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Everything posted by jaharr01

  1. I don't have it set up, but I think the idea is to give a 3d look. Randr on here sells some infrared tracking setups that look pretty awesome. He has a few videos of it in action I believe.I don't have the link.
  2. Hey Frodus if your running pinballfx2 and you have it set to save exit. Hit the escape key with the keyboard and see if it shuts down that way. You should see it moving down to exit. Also you need to have different exit button than pinballx uses. I set up a new button for it. My problem is after exiting steam doesn't shut down. Thats not Jeff's fault, that's steam's problem.
  3. batch file, sorry not batfile.A batfile is the type of file Bruce Wayne uses on his computer
  4. to make a batfile you change the .txt of notepad and change it to .bat
  5. Hey Jeff this guy figured out how to switch backglasses in pinball arcade, http://pinballarcadefans.com/showthread.php/6723-Simple-Static-Backglass-Homebrewed-App pics: http://s778.photobucket.com/user/XGScorch/media/tz1.png.html Jay
  6. vp has too many variables, one little break in the chain and it acts weird.Although I have not had much problems with it lately, but I only have about 40 tables in VP
  7. same here Jeff . Remember, "if you build it they will come."
  8. VP forums VPUniverse Pinball arcade on steam forums Pinball arcade on farsight forums I think Jeff U are underestimating ur work. I think a large amount of people would like to use pinball arcade with a front end. I also think a lot of people use ur product. They probably don't donate .As far as getting donations that's tough. Can u tell how many nuke launcher has been downloaded Jay
  9. it will be a hit. as far as getting funded maybe reach out to more sights for exposure
  10. I Like it Tom,nice work.Is there a way to change the size of the icon?
  11. Hey Jeff how is the pinball arcade launcher coming I waiting to install on ur launcher if it is gonna be a while I'll go ahead and install it with the script from this site
  12. So I hadn't downloaded yet Tom are these changes automatic or do u have to do manually. Like in game manager?
  13. So is there a way to group all the tables together, like vp in one section pinballfx2 in one section and future pinball in a section. This is different than making different lists for each program. If u can do it I don't know how pinballfx2 places the table. Seems like it's in the order that it was installed. Not sure though
  14. Anyway Tom would it be possible to add startup animations to the LED plugin?I wasn't sure if you wrote the program or someone else did. Maybe even audio animations if you had a jukebox going on in pinballX. I'm sure it's possible. Also Tom I know you can group tables, would it be possible to setup pinball x where it word sort all the VP tables, Then FP table, PinballFX and so on. so you could flip through all the tables of one type then another type and so on. Seems like it would be more orderly. Anyway could we incorporate a theme editor and the ability to change themes? It seems like people like to individualize their front ends. Lastly Jay
  15. sorry Tom I was flipping back and fourth from gameex to pinballx forums and I put it in the wrong spot. Jay
  16. Hey Tom,is there any way add an option for pinballx startup animation sequences in the LED plugin app Jay
  17. FYI--- An update to pinballfx2 may cause your tables to change positions
  18. Yeah that was easy. But I was wondering if it were possible to have all the tables listed together but grouped together like all the visual pinball, then all the future pinball, then pinballfx2 if u know what I mean Jay
  19. you could put the default audio for each table in the system under audio, where all your table pics and stuff are stored, but you would have to name each file what the table is named.It would take forever if u had a bunch of tables. although there may be a better way I don't know about.
  20. Ok I have a quick question.Can you change the way the tables are grouped together, like put all the visual pinball together, future pinball, and so on. It drives me crazy not having them in order. I'm sure it is possible but i can't figure out how to do it. Jay
  21. wire the contactors directly up to the contactors and the encoder. only problem is they work all the time even outside of emulators and pinballx.
  22. yes Nuke launcher does it's job well
  23. Tell em if they don't like it to move.
  24. ok I'm lost. So what is this specifically used for ?
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