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Everything posted by RIP-Felix

  1. Seek and you may find, a tomb of horrors! Acererak the Demi-Lich says, "what is it that you seek?" "I seek the key to immortality", then I remembered I was speaking to a king and added, "my lord". "Of course you do", said Acerarak, "but you must first prove you are worthy." "How may I prove my worth Noble king Acerarak?", I said. Instead of answering he stood from his thrown and lowered his head, his neck creaking and popping as He did so. His eyes began glowing deep red, increasing in intensity until a brilliant beam of hellfire spewed forth. He raised his head and gazed in my direction. The unbearable heat incinerated everything in its path as the beam scorched toward me. I barely had enough time to move as I watched its path cross where I was standing a split second before. The radiant heat burned the hair off my arm and singed my face as it narrowly missed. I heard the sound of the inlaid stone floor crack from heat shock behind me as I landed and rolled out of the way. To my surprise I had instinctively unsheathed my sword. I stood and simultaneously casted a protect spell. Then I lunged forward at Acerarak with my sword raised over my head, ready to bring it down on his crown, when He held out his bony hand and said... "HALT!" I could barely move! It felt like trying to run in a dream. My arms were paralyzed, my legs were like lead. I was trying with all my willpower to take another step and bring my sword down, but it was like Acerarak had slowed time and encased me in wet concrete. His immobilizing spell easily overpowered my pathetic 3rd level protect spell. His gaze had fixed squarely on me now, eyes no longer glowing. I resigned myself to imminent annihilation when Aserarak spoke again. "You have done well. I will grant what you seek." He then sat back down on his thrown and waved his hand. The immobilizing spell wore off immediately and my arms dropped to my hip, the sword clutched tight and ready in front of me. Acerarak opened his mouth wide. He reached up and unhinged his jaw, bringing it down in his hand. With his other hand he reached down into the hole where his heart would be. It came back up clutching a key. He reached out, palm up, and offered it to me. “The Key to immortality”, he said. As I cautiously scaled the final step toward his thrown, he re-hinged his jaw with his other hand. Now I got a closer look. The key was black onyx, with iridescent streaks of orange and red. They seemed to emit light, making the key glow in Acerarak's mummified paw. I reached out and took the key... The very moment my finger touched the key my perspective changed. I was confused at first, because I was no longer in the throne room. Instead I was watching a baby in the womb, then it’s birth. After a bit, a doctor placed the baby into it’s mothers arms. Then I recognized her. It was my mom! The baby was me. As images kept playing I realized I was reliving my whole life, like a movie reel in full VR. Get a hold of yourself Wade, I told myself. How could the OASIS simulation be showing me real memories? GSS was able to playback simcaps of events that had taken place in the OASIS or those caught on camera in the real world, but not intimate, private moments. Currently my mother was rocking me in her arms, singing lullabies. I didn’t remember these events, I was just a baby then. So this could be an elaborate simcap that just inserted stock animation of my mother. GSS certainly had her in its reistry. They kept maticulus records of everyones data just in case. Even after a user had died. The Wade Owen Watts life story progressed further and I began recognizing scenes from my past. I saw my mom before her death, and the events afterward. Moving in with my aunt Alice and the unpleasantness of abject poverty. Currently I was running from bullies in the stacks on my way to school. Maybe there were cameras outside, but how could they be showing me moments too private for anyone but me to know? I was getting a bit spooked now. I reached up to feel my visor, just to reassure myself I was still in the OASIS, but all I felt was my face. My visor wesn't there. I tried to bring up my console and log out, but the commands didn’t work. Nothing worked. All I could do is watch. Now I was playing Ache in one of our epic battles of Joust in the basement. Ache's basement was in a private chat room. Everything we did or said there was inaccessible to GSS. I knew it couldn't be an elaborate simcap now. There was no way these memories could be simulated unless they had direct access to my brain. But this wasn’t the Matrix. I'd never heard of any technology that could tap directly into your memories. I had seen an old NOVA documentary where scientists genetically engineered a fly brain expressing electrically sensitive fluorescent molecules. They could watch them fluoresce as neurons fired. Essentially, they could see a fly think in real time. It was limited to a few fly neurons at a time, but that was 35 years ago. Could the technology have matured? I tabled that line of thinking for the moment. It was too fantastic. There had to be a simpler explanation. Then a terrifying thought occurred to me. I always thought it was a cliché that when you're about to die, you see your whole