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Everything posted by connorsdad

  1. Anyone else still having this problem or is it just me ? I'm running 1.88 but also had this problem with 1.85 too. There are no errors in the log, everything loads as it should but it crashes 50% of the time. I'll try out the startup delay program the next time I fire up my cab.
  2. Thanks for the advice fellas, I have the room so may as well back up the whole thing
  3. I see some people are having issues with the latest version so before I update I'd like to backup my pbx installation. What files get updated with the latest version ? Or is there a 1.85 version somewhere that I could go back to if needs be ? Thanks
  4. Out of interest, what files should we backup before installing the latest version ?
  5. I've built my own, thanks anyway Carny_Priest
  6. Any ideas of how to fix it ? I cant uninstall directx and It wont reinstall either, dxdiag shows no errors. Other apps launch fine.
  7. Heres my log, something is wrong; 14:42:32.2 24/08/2014: PinballX - Version 1.8514:42:32.3 24/08/2014: Loading Settings14:42:32.3 24/08/2014: Initialize Component14:42:32.6 24/08/2014: Initialize Display14:42:32.7 24/08/2014: Loading PlugIns14:42:32.7 24/08/2014: Loaded Plugin:"FutureDMD PinballX Stats" Version 1 By GauntletLover14:42:34.3 24/08/2014: PlugIn: "FutureDMD PinballX Stats" Initialized OK14:42:34.3 24/08/2014: Using Plugin System Version: 114:42:35.0 24/08/2014: Hiding Cursor14:42:35.1 24/08/2014: Hiding Taskbar14:42:35.1 24/08/2014: Load Game List14:42:35.1 24/08/2014: Loading Database: Future Pinball14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Database: PinballFX214:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Database: Pinball Arcade14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball DX714:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Custom Database: Only Future Pinball Tables14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Custom Database: Only Visual Pinball DX9 Tables14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Custom Database: Visual Pinball DX714:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Loading Custom Database: Zen14:42:35.2 24/08/2014: Finding and matching artwork and videos14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Loading Game Statistics and Scores14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Error. Exiting14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Error in the application.14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Manager.GetDeviceCaps(Int32 adapter, DeviceType deviceType)14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: at Direct2D.Direct2d.Device..ctor(Form FormHandle, Int32 Width, Int32 Height, Boolean Windowed, Boolean VSync, Boolean Display16Bit, Int32 DisplayNbr, Int32 RefreshRate)14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: at PinballX.Main.b(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2)14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: at PinballX.Main..ctor()14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Disposing Plugins14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Showing Taskbar14:42:38.2 24/08/2014: Unhiding Mouse Cursor
  8. No Tom, I need to try another program as it could be a windows issue.
  9. Even tried with task scheduler, strange.
  10. This is no longer working on my setup, not sure what has changed.
  11. The shortcut target is fine, I've removed realtek util and yet pbx still doesn't launch.
  12. If I select the option to start with windows or place a pbx shortcut in the windows start up folder, when windows loads I get a tab on the task bar "REALTEK 11n USB Wireless Lan Utility". This tab takes forever to close too. Any ideas as to why it's loading whatever this is instead of pinballx ?
  13. @TomYou were right about "another issue", it was the first sign of a memory module going bad. I set the software side up 2 months ago and everything was running fine, this past weekend I finally installed it into my cab. It was played for hours on Saturday by numerous people and not 1 issue so I (wrongly) assumed your beta was at fault when my system jacked up. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, please accept my apology
  14. The stable 1.85 is fine, on all yesterday and no issues. The beta from earlier ran fine too (EDIT unstable on my system too). I've only just got my cab up and running so I'm behind with what info you need, I checked the log and everything started fine.Update I'll stay at 1.85, smooth as can be for me I'll let you guys who know what you're doing try out the betas.
  15. This version causes my pc to crash BSOD
  16. It works with all my visual pinball tables as long as "All Tables" is selected. If I filter only visual pinball tables the dmds don't display.
  17. Not running a real dmd, using an lcd with pinmame. My leds controlled by an ledwiz. Sorry I should have been more descriptive.
  18. Just updated to the latest beta from 1.85, seems slower to cycle through the tables and open up the menu or is it me ? Also, when I exit a vp table my leds are still lit. I have assigned roms to all my tables and yet only the first one I assigned is working (displaying)
  19. OutHere, you should post your log file, maybe it'll show something.
  20. No, I took my system apart shortly after posting this, I'm in the process of building a cab to put it in. I'm glad it's not just me with the problem I'll try again when my cab is finished.
  21. I'm interested in using a switch to activate night mode. How is this achieved? Thanks
  22. If I have futuredmd launching on start of pinballx, when I launch "The Pinball Arcade" from pinballx, it crashes and I get a "The Pinball arcade has stopped working" error box. If I don't have futuredmd running everything is fine, now I have tried all ways (Using ahk) to kill the futuredmd process before it continues with the pinballarcade.ahk but it crashes everytime. Is there any way to disable futuredmd when the wheel lands upon a table? that way I could disable futuredmd before "The pinball arcade" is even launched. I like the fact that futuredmd gives me stats per table when navigating through the wheel, it would be a shame to have to remove it because of this one game but I also do not want to remove tpa. Any suggestions guys.
  23. No way to do it at the moment, the way I and I'm sure everyone else has it configured is to apply the same bit of code to every football table in the ahk.
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