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Everything posted by Outhere

  1. Playfield monitor should be on the left with additional monitors to the right and align with the top of the Playfield monitor- Example Below Try this order Playfield, BackGlass, Dmd then Topper Not necessarily in the order of 1 2 3
  2. This is A normal set up Playfield monitor should be on the left with additional monitors to the right and best to have them align with the top of the Playfield monitor- Example Below Try this order Playfield, BackGlass, Dmd then Topper Not necessarily in the order of 1 2 3 1920 1080 1360 768 2 <---- Some Times you need to try 1 - 15 -- for back Glass to be on the right screen -- The monitor numbers in windows don't mean anything for the set up in VP 0 0 1330 0 <-- 2 screen setup Leave at 0 440 0 <-- 2 screen setup Leave at 0 1379 0 <-- 2 screen setup Leave at 0 145 0 <-- 2 screen setup Leave at 0 0
  3. It is very unusual to have to use an offset setting for your back glass in your ScreenRes.txt In windows Screen setup do you have your playfield on the left and your backglass screen to the right and have the screens Even at the top
  4. Lots of info https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=40867&amp;p=413287
  5. Do you have Cabinet check
  6. Info on that Backglass Server https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=41903&amp;p=424768
  7. post your pinballx.ini file
  8. Try this Backglass Server https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=41903&amp;p=424768
  9. Install the latest version of pinball X https://www.gameex.info/forums/files/file/527-pinballx/ Install the latest version of LAV Filters https://www.pinballx.com/
  10. Diablo https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=37523&amp;p=420903
  11. Just install it over the top of the 64 bit
  12. Reinstall pinballx but use the 32 bit - The default is the 32 bit
  13. You should not run anything in compatibility mode for anything With this set to true it may cause problems with your keyboard/button assignments Set this to false -- AutoConfigure=True Just because an operating system is 64 bit doesn't mean you should run 64 bit programs Going to 32 bit may be a big help Only run ADMIN mode if needed on anything
  14. Make sure you post those files whenever you have a problem Turn off -- Auto Position DMD
  15. Did you Try this Set to false ---> AutoPositionB2S=True
  16. I tried your back glass it worked fine for me.... Post wherever you download the back glass from.... You don't happen have a Avengers.res file in the same folder?
  17. Does it happen when you run the game straight from the VP?
  18. The screen numbers in windows don't always match the ones in other programs
  19. I don't believe they both can be one but the back glass could be 2 3 4 or 5
  20. I never looked at your log file put on the 32 bit ... the default is the 32 bit
  21. Try this Set to false ---> FullScreenWindowed=True
  22. If you have 64 bit Pinballx it will say this ( PinballX - Version 3.28 x64 ) at the top of the log
  23. Use the latest version of pinballx And also make sure you have the latest LAV Filters Use the 32 Bit https://www.pinballx.com/ Also you might want try the new version of DMDext v1.7.1 -x86.zip https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions/releases/tag/v1.7.1
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