life flash before your eyes. Just some made for TV legend. Or maybe that’s just what you experience while your brain cells started dying. This also explains the tunnel of light or meeting dead loved ones during a near death experience. No one could really know what you perceive after this initial brain cell die off, because if it went on longer you weren’t coming back to tell anyone what you saw. Maybe you just became aware of less and less, until all awareness is replaced by nothingness. This was my least favorite topic to indulge. It didn't do any good to dwell on it. I usually tried to force those thoughts out and focus on something else. There was nothing I could do about it after all, so why worry about it? I had resolved to try and enjoy my life until I couldn’t anymore. But right now I couldn’t help myself. I was reliving my whole life after all, just like all those other NDE survivors. It was me Now! Was I dying at this very moment? Did I suffer an aneurysm while logged into the OASIS? I was worried now. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON? A few moments earlier I had been seeking the key to immortality from the Demi-litch Aserarak, now I might be dying? I mean, it can’t be a coincidence that right at the moment I reached out for the key I began a trip down memory lane. But how could the two things possibly be linked. He couldn't actually hurt me. Parzival sure, but me? I weighed the facts. I was in the OASIS the moment before, but now I can’t possibly be in the simulation. I've already established that. Okay, what if there was some terrible hidden use for VR technology. Could it trigger a seizure? Could someone at GSS have programmed this dungeon to actually kill someone? There were supposed to safety measures. Built in software filtered out repetitive flashes that could otherwise cause epileptic seizures. Video game designers had known about this since the early 90s when certain games with flashing lights triggered seizures in kids with photosensitive epilepsy. Sure you could just design a dungeon without the safety in place, but that would only work on people with epilepsy. You would have to get around GSS' software, but it could be done if someone was determined enough to do it. What if some secretive group of designers had figured out a way to weaponize this phenomenon, to target people without epilepsy? Maybe that was happening to me now. But I didn't believe it. Maybe they really could read my mind and feed me images of my past. I was grasping at straws. Occam's Razor, a problem solving principal famously misused to justify asinine pet theories, states the simplest explanation tends to be the right one. GSS could read my mind. I had been been punked by some psychotic secretive designer who had weaponized this dungeon. My sedentary lifestyle had finally caught up to me. With how much time I was spending in the OASIS lately, if I had suffered a massive coronary, I probably would be logged in. The fact it happened just as I grabbed the key could be an extremely unlikely chance occurrence, like winning the lottery. Except I got the Darwin award. I couldn't admit which seemed like the most likely. I was in denial. I was officially scared. Was I asking for trouble seeking the Key to immortality from Aserarak? Never once did I ask myself what had to happen first. I told myself the worst that could happen is he would kill my 3rd level avatar and I would have to create a new one. Not much to loose. He couldn't really hurt me. I now began thinking he could, and had. My mind was racing. It was too late. I had taken the bait. Some asshole at GSS had fried my brain because I stumbled into his trap dungeon. All those years of studying D&D modules, fantasy titles of countless books, movies and video games, and still I had blundered into my doom. However, I was still holding out hope for option one, the only scenario in which I didn't die. The "Wade Owen Watts" movie was nearing its end. I continued to watch helplessly as, what I desperately hoped was a simcap, of my life story relentlessly trudged through the events of the past few minutes. I saw Aserarak’s eyes glowing and then my near miss. I watched as he paralyzed me, released me, reached into his gaping, jawless mug, and produced that evil key. That key represented death to me. The uncertainty of what it now meant, why I even wanted it in the first place, or what would happen when I touched it again was unbearable. I hated that key with all my being. I shouted at myself... "DESTROY IT! KILL HIM! DO SOMETHING!!" It was useless. I watched in slow motion from above as my earlier self reached out for the key. Why hadn’t I just cut it in half right then and there, I thought to my self in regret. "NOOO..." I watched as Parcival's fingers made contact with the key. Then I watched in complete terror as the inevitable events of the past caught up to the present, reliving my life story to the present moment, all colliding in one horrific surge. I closed my eyes in mortal fear. Then, I felt myself being forced backward, as if I had been ghost punched. Then I had an out of body experience. I slowly opened my eyes, but I was no longer looking at myself from above. Nor was I in my former position in front of Acerarak. I was now looking at myself...THROUGH ASERARAK'S EYES! It took