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  1. I have 1598 tables. When I open Pinball X, it shows "Featuring 1600 tables". Where is it pulling that 1600 number from? My xml files have 1598, all my sub categories total 1598. I'm not sure where it's pulling the extra 2 tables from. output.html
  2. Resetting to low end default settings seemed to fix the graphical issues. I'm good now. Pinball X is still having issues, but the PBX recorder is working fine now. Thanks guys.
  3. I definitely had the GL, not the Debug version. After switching to the Release version VPinballX-10.8.0-1975-051104c-Release-win-x64, it's finally taking screenshots under the PBX Recorder. Yay! But, they look like this. vpinball.log
  4. Ok. I finally got the PBX Recorder to work. I pointed it at the Pinball X folder. I changed the Other Systems from Custom to Visual Pinball and it worked. I still have bad screenshots. Here's the logs. Catacomb seemed to time out (goes to what I was saying about table loading times). What I see in the Catacomb screenshot is what I see when running a heavy table on PinballX. Things tend to load on top of one another until it's fully running. I don't know if I need a better processor or video card to help with this. Once things are loaded I don't have any table stutter. PBXrecorder.ini PBXrecorder.log vpinball.log PinballX.ini
  5. October 19,2024 05:50:12 Version 2.1 Monitor Count: 2, Primary Monitor: 1 Monitor 1: 1920x1080 (\\.\DISPLAY1) Monitor 2: 3840x1080 (\\.\DISPLAY2) Pinballx.ini 8 C:\Users\Itchiogo-Cab\Desktop\PBXRecorder_x64 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 15 0 15 180 1 0 Identify all VP XML files... Skipping disabled/non-VP system: .xml Total number of VP systems found: 0 0 new recordings out of 0 tables. Finished (05:51:06)
  6. I tried I tried that with the same thing. 404 xml not found. 🤣 I also copied my xml to the PBXX64 folder, and it still couldn't find the xml. (Yes, I changed the paths).
  7. You're right, I was on 1.6. I looked for the latest and thought that was it. I still get the same thing. It should be pointed at the same folder that my xml is in, right? I have that path correct (Pinballx/databases/VPX). Also from running this, it looks like it's geared towards videos, not screengrabs. I don't do video's on my cab. I only have screenshots. Also, in other systems, when I change it to Visual Pinball from Custom .exe, Pinball X hangs. If I click the playfield (focus) then I have to CNTR/ALT/DEL to exit. When I exit that way, my taskbar is missing and I have to reboot to get it back.
  8. If I VPX is set to Visual Pinball up top, I get "VP can't load a file of that version" (for a VPX table). That's why I have it in other systems. Mame and VP 9.21 (in other systems) are not enabled. This cab started life as a vp9 cab, which is why they used to be there,
  9. Yes, it's enabled. I was playing with the settings. I am using the latest 10.8 vp (as of 2 weeks ago I think). The only way my xml's are read correctly is to have the onboard vp (the one under FP) running 9.95. And the other systems running VPX. I only have these 2 vp versions running and that's it. I used to have Mame and TPA, but they are disabled.
  10. Ah Ha! So this is interesting... It seems the black screenshot is only when running vpx tables. VP9 table screenshots seem to work fine for the pf and bg. Another thing. I have vp9 tables under the #2 Visual Pinball in settings, and VPX is under other systems- custom .exe. If I put VPX in the #2 slot and vp9 in other systems, I get "VP can't load a file of that version" (for a VPX table). If I just use #2 for VPX, and let the custom .exe line in my xml do the work, and don't enable other systems, Pinball X only sees the demo media and ignores my xmls entirely. I literally have 2 tables on the menu. PinballX.ini log.txt
  11. After looking at things more closely, it looks like I have a focus issue. A lot of tables I have to click once they open to start them. Sometimes, I can take a pf screenshot- if I do it before clicking the table to start. Not all of the tables loose focus, but a lot do and I can't see why some do and others do not. The bg screengrabs work- the exception is the FlexDMD won't show on the bg screenshot. This is through Pinball X, not PBX recorder. My screens are configured correctly in Windows, but if I click the bg to position a dmd, the pf minimizes when I'm working on the bg. I never noticed this behavior before. I may have to go into my b2s settings as well. Sometimes the b2s won't close with the table. log.txt
  12. PBX Recorder isn't finding my XML. PBXrecorder.log
  13. The table is loading normally, I can see and play the game as normal. When I take the screenshot the bg comes out perfect, but not the pf. The table is fully loaded and ready to play, but the screengrab is a black screen. The loading time varies by table. You see the progress bar as the table starts. It seems to hang there or take a long time. If it's a JP table, no problem. If it's a VPW table, it can take as much as a full minute for the table to come up. Sometimes the table seem to lose focus and I have to click the pf. That may not be related. While the table is trying to start I have core temp.exe running. It shows processor load and temp. While I'm waiting for my table I see 1 core at 100% load. That 100% load seems to change cores during the loading process. In other words the core at 100% seems to change during the table loading. I did overclock the cpu a bit to 3.6 from 3.4, which didn't seem to make much of a difference. The PBX recorder seems to be geared to taking videos not screenshots. I don't do videos since I have so many tables, a screenshot is fine. I tried playing with exclusive fullscreen and it didn't seem to make a difference.
  14. I hate to say it but I think I may have found the problem. If I take a screengrab with the game fully up, I sometimes get the loading screen- with the table fully on. If I wait longer I may get the table in the screenshot as normal. Given that, and long table loading times, I'm guessing my system is lagging. I just don't know if it's CPU or GPU. The tables play fine when they open. I finally got my DMD's working and everything. I haven't tried the PBX tool yet, I wanted to get everything running right first. It would appear I'm back to normal, or slower than normal lol.
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