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10 Screenshots

About This File

Please write a review and rate 1-5 stars on the bottom of this page! 
Also check the support topic for any help or comments.

Scutters and Mike Da Spike are proud to present  "Database manager for PBX" 
We built this program to make it easier for ourselves to update/add tables in PBX.

Beforehand, please make a copy of your database directory (and maybe your media folder too)!
We are not responsible that anything goes wrong. 
(but it is proofed that we don't wreck any database files :) or media files ) 

What is DBM  ?

Are you ready to take your PinballX experience to the next level?
Look no further than DBM—the ultimate Swiss Army knife for PinballX enthusiasts!
Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, DBM has got your back. From customization options to essential features, it’s all packed into this handy tool. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in and discover the magic of DBM!

- Resizable multilanguage interface
- Easy filtering of tables and systems
- Easy to use drag and drop for updating media
- Media preview on right mouse click
- Delete media with one click
- Media Audit to check for missing or unused media
- Loading media support if de-randomiser plugin is used (2*)
- Uses updated IPDB data and adds Original tables (source sheet by Dux Retro)
- Adds custom fields for extra information (1*)
- Online media import from GameEx or Mega link
- Bulk functions to download GameEx media, update IPDB entries and for video creation.
- Populate data from Visual Pinball tables (Author, Version and Rom)
- Auto delete old playfield videos when creating bulk videos (Visual Pinball only)
- POV & VBS import (Visual Pinball only)
- Drag and drop for new/modified VP/FP Table files
- Zen Pinball FX3 auto populate tables when using Steam (all tables)
- Compatible with some other GameEx applications as well
- Embedded recording that can capture Visual Pinball GL, Future Pinball, and every pinball game we tested.
- Record media in PNG and MP4, including parallel recording and audio recording.

(1*) If you use custom fields and you use Gamemanager, the XML will be overwrite by Gamemanger and you will lose the custom entries !
(2*)  See

Installation of PinballX/PInballX Legacy Editon/Touch Play
FFMPEG.exe in Installation folder for Creating videos
Windows Media player for showing media
Microsoft .NET 8. (download is available at the download button as well)

The following NUGet are used to build Databasemanger
- Mega API Client for downloading on Mega (https://github.com/gpailler/MegaApiClient)
- JSON framework for .NET (https://www.newtonsoft.com/json)
- Costura add in for Fody (https://github.com/Fody/Costura)
- Fluent FTP (https://github.com/robinrodricks/FluentFTP)
- Resource.Embedder (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Resource.Embedder.Core)
- Mediarecorderlib (https://github.com/sskodje/ScreenRecorderLib) 

External Source :
- Visual Pinball Spreadsheet by Dux Retro and Fraesh , see https://virtualpinballspreadsheet.github.io/

Please use the following thread for questions/remarks/issues

Note :
The installer and program are not signed, this can give a popup in windows like this :


Click on Yes to install the program

if you see the following screen
click on more info and select "Run Away"

What's New in Version   See changelog


New Features:

  • Media Recorder:
    • Can record images (PNG) and videos (MP4) for every tested game.
    • Supports parallel recording for multiple screens, including Playfield,
    • Backglass, DMD, and Topper.
    • Provides multiple options, such as pausing countdown time via the Pause/Break key and resuming.
    • Allows direct recording by pressing 'R' during the countdown (works even in Pause/Break mode).
    • Offers video recording options at 30 or 60 FPS.
    • Can record audio with playfield videos (using default system audio device)

Updates :

  • Update NuGet package
    • FluentFTP to 52.0.0
    • System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController to 9.0.1
    • System.Management to 9.0.1
    • Update XDMD.DLL and XDMDNative.dll 32 bit from latest version PinballX
  • DPI Handling
    • Fonts look clearer and less fuzzy
  • Media Recorder
    • Set timeout to 15 seconds before terminating the emulator process after recording.