me a moment to notice this detail however, I was still reeling from a sense of impending doom. I felt immensely relieved that option one was correct. So much for Occam's Razor, I thought. I hadn't died after all, not really, otherwise I wouldn't be around to ask stupid questions. Questions like, HOW IN THE HELL DID THAT JUST HAPPEN? How could the OASIS simulate a replay of my whole life? It was entirely too spooky. Only James Halladay himself could have programmed a transfiguration so convincingly. But, it made no sense. It didn't fit Halladay's MO. That had gone...WAY...too far. It wasn't fun. Talk about blurring the line between simulation and reality. I thought if it really were possible for a person to switch places with a Demi-litch, what I had just experienced would be how it'd feel. Things get really freaky once the simulation starts showing you things It couldn't possibly know. My mind was still reeling from the implication of this when the entity across from me spoke... "You have attained that which you seek".  He then turned around and left the throne room, my former body (and its mortality) with him. ...My mind was still racing. Had Aserarak just conned me out of my mortality? I mean, It was too easy to "prove my worth". While It hadn't been easy to avoid his hellfire beam, he did give up relatively easily. On the other hand I did just trade a puny 3rd level humanoid avatar for a badass Demi-litch. I thought to myself, How do I get out of here? Wait, can I get out of here? I mean, if Aserarak could leave why wasn't he enjoying his immortality on a tropical pleasure planet sipping Mai-tais on the beach? Maybe his putrefying body wasn't immortal. What if it was just his intellect that was immortal, not what it was bound to? I began to understand. I recalled a black comedy fantasy film released in 1992 staring Meryl Street and Goldie Hawn called “Death Becomes Her.” Two middle aged women take a mysterious elixir that gives them immortality. However, it came with a huge caveat. Their bodies were not invincible. They could still die and decompose, but remain animate. The two women get into a blood feud with each other and their bodies suffer the consequences. A hilarious series of escalating retaliations ensue and the movie ends with the two, now friends, attending a wedding. They are walking down the steps leaving the venue when Helen, Goldie Hawn’s character in the film, trips and teeters on the edge of falling down the steps. When Madeline, Meryl Street’s character, doesn’t immediately react to help, Helen grabs Madeline and the two tumble down the stairs together, their disentegtating bodies breaking apart, limbs flying. The two women’s decaying heads, patched together with glue and makeup land facing one another. Helen scornfully asks Madeline, "Do you remember where you parked the car?" just before the ending credits roll. Aserarak had to choose a place where his body would not decompose. Someplace like a tomb. There in his…my… tomb I became aware of something strange. Well, everything up to this point had been strange, but this was strange for a different reason. It was another of my stupid questions. My new body was all bone, cracked leather, and sinew now. If it had any organs left they had dried up long ago. So why did I have to pee so bad? "Wade...Wade" Samantha's soothing voice was calling me...  "Wade...It's just a nightmare."  I was jerked back to consciousness. I sat up. Sweating and breathing heavily, I took a few moments to collect my bearings and let out a relieved What...The Fuck! Samantha said, "I expect to hear what that one was about, in the morning." Then She laid back down. I sighed heavily, then went to the bathroom. I doubted I could go back to sleep. __________________________ This has been an original fan fiction by RIP-Felix. It does not represent anything except the desire to write something in the RP1 universe for fun. It's also a work in progress, and so I have and may continue to edit as I please. Enjoy or don't, as you please. And feel free to post your own fic.
  2. EDIT: Story moved to a topic of its own.
  3. Mine shipped a few days ago too. Where I plan to use mine will require I use WIFI. It's close to the router though, so if it can use the 5GHz signal I'll connect to that for speed. I'm just now getting into steam however (I know, where have I been?). So I'll have to pick up some good games to test it out. The only game I have currently is Layer of fear, because it was free a few months back. I should pick up some more titles. Any suggestions?
  4. RIP-Felix


    Teamwork. What do ya know. There are some drivers/riders with sense out there (aka defensive driving). Maybe it's just in the UK, because it seems to be in short supply here in the states.
  5. We have our own tyrants to deal with at the moment. This eagle has the right idea:
  6. No, I don't have an issue personally. I don't use x-padder much myself, there are a few games that I need it for, but I never really liked using it much. I think it was that thread I was referring to. Seemed like there was an issue that hadn't been resolved, but I admit I haven't been following it that closely. Sorry for the confusion. Regardless, if steam's mapper lives up to their promises, it might be worth plugin integration. Every controller? Come on...
