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Everything posted by connorsdad

  1. 1. I am using the system I already had setup before pbfx2 was integrated into pbx. 2. I am using the correct xml, pbx loads the integrated fx2 xml even though the system is disabled. 3. I tried the guide, didn't work. 4. I think this could be my issue, could I just copy someones exe over the top of mine ?
  2. Thanks for your time and patience but it still isn't working. I have restored everything to how it was before so that all my artwork etc corresponds. I will try to get pbfx2 working using cli outside of pinballx first, if I can't get it to work I'll carry on using the excellent nuke launcher Once again, thanks for helping.
  3. Still not working. the log
  4. No I'm definitely not using the steam version.Isn't it just something I'm doing wrong regarding the parameters entry ?
  5. I'm away from my cab at the minute. The reference to futureDMD is disabled (I used to use it to display scores when scrolling through tables, I had various systems disable it on launch and enable it again on close, it's not used anymore). Can't recall why I would skip to system 3 and not fill in sys2, unless I removed it somewhere along the way. Edit I've just looked at the ini again, system 2 is after system 3.
  6. Not sure what you mean. I have them setup as individual systems and they work fine unless I try to get fx2 to direct start. I don't use the built in fx2 method.
  7. I've updated to the latest pbx, here's my log.
  8. My ini And my Log
  9. That is correct, will post ini and log soon.
  10. Could do with some help re direct starting of tables please guys, I have tried various things in Parameters but just cannot get it to work. I have tried with/without the table path filled in and I have also added the .pxp extension to the game names in the xml too. The method I used before was the Nukelauncher method, I have also swapped the exe location to the pinball fx2.exe. The location of my installation is C:\Program Files (x86)\Pinball FX2 Thanks
  11. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    Tom, my mistake bud, T2 had 1 letter difference in its b2s and yet it worked fine in vp, strange. Your files are perfect, thank you.
  12. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    Maybe it's because it's setup under a different system "VP DX7", it uses a different exe. Then again the physmod tables work.
  13. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    Terminator 2 is directb2s.
  14. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    They are B2S.exe
  15. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    They show videos, all file names are matching.
  16. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    24, Indianapolis 500 and partyzone are working fine. Still not working. <game name="Cyclone_FS_B2S"><description>Cyclone_FS_B2S</description><rom>cycln_l5</rom> <game name="Diner_FS_B2S"><description>Diner_FS_B2S</description><rom>diner_l4</rom> <game name="Red Dwarf (Crapola 2012)"><description>Red Dwarf (Crapola 2012)</description><rom></rom> <game name="Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (Williams 1991)"><description>Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (Williams 1991)</description><rom>t2_l8</rom>
  17. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    You do not have permission to view this attachment.
  18. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    <game name="24 (Stern 2009)"> <description>24 (Stern 2009)</description> <rom>twenty4_150</rom> <game name="Cyclone_FS_B2S"> <description>Cyclone_FS_B2S</description> <rom>cycln_l5</rom> <game name="Diner_FS_B2S"> <description>Diner_FS_B2S</description> <rom>diner_l4</rom> <game name="IIndianapolis 500 (Midaway 1995)"> <description>IIndianapolis 500 (Midaway 1995)</description> <rom>i500_11r</rom> <game name="Party Zone (Williams 1991)"> <description>Party Zone (Williams 1991)</description> <rom></rom> <game name="Red Dwarf (Crapola 2012)"> <description>Red Dwarf (Crapola 2012)</description> <rom></rom> <game name="Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (Williams 1991)"> <description>Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (Williams 1991)</description> <rom>t2_l8</rom>
  19. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    All good thanks TomEDIT Tables that aren't working; 24 (blank screen) Cyclone (video) Diner (video) Indianapolis 500 (video) Party zone (video) Red dwarf (video) Terminator 2 (video) Will post exact names shortly
  20. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    Seems others over on vpforums are having the same issue
  21. connorsdad

    2.0 pinballx

    I have all table titles, b2s titles, game names and descriptions matching and yet only have 6 back glasses working out of 100+ All tables and b2s files are inside the table folder. Most are just a blank screen, 3 or 4 play the corresponding backglass video. Any ideas ?
  22. This sounds very interesting, anyone care to show how this is done please ? Thanks
  23. Gave the head tracking a go myself, got bored of the gimmick within a few days, very rarely play fp on my cab due to the terrible physics.
  24. That sounds great, would you mind sharing the images please ?
  25. I recently reinstalled 1.92 and had the random knocker issue again, came here to get the file and copied it over the default one, the file sizes are different.
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