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Everything posted by jimmay3

  1. Can not confirm prior versions as I always fought the vol levels not understanding how they were all tired in (especially not understanding the above issue with table video sounds overriding really through me off). I did not originally realize the pbx volume keys were adjusting the main windows vol level and the keys in vpx and vp9 were not directly. Most users have to play with windows volume, vpx music and game volumes, and amplifier volumes; so getting everything in sync can be a challenge. Latest setup, I reassigned pbx volume keys to keys that I can not change via the cab buttons, else it throws my main windows volume off, so basically I'm disabling any changes via pbx, I just have the pbx menu vol set low, as I too play at late or early hours. VPX and VP9 systems each remember there own levels, so I can quickly crank up or lower the table vols via my cab buttons and it will remember that setting throughout that gaming session for each system.
  2. Verifed the table video file sound does play at full volume over the table audio file sound for video files with their own audio (most don't have sound, but a few do); thus the only way to adjust their volume is to fully disable them with the play video sounds option or reload a video file without sound. I did find updated video files without sound for most, but just disabled anyways. That seems resolved, but the main audio levels with choices every 10 from 0-100 really only seems to change the level when manually entered 1-10. Example, I'm not noticing much difference between a 20 and 80. Would be nicer to just have a manual text entry in the setup utility, cause if I enter 5, it will come up blank when you reopen the setup cause it's not a pulldown option. Thanks for the support...
  3. Looking above at my setup file, it does say yes for sound in videos. So the video sound is overridding the table audio file? Seems like PBX is not allowing this to be adjusted then, I'll double check these video files for sound, thanks...
  4. From PBX Manual "Upgrading your current PBX installation is an easy process. It is simply a matter of downloading the latest pinballxsetupxxx.exe and running it like you did for the new install. The PinballX installation will just update the core files for PinballX and leave all your images/videos/configurations as is." I've always just installed over the old and never had this happen, but on the last recent update, I noticed both new and old versions in the windows apps section? I always just use 32 bit version, something new? Was I supposed to remove old version? I uninstalled both and then installed latest, all seems good except my nagging menu vol issue, but that may just be a few table audio files need replaced.
  5. I manually set them to 1 and that works better, can now notice a difference... Now that I did that, I think I stumbled on the real problem... Out of 150 tables loaded, there is 7 that no matter what is done to the number, the vol seems always max (unless I enter 0, then all off). I played the audio files manually via windows and they all seem normal, so??? Maybe I need to redownload new files for these. Vol was probally working ok, just when cycling thru menu, you hit one of these and they are max. It appears my audio folder is all mp3's. Affected tables: Comet, High Roller, Airborne, Whirlwind, Stargate, Safe Cracker, Rocky & Bullwinkle
  6. Thanks, good info...
  7. The 'general' recommendation in VPX is to set the FPS Limiter and Max pre-rendered frames both set to 1. And as you're on win10 i don't think the Disable Desktop Composition flag will do anything for you so can be unchecked. Suck it and see with those settings though, you can always change back. Made the above changes (FPS Limiter and Max pre-rendered frames both set to 1 and Disablde Desktop Composition). I checked a few game frame rates prior to changes and rates varied from 125-280, after changes they all were pretty close to 60 fps. I didn't notice any change in game play, so is it better to have the slower frame rates, cause my main pf tv is only 60 hz? Was I just over driving the GPU to make excessive frames that were wasted? Not sure how it all works... Thanks...
  8. I need to upgrade my GPU, my old 750 runs good, but prob can not crank it up like yours is... Thanks again... I think you helped me with the Shuffle Alley too... I did upgrade, all seems good, except the menu volumes, posted a note about it.
  9. After 5.43 update, noticed even with Menu Volumes both set to 10% in settings, still very loud, they do turn off with 0%? Would like to lower, but not with volume button, because that effects the main windows volume, thus effects tables too. No way to lower menus, without changing main win vol settings. log.txt PinballX.ini
  10. Mike_da_Spike, Checked the exclusive box under vpx video preferences and all fixed... Thanks... Noticed only a few avg frames lost per sec, any other losses or improvements running exclusive? Any other settings I sould consider changing?