  7. Interesting. I watched both parts and that bit about using the link to launch retroarch caught my attention too. I'll have to check that out! Now I want to try that steam controller. The Keyboard and mouse has always been what's holding me back from fully enjoying PC games. I'm a console guy. I do prefer the mouse for aiming in FPS, but the controller for running. That's where this came in: It's a great compromise of advantages and gets too little run in the mainstream controller debates. The split controller design is more comfortable in a laying position too. However, the support for it in console and PC games was barely acceptable and I returned it. It should be better than it was. Maybe that steam companion software will add support. Interesting that valve is going down the pinnicle game profiler / xpadder software niche. GameEx may need a plugin for that, especially since xpadder is having issues with win10.
  8. Thank you sir. Just paid for mine. The shipping was more than twice the cost of the item...love it when that happens. Still, for $10 shipped, it's a great deal.
  9. Nevermind, I got it sorted out. It was an add-on called "DuckDuckGo privacy essentials" which blocks advertising network requests, increases encryption protection, and etc. It's like a pop-up blocker, Ghostery for example. It was interfering with the proper function of the site. I had to disable it. I use DuckDuckGo.com as my default search engine, because they don't track you like Google does. Not because I have anything to hide, but because my data is mine, and the plural "they" should have no right to make money off me without paying me. You give it away for free, agree to the terms of use, by using sites that track you using cookies, recording searches, and etc.
  10. For the last week or so the forum won't let me reply or edit, the dialog box doesn't appear, in firefox. I'm writing this on MS Edge. I HATE EDGE...AND CHROME! Please no, don't let firefox be the problem. Is there some obscure setting that may be interfering with the proper function of the site?
  11. Concerning the Nintendo Classic edition, this confirms for me what I had already figured out: What pisses me off is they will perpetuate the cycle now. They think the practice is validated by the outcome, simply by profits. They guess it helped. They don't know for sure, they just assume it drove more sales. The only way to know for sure is to go back in time and produce enough NES classics to meet demand, then see if shorting supplies increased switch sales. That can't happen, so they're attributing the success to the strategy. This is known as "attribution fallacy" and it's a common mistake in reason. It's very possible they lost money by putting off long time Nintendo customers who finally had enough, but that the switch was a good enough product on it's own to be a success. No collector feeding frenzy needed. We'll never know for sure. What is sure, is that Nintendo will continue business as usual now that it hit it big...again. Damn it! I hoped they would gain some humility and return to the creative and fun games that made them great. Nothing like overpaying an employee will ruin them faster ("wow, if I'm worth this much to them, I must be good at my job"). Same applies to a company ("wow, if they are paying us this much, we must be doing a good job"). Attribution Fallacy!!!
  12. Yes, monoploys are bad...for everyone except those who funnel the proceeds into their pocket. That is until they place too large a burden on the global economic landscape. Then all those proceeds devalue into nothing but toilet paper (that's a pun, see if you can decipher it). They become too big to fail, the cost of keeping them afloat outweighs the detriment to society letting them fail would cause. Regulation is supposed to prevent that tipping point from being reached, but that's what comes of deregulation - Less headaches and bureaucracy to deal with, cheaper government with less tax, easier to conduct business and turn a profit, get rich...and to completely destroy the economy. Some regulation is absolutely necessary, even if it is a pain in the butt. EDIT: Oh, but the market will correct itself, so all is good. (2008 never happened. Or 1929).
  13. Hopefully they can bring this to tritans, that would be pretty cool - people who can't appreciate the full beauty of the sky or ocean! Ultimately, I see gene therapy options being the solution here. In a nut shell, they use genetically engineered retroviruses, viruses that hijack host cells and insert their own DNA to produce more virus. However, instead of producing more virus, we hijacked them to insert instructions for building healthy genes. In this case, they can be instructed to insert cone cell color pigment genes for whichever color deficiency you have.
  14. Agreed. Especially since there are so many retro games I still have yet to play. Besides, I can continue to re-play my favorites without getting tired of them.
