About This File
Official GameEx LCD/LED Plugin
- LEDWiz
- PACDrive
- BetaBrite
- BPP-440
- CrystalFontz
- ProLite
- Speech
- Sample
- Multiple hardware support at a time (for any of the above devices)
- Game display and/or button hilighting while scrolling through a game list
- LED attract mode/s (lwax's/demo/audio/plasma)
- LED audio attract mode (LED's dance to music)
- LED speak button actions (Each button is lit up one by one while the action is spoken)
- LED plasma attract mode (10 paletted effects)
- Create your own LWAX animation files for LED attract mode
- Uses real game CP colors to light up your RGB LED's (currently supports 1210 ROMs)
- Uses Mame Interop to receive events from Mame in realtime and sends them to the LED Controller or LCD (Eg. Flashing start buttons when you drop in a coin, flashing buttons on LED or output to LCD 'PAUSED' message when paused)
- Test attract and lcd test modes in the configuration
- Realtime color feedback while you configure your LED's
- Color mapping so you can map custom colors for colors.ini
- Now LEDs lights up and flash leaving last LED lit with speak button actions feature
- Skip speak button actions feature with button
- Includes over 70 lwax animations
- Now works with cfg files in Mame so it will light up buttons correctly for custom key mappings
Latest Features (New to V2)
- Support for PACDrive and U-HID (thanks to Andy @ Ultimarc!)
- Light games on a per emulator/game basis
- Advanced lighting system (more accurate than ever before)
- Event system (lcd/led/voice/sample support)
- Mame Output mappings (ledx/lampx/digitx)
- Pause Mame to light and speak controls
- Support for arzoo's LED Animation Editor
- Play random samples or speech
- Lighting profiles for favorites
- You can use arzoo's great LED Animation Edtior to create custom LWAX animation files for playback in GameEx.
- You can download it from:
- Just copy the files into your GameEx\PLUGIN folder and run the GameEx Plugin Manager to configure the devices. It should be pretty straight forward.
- You can place LWAX files in the GameEx\PLUGIN\PluginLCD\LWAX folder and the plugin will randomly show your own custom made animations in attract mode.
- This software is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 license:
What's New in Version 3.02 See changelog
No changelog available for this version.