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T. Goodchild

GameEx Founding Member
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  1. Hi everyone. Simple feature request I hope. Hadn't had this problem until I stated updating some artwork. In the future would it be possible under Advanced Emulator Setup in the Wizard, to increase the Custom Art Paths from 5 to 10? Thanks!
  2. I think I may see the problem it may just be a missing ; after *.cue so change RomFilter=*.iso;*.cue to RomFilter=*.iso;*.cue;
  3. For emulation I'll never upgrade past XP if I can help it. It's the only OS I can rely on to run every emulator except Dolphin flawlessly, everything since has been a disappointment and buggy to say the least. The newer the OS's is, the harder it is to run older games on. XP is stable reliable and efficient for 95% of emulators and PC games out there.
  4. I've tried dtlite throughout xp and win8 and something small always changed. Currently on win8 32 using dtlite sptd 1.83 my config is as follows, I dont use the virtual drive parameter. For the commandline of xebra XEBRA.EXE -SPTI E: -RUN2 -FULL E: Being the virtual drive letter yours may be different then I use launch before launch after. What changes over the versions is needing to add the scsi command where before I didn't have to. LaunchBefore=""C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -mount scsi, 0,"[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"" LaunchAfter="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount scsi, 0 I use the redump images so the music works on everything but xebra memory card stability and gui leaves something to be desired. Xebra is the best in terms of accuracy but for usability I still use pcsx-reloaded with a similar config.
  5. You can do it all manually by going into Setup Wizard>Custom>Advanced Emulator Setup then simply choosing whatever paths you already have but I have to also strongly suggest EmuMovies for all artwork. It does cost some money but think of it as a long term investment, and for it you get a program which only asks you for your roms folder and then a place to store ALL the artwork and it does the rest of the work automagically. After it all gets downloaded you only have to tell GameEx where those paths are and thats it.
  6. I ask simply because I have multi bin files loading fine with dt lite. I know they won't load in pSX or ePSXe but they do work in PCSX-R and XEBRA. I use a separate set of single bin/cues specifically for those emulators that do not play well with the multi's. I was wondering if anything was lost in the conversion from multi > single and if it would affect the accuracy of the rip in any way.
  7. Does this affect the music tracks and cue timings in any way?
  8. After looking at my log I also see that my Half Life episodes 1+2 are not loading either. I did a reinstall of Steam when I first had this problem and it fixed it I'm going to try to verify the cache again for those games and see if it fixes them. log.txt
  9. Yes, it should be the second entry.
  10. I've tried several variations of creating an .ini with the app ID or the launch # but none ever show up in GameEx. I can set banner pics in Steam and I tried setting the artwork in GameEx but I don't think I'm getting the config number(s) right or maybe they need an .ahk launcher idk. I've searched through the other thread for clues but I'm not familiar with setting up a specific Steam game in GameEx manually.
  11. How can we add mods like Black Mesa to GameEx with artwork? They don't have a url but just an entry.
  12. WOW that worked the first time! The only hang up I had was that my Launch Before and After was before the command in my config.ini. so I just cut/paste it after and it loaded. It was so simple and worked right away thanks!
  13. Ok this may be a long and complicated story but here it goes. I have 3 playstation emulators working perfectly in GameEx pSX 1.13, ePSXe 1.7 and pcsx-reloaded. I use 2 sets of isos for playstation. The first set are old mixed images like mdf mds img bin cue for pSX and ePSXe 1.7 and the second is the playstation redump images for pcsx-r. For pcsx-reloaded, it gets a bit more complicated since I use redump images which are multibin and cue files. I mount them with launch before and launch after with Daemon Tools lite 4.35.6. The advantage to this is I know the images are dumped correctly and I don't have sound issues but I sacrifice emulator accuracy (pcsx-r) for the ability to launch these particular images. Now for the point of this thread. With the ARBEX emulator I tested loading the mixed image (sketchy) formats from the commandline config posted by Headkaze which was ARBEX.EXE -IMAGE "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" -RUN2 -FULL They load fine as long as the image is a single bin or mdf or img file. So far so good right? GameEx can launch ARBEX images without Daemon Tools and all works well. The next step I wanted to take was to see if I could mount my redump images in Daemon Tools and have ARBEX load them via the -SPTI commandline which launches CDROMS not images. This is where it gets tricky. OK, so manually outside of GameEx for testing purposes, I load up a multibin redump image using the .cue into Daemon Tools. I go to ARBEX and load CD ROM via SPTI. After pointing it to the mounted game the only way it will "Start" is by finding a file whose name and extension change depending on the game but always starts with SLUS_xxxxxx. After I manually find this file, ARBEX loads up the redump image perfectly and all is well. Well why am I doing this and whats the point you may ask? The redump images are the best set I've found and ARBEX is one of the most accurate playstation emulators that can actually load these images correctly. My ultimate question would be is there a way for GameEx to select this SLUS_xxxx file which will have a different name and extension for each game once mounted and load it after it "finds" it? This pic shows a mounted game in Daemon Tools and the magic SLUS_file that needs to be loaded with the -SPTI commandline. Basically Headkazes config works if you switch out -IMAGE for -SPTI and have it "look" for a SLUS_ file then add the -RUN2 -FULL switches after. The order should go like this. 1. Mount game in Daemon Tools. 2. Use -SPTI commandline to get the "Open" dialogue. 3. Find the SLUS_ file and select it. 4. -RUN2 - FULL and any other residual switches. 5. Success!
  14. Thumbnails work great now and all I had to do to see the games I didnt "see" was to go Steam > game properties > verify game cache. I tried with X-Com and it popped up just fine on the next launch. Thanks for the quick fix!
  15. Will do, I'll reinstall them to the right drive this time and let ya know if anything weird happens.
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