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Everything posted by Venomouse

  1. Hey guys, Im running the latest GameEx and I'm very happy with it so far. I am having the following issues:- Q1 When my one player start and two player start are pressed together (or in close proximity to each other) I'm dumped out of mame back to the gameEx screen. This is the current mapping P1 Start - 1 P2 Start - Page Down I tried different mapping and same issue persists (not a fun error in a hectic 2 player game when we both have to continue at the same time Is there a way to disable this all together? or remap to my keyboard? Q2 When launching a Mame game is there a way to go straight into it without the disclaimers / info popping up? I did set options to turn this off, maybe im missing something? Q3 Spose Ill ask this too Is there anyway to setup auto save states eg every 5 mins? Thankyou
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