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Everything posted by connorsdad

  1. It was the version of tpa I was using 1.22. It has a bug regarding rotating the display resulting in a black screen with the only way to exit being ctrl+alt+del
  2. I've just tested this on my system and it works fine, I put it in the startup folder, windows loads and then pinballx starts. run, c:\pinballx\pinballx.exe
  3. When I get off work I'll test an ahk for you.
  4. Just add the following to an ahk script and stick it in your windows start up folder. Run, c:\pinballx\pinballx.exe Replace c:\.. with the location of your installation.
  5. What is the location of your pinballx exe ?
  6. Have an AHK containing a run pinballx command that starts with windows, that will always load.
  7. +1
  8. And I'm done I give up.... for now.
  9. I'm trying that script now, for some reason it's pressing the down key when it should be pressing enter. Soo close
  10. Now onto loading each table individually
  11. I now have it working using the pinball arcade 1.26.12
  12. No I'm not running the steam version.
  13. PM Sent Thank you
  14. Can I change my email address without having to validate it again if I pm one of you admins my current email address and the one I want to change it to? Thanks
  15. I see some people have the game launching from pinballx and then navigating manually, that'll do but I can't even get it to launch. I get a black screen and can't even exit back to pinballx.
  16. Just in case someone is put off helping me due to my low post count I am fairly up to speed with ahk and the like so I don't need my hand holding, just a look at someones ini and script to see where I'm going wrong. Thanks
  17. It's my own company, I have no filters in place. I've checked all spam/junk folders and nothing.
  18. I've tried a few things but I can't get tpa to even load from pinballx. I'd appreciate seeing someones ini and script that has it working. Thanks
  19. Not really played much to be honest, just getting everything setup for my vpin build at the moment.
  20. How are you guys selecting the football tables? I have all the media associated correctly but I can't figure out an ahk to automate the selection of each team. Am I right in thinking you have it selecting "football" for each table and then navigate the menu manually? Great info in this thread btw, it got me up an running in no time
  21. Hi I had to update the email address to my wifes Gmail account to get the validation to come through. I have all filters turned off so I've no idea why it's not coming through. I see that if I update the email to my correct one I will have to validate the account again which I can't do :/ Any way around this?
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