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Everything posted by chriss

  1. LOL... thanks for the explanation anyway this is for the newly released NES snaps collection
  2. so... i got it working by selecting only certain roms defined by wildcards inside clrmamepro but somehow it's weird.... the no-intro romset naming convention seems to have changed since circo is using No-Intro 20080210 ( e.g 8 Eye's (U) ). the new no-intro seems to be like that: 8 Eyes (USA) all very confusing for me... i think i just keep the habit of renaming circo's snaps and vids to fit adultery's dats
  3. thanks again frequency. i guess the regex option sounds like this is what i want. googling a bit just brought up your question in another topic regarding this issue... so you can't export a dat with the stripped information. too bad . that would make it easy though ... i will try using the regex otpion. is there somewhere a tutorial on how to do this? i just know how to rebuild sets with clrmamepro but haven't found the set information option yet... well, i'll keep on looking
  4. thanks for your quick reply, but how do i actually use map files in gameex? it may sound like the dumbest noob question but i actually haven't spend time on this.. is there a map file that will only show me the us versions?
  5. hey guys, i'm still trying to sort through my rom collection. i once used adulterys dats which really gave me a clean rom collection. but it's a pity that the naming convention is not no-intro after the dat is applied so not compatible with files from emumovies. so now with circo's release of the updated nes collection i decided to re-download a no-intro set. now i have again japanese, european and us roms. circo only has snaps for us roms though. how can i get rid of the no-intro foreign languages? how can i match the snaps from emumovies with my rom collection?
  6. a callout to tom.. maybe he reads it! anyways haven't set up pinmame but yeah the left alt doesn't work but for me it doesn't go to the menu, just nothing happens... maybe i used another key instead... don't remember!
  7. in this case maybe ahk could be your friend. the only problem is that then eg o would constantly be 3 but maybe you can define in ahk to only switch the button combination after a certain time... just for interest... i have an x-arcade and never had any issues with the standard button configurataion. which emulator doesn't work for you?
  8. as far as i know this only works for mame games but not for other emulators
  9. nice work!!! thanks for direct downloads
  10. they also won't host sony roms... maybe they had legal issues with these two companies... as sega is only a game developer they probably don't have the resources anymore to threaten legal steps to places like the one mentioned
  11. to set the button "v" to exit mame: inside mame, go to the mame gui (usually tab) and go to input (general) / user interface / ui cancel. change this to button "v"
  12. For all the lazy people I attached the modified render.c and ui.c for mame plus 0.126 I just compiled and tested mame plus and it runs great thanks, m8 much appreciated render_ui.rar
  13. as explained in this thread http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...amp;#entry24068 where brian wants to compile mame plus without nag screens i've followed this guide. it worked really well but mame still draws the white box before every game. now it doesn't write loading or anything else so i assume i did everything correctly... ii mean the white box is really no big deal but now for 0.126 of mame plus coming up i would love to get rid of this. hk, can you point out the line in ui.c that has to be edited to get rid of the white box? of course only if you still remember this thanks, mate
  14. chriss

    Various Questions

    please post your gameex.ini this makes it easier for us to help you with setting up emulators you find the file in c:\program files\gameex\config\ you can add any games to your favorites list as far a s i know. no matter what emulator you are using
  15. thanks for pointing that out hk i found this on the whdload page: # Speedball 2 (Renegade), 98% complete (packaging to do) 2.1.2008 Codetapper so there is hope...
  16. i still can't find xenon 2 or speedball 2 in the list when i click on the test game feature in winuaeloader (whd games) does anyone else have this problem?
  17. thanks for the update hk in the tools tab it still says 2.5, is that me not updating the database or is it in fact 2.6?
  18. chriss

    Sega 32x

    thanks m8, didn't know the second link
  19. that really is a weird problem you are having... try setting up a new directory (like mame_test or something), copy your artwork over to the artwork folder and some vertical games in the roms folder. now do all the necessary settings inside mame (or mame plus) and set the correct paths inside gameex. then have a look if there is any additional command option enabled inside the setup wizard. if this is the case, disable all additional options (like -artwork -triplebuffer -nowindow and so on) if it is working correctly outside of gameex we should be able to fix this issue easily...
  20. try this little ahk script. it's already precompiled. all it does is move your mouse in the lower right corner of the screen. in gameex setup under emulator setup look for "launch also" and just put in this exe... other solution could be to use nomousy which is also an ahk script. it gives you more advanced options, like really hiding the mouse pointer. (thanks to brian for this hint) movemouse_direct.zip
  21. try mame plus and set up to display bezels with the mame gui that will do what you try to achieve when i start up a vertical game through gameex it displays the related png found in the artwork folder. it doesn't display artwork for horizontal games... i'm using mr. do's artwork set (most recent)
  22. does it happen when launching mame through gameex or just with mame itself? inside mame "default game options => screen" have you tried to set everything to auto?
  23. this feature is unfortunately not working in gameex. if you turn this option on vertical games will not load anymore. i like this feature as well... somehow i managed to set it up to only show bezels for vertical games from inside mame gui (mame plus). don't know exactly how i did it so i can't give you step by step instructions.. maybe it's a mame plus feature...
  24. activate the option paging in gameex then you have to press a certain button while scrolling and it will jump through pages
  25. both emulators create savegame files. this happens automatically when you play a game it depends on the game you are playing if there is instant saving or certain points that must be reached e.g. mario world on snes saves after exclamation mark spots, after castles and ghost houses...
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