  15. So far so good...but it does remind me of a stock price curve before the crash. At some point transistors will to bump against a physical limit of miniaturization. At which point things will plateau, unless advancements in quantum computing overtake transistor based PS's before then. Streaming services are a nice service, but home ownership was the defining characteristic of consoles that saved me. The pay to play mindset that drove the arcade game generation was a double edge sword. 1) I was too poor to play, so most of the time I could only watch. When I could play, I got destroyed and lost all my money before I got a chance to get good at a game. Which brings me to 2). The games were designed to be hard and cheap - to kill you and make you drop another coin. 3) They required infrastructure around them. An arcade business to pay the up front cost of owning the machines and a physical place you had to go to play. Consoles freed me from that kid farming racket. For me, steaming returns to that pay to play mindset and brings with it the cheap games that are really just designed to get you to drop more coins. It's just morphed into in app purchases, advertising, and free to play nonsense. You still need to buy internet access and a device capable of running the games, which will be ongoing costs. While that's true now of PC games, consoles made it possible for that time to come infrequently with the release on another generation of console. Game ownership meant you could play that game forever, add free, without interruption or further purchases, even if you have to cut back on streaming services, data plans, and internet access to save money. If the next generation of gaming throws game ownership and consoles out the window, I'm not interested. Especially if the following is all we have to look forward to...
  16. Yeah, I only did the ones I play the most with custom bezels. The rest I generated from a template using CpWizbiz. It just added a custom controls pic to the black space at the bottom. If I remember correctly, I never really finished that project to my satisfaction and moved on to other projects. It's been years now since I abandoned the effort. lol.
  17. Okay, so these are my impressions after the novelty has worn off... Indoor vs. outdoor glasses: The outdoor glasses give the biggest difference. I'm mild to moderately colorblind. So the difference isn't that great to begin with, but traffic lights, road signs, buildings, LED billboards, and red/pink flowers are the things I notice the most. Most of these objects are outside and the best effect is in full sunlight. If it's cloudy or overcast the outdoor pair doesn't work as well, unless the light source is back-lit. I found an interesting one the other day. If you are stopped at a light and look at the green street signs, you can see the street you are traveling on at an angle and the street you're crossing facing you. With the glasses, I can see the fluorescent Green on the one facing me, but not on the one at an angle. I assume this is an intentional coating of paint to catch the light and increase visibility. The thing is, I can't see it without the glasses. If I take them off, it looks the same as the sign at an angle (a grey/green). It looses that vibrant fluorescent green. The next time you cross an intersection look at the street signs and you'll see what I mean. Just imagine them looking the same regardless of angle. Also, every green information sign with that coating is the same. I don't see it without the glasses. To my blind eyes they look the same as that at angle Grey-Green. The indoor glasses are useful for cloudy or overcast days and for certain indoor colors/objects, light pink rooms for example. This is an area where being colorblind is an advantage. The girls can have their pink room, and I can have a white room, as long as I take the glasses off. Red/green charging indicators are easier to distinguish, so that's a good one. The TV is indoors and does appear more vibrant, but I haven't watched all that much TV since getting them, so I haven't noticed much more yet. All things considered, I haven't noticed as many color differences indoors as I have outdoors. Are they worth $350/pair? Outdoor = yes. They increase my enjoyment of the natural world around me enough to justify the cost. I will derive more enjoyment out of them than I would a new game console anyway. So that's a pretty easy answer. Indoor = If my job didn't weigh in on this decision, and I was basing it solely on the color differences on cloudy days and indoors at home, then I would have to say no. They do work, but I would max out at $149.99 for the advantages. They do make certain jobs at work easier. So in my case, they are worth the extra $200 for this reason. It's still a tough decision. I'm right at my limit for deciding to keep them at that price point, at least out of my own pocket. If insurance or my employer subsidized the cost, they yeah...it's a no brainier. I will be keeping both pairs, but with the feeling of having been fleeced for the indoor pair.
  18. Here's a few pics of the custom bezels I did for my vertscreen setup:
  19. My cab is like that, it's nice for vertical scrolling shooters and pinball. You don't loose much real estate for width, so 4:3 content looks the same. It's just the black borders above and below that have to be dealt with. Custom bezels and such, which can be a PITA to get right for every game on the system.
