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Everything posted by jaharr01

  1. It looks awesome can u post ur actual script and I will give it a whirl. Jay
  2. could u post your working ini file so I can get the paths right?
  3. fixed with 1.88 thanks so much Tom, I'd buy u a beer if I could.Since I can't I'll drink one in your honor.
  4. jaharr01

    FTP site

    oh that might be the problem. and btw Tom, your 1.88 fixed all my vp exiting problems. your the bomb.com. I really do appreciate it. I think by providing a product for free and still supporting it is very commendable. It shows you take pride in your work. Thats why I paid to support the effort.
  5. jaharr01

    FTP site

    thanks that helped
  6. jaharr01

    FTP site

    I can get on the site and log in with my browser, It threw me out of the server. When I used the FTP client wouldn't let me log on. I did the FTP:// gameex.com as the site on port 22. My gameex user name and password to log on right?
  7. jaharr01

    FTP site

    well if it was such a secret then why did they put it out for the whole world to see http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14622-news-new-gameex-ftp-site/ anyway now the access is your user name and password right ?
  8. jaharr01

    FTP site

    Ok guys how do we get on the FTP site now, do we need software? Seems like a about a month ago I got on it when it had the{ REMOVED} for the password. Now I signed up for the 1 year pass but I can't access the FTP site, or I'm doing it wrong, which is probably the case
  9. I will Tom. Thanks for your help
  10. I know from experience if software gets tweaked enough it will eventually screw up
  11. Well I'll put a Fresh install of of vp and 1.87 and maybe that will fix it
  12. no. and I have thought about this from every angle. The root problem is that VP is not shutting down with 1 keystroke. VP is designed to return to the menu i.e. return to editor,resume game, and debug.before pinballx bypassed this with one key stroke from pinballx. That is the issue. There is a commonality with other pinballx users since the last release, although that could be coincidental. Regarding my setup something caused pinballx to not exit to properly via the exit command . Whether it is pinballx or vp , I am unsure. I think the only route is to start unistalling and reinstalling each part one at a time,
  13. Hey Tom, do you care to give me a link to the full install of 1.85. That flash exe program didn't change it back,or i'm not doing something right, I need to uninstall and reinstall the full version. I'm going to systematically uninstall and reinstall the software till I find out what it was. I will reinstall 1.87 first and make sure it just didn't need a reinstall. then I will uninstall and reinstall VP, Finally if that doesn't work then I will uninstall and install 1.85. Thanks for your prompt response. I hope I get it fixed. Jay
  14. Hey Tom It appears to be a failure of pinballx not exiting VP.Whatever it is causing this,whether the pinmame support or whatever it doesn't shut down VP, when u load another game the prior backglass comes up. I put an led clear file in the scripts and run it on exit. Also I used the hold exit button down feature and that didn't work.I hate to leave 1.87 because of the online integration that saves time finding artwork, but the frontend is unusable in this state. Could you give me a link to 1.85 so I can revert or do I have to uninstall and reinstall. I know its not a problem that is just mine from reading the earlier posts. It may have something to do with DOF and pinballx because thats when the problem started. I ran the file you gave me it made no difference. Jay
  15. i'll give it a shot Tom, thanks for all your hard work. Jay
  16. Okay here is my problem. I had pinballX setup with the prior version of pinballx and it was working fine exiting properly with FP and VP. I set up DOF and upgraded to the latest version and then I started having problems. the db2s back glass wasn't closing but the pinball x menu would come up the table in vp was minimizing , but when I would start another table the back glass wouldnt ecit and it would start another VP instance o top of that one, which screws everything up. I have got to fix this it is driving me craxy. My set up is an A8 with windows 8.1, 8gb ram with an ssd. It is a 3 screen setup. I have FP and VP running in pinballx.I have a nanotech plunger board as my encoder. SetupWizard.xml log (1).txt Visual Pinball.xml
  17. Well I tried to delete Xml files and reload the games list in games manager,but then only one of my tables showed up. Im getting ready to reload pinballX and see if that works
  18. Hey guys, I have VP and FP setup along with pinball x I have about 8-10 of each.I have them in a 3 screen setup. Everything was working fine till today. Tonight I loaded pinballx and a bunch of my tables were gone.Last night I added some FP tables and loaded HP media packs. I double checked all my table settings and they were the same name. I can't figure out what happened. I did have file matching on I wonder if that might have caused the problem.The only thing I know to do is to delete the xml and start over. Any other Ideas would be appreciated.
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