Thanks for the reply.
  14. Does Game Ex support MP4 or are there plans for it to support MP4? Seems like EMU Movies is switching everything over to that format because of the new HS 2.0...
  15. Again. Sorry. I update Game Ex all the time and don't always go to those lists so it went unnoticed until now.
  16. OMG TOM!!! Thanks a million!!!! I guess this must have happened last time I updated and did not know it as most of the games I play are in Mame. That was the trick, backup .ini! Thanks for writing that in there and thank you both for your help. Very Happy!
  17. Nope... No changes at all, hardware or software. Mame is still there and configured correctly so are the laser disc games but when I go into where you set up the emu's from right to left, my list is blank on the side that numbers them however the default listings are there on the right as they should be. I must have had like 20 setup or more, all gone. I mean everything is psychically still there just not sat up to work in Game Ex. I notice this when I fired up my system the other day and went to the EMU list and saw only "laser discs" listed under it. Any idea what file hold this information, the setups of the EMUs?
  18. I looked Game Ex today and all the Emu's I had set up are gone. Any idea why they would all get erased and is there anything I can do to recover them? I really had a lot configured, this is a major blow to me. Thanks in advance for any help.
  19. Some of my emulator lists are now messed up. They are not showing the correct games for the emulator even though I have the dir set correctly.
  20. I understand the launch before but how do I tell the launch after to close it?
  21. Can someone explain or tell me how I can have Xppader launch and close from Game Ex on certain emulators? I want to be able to have Xpadder launch before certain emulators when I start them and then exit out it when I close that emulator before going back into Game Ex. Thanks.
  22. Nevermind.... Figured it out.
  23. Could you please post how you got Makaron to close correctly in Game Ex? Thanks.
  24. Awesome... I got it all configed with T12 now my only question is how can I have Game Ex exit the emualtor back into the menu of Game Ex, closing the emulator? Thanks.
  25. # F1 KEY_0x70 = FB_TEST # F2 KEY_0x71 = FB_SERVICE Where are they getting the codes from now? test = 0x3b # F1 <----OLD # F1 KEY_0x70 = FB_TEST <---NEW
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