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Everything posted by mace

  1. Not sure if this was down to my post on the subject a few days ago but it's awesome community support. You all rock.
  2. mace

    [RESOLVED] Mame.xml

    I'd buy that person a beer!
  3. mace

    [RESOLVED] Mame.xml

    Thanks Draco, reliable as ever. I grabbed that .xml, it's just a shame that GameEx and PinballX don't have an export option.
  4. Hi All, I've been using GameEx for some time on my upright and now I have a bit of time I would like to transfer the upright roms to my PinballX set up. I can easily sort the vertical games out but to save a lot of time fiddling is there an easy way to get GameEx to export a mame.xml file for PinballX I have Googled to no avail...
  5. Hi Tom, The shutdown issue we discussed and you worked on here: Seems to be present again under Win10. I've started a new build using the latest version of Windows 10 and so far its giving me far better results in term of video performance. However any attempt to run a program in the PinballX 'run before exit' option seems to stop the shutdown completely regardless of the 'wait before end' setting. Exit works just fine it just seems that there needs to be a longer delay on the shutdown execution. Alternatively (and probably simpler) would be for the shutdown selection to simply bypass and ignore the 'run before exit' option.
  6. Here's some Instructions too:
  7. Yep, I've tried that and the last rows of the last R-Z block are not reading :-( Tom, my suggestion would be to give up on the 'a-z' tab and use the 'owned' tab instead, it has no separators or odd spacing
  8. I searched for a DMD Video for Timeshock! with no luck so I've knocked one up, here it is hope it's useful for Timeshock! fans. Timeshock.mp4
  9. I keep mine from updating for just that reason, Carny. Draco, that's right but its the work of a few seconds to rename the files, <sarcasm mode on>it's the price we pay for the outstanding community support that Farsight provides <sarcasm mode off>
  10. I've just renamed the DX9 version from pinballarcade.exe to pinballarcade9.exe then copied the pinballarcade11.exe and renamed the copy to pinballarcade.exe and dropped it back into the same folder. that keeps Steam happy if that's what you are trying to avoid upsetting
  11. Hi Draco, I get that issue if TPA DX11 is running in Full screen rather the Full Screen Windowed in the TPA set up program. Hope that helps
  12. Hi Tom, Loaded v2.27 and everything is as is should be as far as I can see. The shutdown issue is fixed, great job thank you. I'll keep testing....
  13. I've been called away for work until Sunday Tom but I'll test ot as soon as I get back. Thank you again.
  14. Well that will teach me to read the release notes......it now works perfectly on all speeds Tom, well done and thank you. The only remaining issue now is as a game finishes the final score window is out of focus and therefore the only option is to exit and reload the game to play again, not sure if this is fixable other than by moving the mouse. at the moment if anyone else has the issue giving the table a nudge works........
  15. 2.26 installed by unfortunately not working, videos as before results are consistent: Short: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ao6k3CIlgOqjnJlPayZf-oFiGN6hHw Medium: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ao6k3CIlgOqjnJlUSd3Fy-_c4a_HVw Long: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ao6k3CIlgOqjnJlRUUJC7o0I4QMZoA Very Long: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ao6k3CIlgOqjnJlSJMghIJp2sdonlA Try to ignore the domestic running commentary in the background....<sigh> One other point Tom, I run a small batch file to rotate the screen on choosing 'Exit' from the PinballX menu, it works fine but I've noticed that I get a CMD.EXE crash every time I choose the 'Shutdown' option. Although this is irritating rather than critical I've tried to fix it by experimenting with the wait for program to end setting but it's made no difference. Disabling the exit batch program stops the error but also stop the 'Exit' functioning correctly. I wondered if it would be possible to check the 'Exit' program had completed before ac tioning //shutdown?
  16. 2.24 is in, I'll run for a bit and then report back....
  17. Sadly they have legions of phone users and only a few enthusiasts. Of course if they invited those of us who are engrossed in pinball and prepared to spend hours trying to recreate it to test the product it may get better.......but that would imply that someone cares enough to reach out to the community. It really is their loss as, even if they cannot support cabinet modes, coming clean and clearly explaining this would be an honest step forward. And there is no reason for them to build that terrible interface, even on a PC it's simply awful....
  18. Cool, sorry that's what comes of reading things quickly in a train strike. Yes Farsight are all gits, they promised support, showed cabinet demonstrations and based on their empty promises we all bought a pile of tables that now only work on the one thing we all are trying to avoid, a desktop PC. I'd like it to work on principle but to be honest I'll probably just use VPinballX and dump the lot
  19. Trying to help Dude, not trying to argue.......
  20. Tom, my TPA FreeCamMod set up is working again with the new PinballX v2.23 build.
  21. Happy to help Tom, I must admit I'm not in a good place with FS but having invested the dollar I'd like to think we can see it through. Thanks for making the offer too.
  22. Thanks Draco, yet another hole in the menu opens up.........I still live in hope that Farsight will allow direct calling of tables at some stage.
  23. Hi Tom, Couple of points, I'm seeing a long table exit to the TPA tables +24 seconds similar to the issue with VPinball that was fixed in build 2.12: I've tried slamming the door on TPA using a 'run after' TASKKILL command but it makes no difference, outside of PinballX the close and forced close are practically instantaneous. Secondly there seems to be an issue with focus as my loading had now stopped and the selection falls to 'last table played' each time - I don't think that's its a PinballX problem but as I mentioned above it started after I updated to the latest Nvidea drivers, it may be that my build is odd but I've uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times and it seems that the only way to keep things going is a clean Nvidea install for new drivers not a straight update. Just mentioning it here in case it helps someone else, as usual with these short comments there's about a week of testing to make sure that it was a driver issue.
  24. Perfect Tom, my tests line up with Carny_Priest i.e. I can consistently get the correct tables selected with WaitFor=9 and Table Select Delay - long, those appear to be the magic numbers, the loading is faster with this version too. Thank you!
  25. Sadly I'm struggling with DOFFX2, my input controller only outputs joystick buttons and that program only seems to respond to keyboard presses. I tried mapping the keys using another program but it clashed with x360ce which I'm running to enable the plunger....
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