  20. I think when they say 4K 60FPS they mean UHD video playback, not gaming resolution for modern games. At least not with the specs quoted. As for the Intellivision thing, I was too young for that and we still had my dad's 2600 anyway. Those times were tight money wise, so we got our moneysworth out of it. Friends had the NES and SNES. We rented consoles from the video store a few times and later got a Genesis. Intelivision, colecovision, comadore 64, turob graffix and so on are my gaming blind spots I'm ashamed to admit. I'd like to try a few good titles from that era however. Any good ones that come to mind?
  21. They say it won't go to stores. It a collectors edition of the console, you have to register for the right to be selected to buy. They're selling exclusivity. Perhaps a limited run of the original design or a mini, but whichever the case only 100,000 units will be sold. So they say... That's also Nintendo's thing. Collectors items. Intellivision is making a quick grab off nostalgia. It's a niche console already, so 100,000 is probably a safe figure. I'm sure they don't want to be sitting on thousands of unsold units. So, it's better to under-produce than to overestimate interest. You just call it a collectors item and no one talks back.
  22. Be careful what you ask for. I have a biology degree: Men = 1 in 12 (8%) , Women = 1 in 200 (0.5%). That's because the gene (section of DNA that codes for our cone cells' color sensitive proteins) is located on the X chromosome. As you may remember from biology class, we get one set of 23 chromosomes from mom and another 23 from dad, totaling 46. Men (XY) only get one copy of this chromosome (from mom or dad, but not both), whereas women (XX) get two (one from each parent). If you get a bad copy or have a somatic mutation, a mutation that changes the gene during your lifetime, then men don't have a backup copy to fall back on, whereas women have that second copy. This is why it's more common in men. It's still only 1 in twelve, so I lost the genetic lottery. Lol. Let me break this down for you: I'm mildly colorblind. Which means I can see colors, all of them. I just have difficulty distinguishing certain hues of red/green/orange/yellow, pink/grey, and blue/purple/red. If you want to see what it's like to have different types of colorblindness, check out [this colorblindness simulator]. For reference I have "Mild Deuteranomaly." The closest option to what I see normally would be "Weak/Deuteranomaly" I haven't tried any games yet, I'm working on a bunch of landscaping projects that have been hogging my free time. Besides, it's an excuse to be outside where I can enjoy the full vibrancy of greens around me. Trees, grasses, shrubs, literally everything has more hues of green. I used to say "shades of green", but it's more than that. I'm now thinking hue is the better word. Reds stand out against the green more - red roses pop out of the green leaves more, like someone upped the contrast. You mention photoshop. When I took the glasses off yesterday, after wearing them all day, it kinda looked like a sepia filter. Everything looked more green/yellow. Then I got used to it again and it was just like life as usual. The sun looks yellow. I have not noticed any differences there. The earth's atmosphere scatters blue/UV light, which is why the sky is blue and the sun appears yellow. In space, it appears white, because more blue/UV light reaches your eye. I don't have a problem with my Blue cone cells, so I see Blue/yellow the same as you do. People who do have a problem seeing blue have Tritanomaly, and these glasses do nothing for them. This type is only for Red-green colorblindness. Like I said about the traffic lights, Red is red and "green" appears White to me. I see a distinct difference between Red and white. The yellow is yellow. Position of the lights is overkill. I have no problem telling them apart. I just see the green in the "green light" now. Controller buttons look the same and I had no trouble with Composite cables before. Since you seem interested, I'll give you a little demo of colors that I can't distinguish without the glasses, but can with:. I used the anomalscope on this site to try to match the color on the right by using a slider that changes the hue of the color on the left. Below are my attempts to match the color. When I thought it was the same color or a close match I selected a match. If the color could not be matched, then I would say no match possible. The ones below are the ones I said matched. I can see now that only one actually matches. It also seems that it's orange/yellow/greens I have the biggest issue with.
  23. Me too. I'd like to know how much of this is psychosomatic. I also need time to process the new signals. Needless to say, my brain hasn't caught up yet. I will say that I was expecting more dramatic results, like the road signs and green lights. That was cool!