  • Popup message could cause the text to fall.
  • Loading videos were not displayed correctly in the interface.
  • Like 8
  • Thanks 6

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



This killed my installed version.  Now I get "Could not find PinballX installation directory."  I've been able to update just fine in the past.  Even loaded it, downloaded new version, closed old version, installed new version and error.



Never mind.  I got it working by installing the latest update to PinballX.  Thank you.



  On 8/25/2023 at 9:07 PM, echodun said:

This killed my installed version.  Now I get "Could not find PinballX installation directory."  I've been able to update just fine in the past.  Even loaded it, downloaded new version, closed old version, installed new version and error.


This message appears when it cannot find a correct install of PinballX .Net core, PinballX Legacy or Touch-play.

If a previous version of DBM is working fine, and a newer version is giving you issues you can always revert back and create an issue in the support thread



Having trouble after upgrade.  I recently upgraded my 32-bit VPX to 32/64-bit.  In my Visual Pinball directory, I created two separate table directories as follows:  Tables (for the existing 32-bit tables) and Tables 64.  I also deleted VPinballX and was left with VPinballX - x86 and VPnballX - x64.  In PinballX, I changed the Visual Pinball main settings to load VPinballX - x86 from the Tables directory.  I also created a new "Other Systems" for the 64-bit VPX version and told PinballX to look at Tables 64 and load VPinballX - x64.  The good news is that PinballX works fine.  A 64-bit table from the Tables 64 directory loads fine (I know this because I copied an upgraded 64-bit version of an existing 32-bit table and put it in the Tables 64 directory only and it loaded fine).

The problem is PinballX Database Manager won't let me add or delete any new tables.  I'm getting  the following error:

clXMLfiles_SelectedIndexChanged    Executable [VPinballX-x86.exe] for directory [C:\Games\Visual Pinball\Tables] is unknown. Cannot check for new/deleted tables

I tried overwriting the installation of PinballX Database Manager with a new one hoping it would take in the new data from PinballX, but it didn't work.  It also doesn't show the new "Other System" I set-up for the 64-bit Visual Pinball in PinballX as an option in the Database Manager.  In PinballX Game Manager I am able to select the Visual Pinball 64 Other System from the menu, but the select list is empty.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 



  On 8/27/2023 at 1:51 AM, echodun said:

Having trouble after upgrade.  I recently upgraded my 32-bit VPX to 32/64-bit.  In my Visual Pinball directory, I created two separate table directories as follows:  Tables (for the existing 32-bit tables) and Tables 64.  I also deleted VPinballX and was left with VPinballX - x86 and VPnballX - x64.  In PinballX, I changed the Visual Pinball main settings to load VPinballX - x86 from the Tables directory.  I also created a new "Other Systems" for the 64-bit VPX version and told PinballX to look at Tables 64 and load VPinballX - x64.  The good news is that PinballX works fine.  A 64-bit table from the Tables 64 directory loads fine (I know this because I copied an upgraded 64-bit version of an existing 32-bit table and put it in the Tables 64 directory only and it loaded fine).

The problem is PinballX Database Manager won't let me add or delete any new tables.  I'm getting  the following error:

clXMLfiles_SelectedIndexChanged    Executable [VPinballX-x86.exe] for directory [C:\Games\Visual Pinball\Tables] is unknown. Cannot check for new/deleted tables

I tried overwriting the installation of PinballX Database Manager with a new one hoping it would take in the new data from PinballX, but it didn't work.  It also doesn't show the new "Other System" I set-up for the 64-bit Visual Pinball in PinballX as an option in the Database Manager.  In PinballX Game Manager I am able to select the Visual Pinball 64 Other System from the menu, but the select list is empty.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 


As in mentioned in my previous post: please use the support thread for issues, as I cannot track issues here.

VPinballX-x86.exe is not an original  supported exe file. Starting from10.8 VPinballX.exe is 32 bit and VPinball64.exe is used for 64 bit of the DX version.

If you put your issue on the support page along with your ini and log file, we will check it further and do a follow up on it




  On 8/27/2023 at 2:35 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

As in mentioned in my previous post: please use the support thread for issues, as I cannot track issues here.