  11. I have similar issue with Kiss (Stern 2015) table that uses FlexDMD. When I run it from VPX7 alone, all is good; but with run via PinballX, I lose foucs from the playfield, thus can not use the start, coin and flipper buttons until I alt-tab to the playfield window. I am a few versions behind, but everytime I upgrade that is some other issue that pops up. Is the lastest version pf pbx stable? log.txt PinballX.ini
  12. I go right over, select same ver 32/64 bit, never had issue, settings wiillll be same.
  13. I did have "V" key mapped because I never knew it was a reserved pbx key, as you can see the pbx setup wizard 3.2.0 was worded playfield and backglass, now labled "grabs" and thus a default key change was made to V vs B, both setups have pbx setup wizard 3.2.0, must have happened somewhere between pbx 5.22 and 5.41... I just have a heavy input table used for a hybrid game setup, so nearly every key is used up on the playfield, thought I planned ahead, but when I updated pbx the key and label changed and cause this conflict. Lucky the log file is very helpful... Hybrid Shuffle Bowling Alley Project (Williams Strike Master 1991 - WIP) Link - https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=48917
  14. Was there a recent key and title change in the video recording and screen shots hot keys, looks like thats what thru me off? Change PF SS and BG SS to Grab SS and Grab Videos... Looks like: WAS NOW REMAP R R F7 S S F8 B V F9 My fix is just to remmap them to some function keys not used...
  15. Think I'm good, looks like if you leave any keys blank, pbx will reassign on startup, so assign a dead key to stop it.
  16. Did find the V key was possibly activating video record, but other issues prior to even getting to the table... So blanked it out in the key list for video and screen shots, see attached, but as soon as I open pbx and close it, pbx is changing the blank key assignments back to V and S??? So I reassign video and ss to some off keys - F8/F9 and the settings holds, but videos is still recording, seems to start once the ROM is found (see log) log.txt PinballX.ini
  17. In the key settings I set all the record, rotate and non basic stuff to blank. Also, joystick page all blank.
  18. That's the problem, I'm not seeing an option for that in pbx setup...
  19. Will fo tonight, thanks. Think I'll reload pbx first...
  20. Is there a setting to disable automatic pf video recordings, I have menu setup with pics for each table in horz mode, but after a min of playing a table, the table exits and goes back to pbx and my pf pic was replaced with a video of game just played, an not find any automatic option to disable? I delete the video to get my static pf pic back, but next time I play table, pbx repeats? Sorry, not home to load my configuration files...
  21. Updated optimized settings for PBX startup/exit above...
  22. Here's the results with PBX and the light test and pins up/stowed on startup and exit...
  23. Tried even calling it from a batch, still leaves the DOS window open with the utility prompt... Not a big deal since PBX is perfect, hides all. I just have the batch files on my desktop if I need to put pins up/down for any reason, definaitly not a deal breaker, you got it working great...
  24. Works great running it direct via PBX (No popup or extra windows to close), but not when running a batch file via PBX or from CMD Prompt or Shortcut, it always leaves the DOS screen up waiting on the user to type quit. Any parameter or way to auto close it? Can hide it a little with making the shortcut run minimized, but still have a window on the taskbar to close. I'll have to make up a video or each... Should just put the DirectOutputTest.exe always included in the main program, great utility. Thanks again to all... Here's the finial settings for PBX for a Light Test on Startup and Pins Stowed Up on exit... @echo off c: cd\directoutput :ROWS 1-4 directoutputtest.exe 2 1-3 255 sleep .2 1-3 0 9-11 255 sleep .2 9-11 0 17-19 255 25 255 sleep .2 17-19 0 25 0 :PINS RESET directoutputtest.exe 2 26 255 sleep .5 26 0 :UP 1-10 directoutputtest.exe 2 1 255 sleep .2 1 0 2 255 sleep .2 2 0 3 255 sleep .2 3 0 9 255 sleep .2 9 0 10 255 sleep .2 10 0 11 255 sleep .2 11 0 17 255 sleep .2 17 0 18 255 sleep .2 18 0 19 255 sleep .2 19 0 25 255 sleep .2 25 0 UPDATED OPTIMIZED SETTINGS IN BOLD...
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