Heres my log, something is wrong; 14:42:32.2 24/08/2014: PinballX - Version 1.8514:42:32.3 24/08/2014: Loading Settings14:42:32.3 24/08/2014: Initialize Component14:42:32.6 24/08/2014: Initialize Display14:42:32.7 24/08/2014: Loading PlugIns14:42:32.7 24/08/2014: Loaded Plugin:"FutureDMD PinballX Stats" Version 1 By GauntletLover14:42:34.3 24/08/2014: PlugIn: "FutureDMD PinballX Stats" Initialized OK14:42:34.3 24/08/2014: Using Plugin System Version: 114:42:35.0 24/08/2014: Hiding Cursor14:42:35.1 24/08/2014: Hiding Taskbar14:42:35.1 24/08/2014: Load Game List14:42:35.1 24/08/2014: Loading Database: Future Pinball14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Database: PinballFX214:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Database: Pinball Arcade14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball DX714:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Custom Database: Only Future Pinball Tables14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Custom Database: Only Visual Pinball DX9 Tables14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Custom Database: Visual Pinball DX714:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Custom Database: Zen14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Finding and matching artwork and videos14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Loading Game Statistics and Scores14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Error. Exiting14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Error in the application.14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Manager.GetDeviceCaps(Int32 adapter, DeviceType deviceType)14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: at Direct2D.Direct2d.Device..ctor(Form FormHandle, Int32 Width, Int32 Height, Boolean Windowed, Boolean VSync, Boolean Display16Bit, Int32 DisplayNbr, Int32 RefreshRate)14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: at PinballX.Main.b(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2)14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: at PinballX.Main..ctor()14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Disposing Plugins14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Showing Taskbar14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Unhiding Mouse Cursor