VPinballX-x86.exe is not an original  supported exe file. Starting from10.8 VPinballX.exe is 32 bit and VPinball64.exe is used for 64 bit of the DX version.

If you put your issue on the support page along with your ini and log file, we will check it further and do a follow up on it



Changed the VPX file names and it works great now.  Thank you Mike!

  • Haha 1


i like it when i record videos in bulk does it change tables automatic it seems it recording same table long period of time



As mentioned in the review, I love everything about this and your tools

Feedback: Darkmode: The font color on the cabinet image is gray, which (to me) looks a little odd on the green or red background.  The yellow rounded buttons seem to actually be rectangular because the corners are white.

Question: The loading Media seems to only be for the Loading Images folder.  I'm using the Loading Videos folder with the de-randomizer plugin and the tool (I forgot the name) that creates loading videos with the animated overlays.  Am I missing a setting or post/comment that would allow the red loading hourglass be green if I have Loading Videos?




  On 3/3/2024 at 3:00 PM, burno_sardine said:

Question: The loading Media seems to only be for the Loading Images folder.  I'm using the Loading Videos folder with the de-randomizer plugin and the tool (I forgot the name) that creates loading videos with the animated overlays.  Am I missing a setting or post/comment that would allow the red loading hourglass be green if I have Loading Videos?


Can you post a new topic in the general forum for that, attaching your pinballx\config\pinballx.ini, pinballx\log\log.txt and pinballx\plugins\PBXLoadingImage_log.txt files. Thanks.

  • Like 1


  On 3/3/2024 at 3:00 PM, burno_sardine said:

Feedback: Darkmode: The font color on the cabinet image is gray, which (to me) looks a little odd on the green or red background. 


Thank you for your feedback.
Best way to get good support is to use the support thread for DBM, or create a new issue in the general PinballX forum

Regarding the font : As the dark mode needed another font colour for the images, we experimented with different colours.iI needs to show fine with all the image background colours we use (red/green/yellow and transparant).
This colour was the one we agreed to that was showing the best on all 3 colours.

  On 3/3/2024 at 3:00 PM, burno_sardine said:

The yellow rounded buttons seem to actually be rectangular because the corners are white


we called them orange buttons .... :D and should be in dark mode rounded.
like in the following screenshot :


Edit: Ok. We are humans too. The white corners was an issue that we should noticed during testing. It only shows when the language is set to another language.  Latest release fixed this. Thanks for letting us know

  • Like 1



I have been using the game manager for some time now with no issues.

I thought I would give the Database Manager a go after reading so many positive reviews, at first glance it all seems great.

Installation went flawlessly however I cannot connect using the FTP settings, Username and pass are the same from my account and the games manager and work no problem.

I get the message ERROR INFO    :    CheckFTPAccess    The remote server returned an error: (504) 504 Command not implemented for that parameter

Could not connect to GameEx FTP server
Return message: [The remote server returned an error: (504) 504 Command not implemented for that parameter

Any ideas how to solve this?

Much appreciate any info.

Cheers Alan



  On 6/8/2024 at 7:53 AM, Topspliff said:


I have been using the game manager for some time now with no issues.

I thought I would give the Database Manager a go after reading so many positive reviews, at first glance it all seems great.

Installation went flawlessly however I cannot connect using the FTP settings, Username and pass are the same from my account and the games manager and work no problem.

I get the message ERROR INFO    :    CheckFTPAccess    The remote server returned an error: (504) 504 Command not implemented for that parameter

Could not connect to GameEx FTP server
Return message: [The remote server returned an error: (504) 504 Command not implemented for that parameter

Any ideas how to solve this?

Much appreciate any info.

Cheers Alan


Hi Alan, thanks for your review.

Too bad your FTP isn't working. Thats (besides MEGA links) a very nice feature for getting the media easily.
We don't use the review part for technical support, so do you mind to switch to the forum itself to check whats going on ? : 


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