  24. I am a mild Deutan, "a type of red-green color blindness in which the green cones do not detect enough green and are too sensitive to yellows, oranges, and reds. As a result, greens, yellows, oranges, reds, and browns may appear similar, especially in low light. It can also be difficult to tell the difference between blues and purples, or pinks and grays." This was my experience as well. The difference was more immediate, however. While I saw color before and the difference wasn't as dramatic as many of the youtube videos, there were some drastic differences: Green lights have always looked white to me, the exact same color as the moon. I've said that since childhood and everyone has looked at me like I'm crazy. Now I can SEE why. THAT LIGHT IS GREEN, HUH? That was pretty dramatic. Driving to work today I noticed some letters on LED billboards were actually Green, not white. I found myself peaking back and forth just to make sure. It's kind of mind blowing to see a super green color with the glasses on then remove them to see white! The Green information signs on roadways always looked like a sun faded grey-green. That B!t*h is super green, like really green! I take the glasses off and it's faded grey-green again. At work there is this green fabric that I thought was old and sun faded green, because it has that faded white hue clothes get over time - especially when you wash colors in hot water. Well It's not. It a brilliant/vibrant green. Not faded at all! Mind = blown! I have a magnificent frogspawn coral at work that I thought was green. It's not. It's rose. A room in my mom's house I thought was white, is actually Pink. That's something I noticed gradually over ~20mins of wearing the glasses at the iris garden. Pinks, greys and whites began separating out. Pink is a whole lot more enjoyable. Grey is easier to see as different than pink. Red flowers were more red, like fluorescent - even iridescent at times. It wasn't as dramatic a change as the green light, but it's noticeable. Turquoise was interesting. Blue blends into green gradually without a turquoise band without the glasses. Now I can see there is a distinct band of turquoise in between. I would have said that's a greenish blue before, now I have to lean what to call it. I could be turquoise, teal, or aqua, but I don't even know the difference. I saw it before, but I'm confused by it now. My brain hasn't caught up yet. Purples are more purple, but I still have trouble identifying a dark purple from a dark blue. However, red purples (magenta) are easier to distinguish from dark red now. Yellows, oranges, and blues look close to the same. Maybe I see orange easier. It seems to separate out of red and yellow more Brown is wierd. I'm not sure what it is anymore. I thought it was a reddish or dark green, but there are lighter shades I'm seeing (like dark straw colors and dead leaves) that defy my eye. I'm not sure where tans become browns. Either I'm still having trouble seeing them or my brain has to learn the color. It's not just dark green anymore. The outdoor glasses work the best, but only in full sunlight. They do work inside and in cloudy weather, but not as good or accurately as the indoor pair. However, the indoor pair don't work as good indoors as the outdoor pair do outdoors. I retook a bunch of colorblind tests with interesting results. Most tests score me a mild to moderate Deutan without the glasses. With them I score between normal color vision and weak Deutan. So they most certainly do help, but they don't cure my colorblindness. As for color distortion, they don't really seem to skew colors. My mom said they were like wearing sunglasses, but noticed they enhanced colors a little bit. She said they didn't change any of them however. My sister said they just seemed like sunglasses to her, no color enhancement. Verdict? They do work. I am mildly red-green colorblind without them and weak to normal with them. Green, turquoise, and pink colors have the most dramatic differences, reds and purples are enhanced, orange is easier to separate from red/yellow, and blue/yellow are unchanged. Brown is still confusing. However, I can separate red from brown now. I would say that they are worth the money. I do need to be able to distinguish colors at work and have been getting increasingly frustrated with my CVD. So for this reason alone they are worth it. As for pure enjoyment, the distinctly different greens has been enjoyable. The immediate pop of color, is new. I don't have to stare at something or get closer to figure it out as much. Reds don't blend with green anymore and I'm seeing greens I would otherwise see as white...WHAT?
  25. Anyone here colorblind and tried Enchroma glasses or other colorblindness corrective glasses? I just bought a pair and am going to an iris garden tomorrow to try them out. I looked on amazon and there are $80 alternatives to the $350 enchroma glasses, but from reading around the web it sounds like those cheaper ones are just colored lenses and skew other colors. Enchroma glasses are supposed to correct red-green colorblindness without shifting colors. $350 a pair is expensive, but as others have pointed out, it's not as bad as prescription lenses. Since I have 20/20 I don't have to deal with that expense, and since this is a life altering opportunity, I figured I'd make the investment. So I got an indoor and outdoor pair. $700 total. Insurance doesn't consider Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) a medical disorder, and won't help me pay. I checked. Even though I need to distinguish colors at work from time to time and have to ask a female coworker's opinion, they don't consider these reasonable accommodation either. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else out there has tried these and what their experience was?
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