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About This File

Please write a review and rate 1-5 stars on the bottom of this page! 
Also check the support topic for any help or comments.

Scutters and Mike Da Spike are proud to present  "Database manager for PBX" 
We built this program to make it easier for ourselves to update/add tables in PBX.

Beforehand, please make a copy of your database directory (and maybe your media folder too)!
We are not responsible that anything goes wrong. 
(but it is proofed that we don't wreck any database files :) or media files ) 

What is DBM  ?

Are you ready to take your PinballX experience to the next level?
Look no further than DBM—the ultimate Swiss Army knife for PinballX enthusiasts!
Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, DBM has got your back. From customization options to essential features, it’s all packed into this handy tool. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in and discover the magic of DBM!

- Resizable multilanguage interface
- Easy filtering of tables and systems
- Easy to use drag and drop for updating media
- Media preview on right mouse click
- Delete media with one click
- Media Audit to check for missing or unused media
- Loading media support if de-randomiser plugin is used (2*)
- Uses updated IPDB data and adds Original tables (source sheet by Dux Retro)
- Adds custom fields for extra information (1*)
- Online media import from GameEx or Mega link
- Bulk functions to download GameEx media, update IPDB entries and for video creation.
- Populate data from Visual Pinball tables (Author, Version and Rom)
- Auto delete old playfield videos when creating bulk videos (Visual Pinball only)
- POV & VBS import (Visual Pinball only)
- Drag and drop for new/modified VP/FP Table files
- Zen Pinball FX3 auto populate tables when using Steam (all tables)
- Compatible with some other GameEx applications as well
- Embedded recording that can capture Visual Pinball GL, Future Pinball, and every pinball game we tested.
- Record media in PNG and MP4, including parallel recording and audio recording.

(1*) If you use custom fields and you use Gamemanager, the XML will be overwrite by Gamemanger and you will lose the custom entries !
(2*)  See

Installation of PinballX/PInballX Legacy Editon/Touch Play
FFMPEG.exe in Installation folder for Creating videos
Windows Media player for showing media
Microsoft .NET 8. (download is available at the download button as well)

The following NUGet are used to build Databasemanger
- Mega API Client for downloading on Mega (https://github.com/gpailler/MegaApiClient)
- JSON framework for .NET (https://www.newtonsoft.com/json)
- Costura add in for Fody (https://github.com/Fody/Costura)
- Fluent FTP (https://github.com/robinrodricks/FluentFTP)
- Resource.Embedder (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Resource.Embedder.Core)
- Mediarecorderlib (https://github.com/sskodje/ScreenRecorderLib) 

External Source :
- Visual Pinball Spreadsheet by Dux Retro and Fraesh , see https://virtualpinballspreadsheet.github.io/

Please use the following thread for questions/remarks/issues

Note :
The installer and program are not signed, this can give a popup in windows like this :


Click on Yes to install the program

if you see the following screen
click on more info and select "Run Away"

What's New in Version   See changelog


New Features:

  • Added a "favourites" option for quick search on the main form (requested by (requested by @robertms)
  • Included the VPX version in the versions field
  • Action log entries now display in Title Case
    • Title Case is a formatting style where the first letter of each significant word in a title or phrase is capitalized

Updates :

  • Replaced the "New/Obsolete" and "Enabled/Disabled" checkboxes with a tri-state checkbox on the main form.
  • Redesigned the "New Versions" dialog to use rich text formatting for clearer display of new DBM releases
  • Expanded support to include up to 80 systems (confirmed with PinbalLX).
  • The "Date Modified" field for Visual Pinball tables now reflects the latest modification date of either the table file or the associated .ini file
  • Improved error handling for the "Update Check FTP" button
  • Reduced the frequency of messages from PinballX .ini changes in the action log


  • Resolved the issue with the "Acknowledge" button in the "Table Version" form (thanks to @Wahreez McDermott for reporting this)
  • Fixed the wait status when adding tables via drag and drop
  • Addressed a rare error that could occur when adding a table.
  • Corrected the issue where deleting all tables from a custom database could disable all controls on the form
  • Fixed the language selection issue that occurred when no tables were present in the list
  • Like 8
  • Thanks 6

User Feedback

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Hi, for my Pinball X tables I get the message "Table doesn't have a primary key" and the media does not work on the cabinet to the right.

Any ideas?



  On 4/21/2020 at 6:53 AM, johnwillsey said:

Hi, for my Pinball X tables I get the message "Table doesn't have a primary key" and the media does not work on the cabinet to the right.

Any ideas?


Hi, Please post in the support thread; https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/23840-app-pinballx-database-manager/


Attach your DBManagerLog.txt file (in pinballx\log folder) after having the problem and the database xml file for the affected system(s) (from your pinballx\databases\systemname folder named systemname.xml). Thanks



Great software!  One question... I prefer my media files to be named the same as the "Display Name", not named as the "Table Name".  Is there a way to change the media file naming to use the "Display Name"?  



  On 4/26/2020 at 6:01 PM, ScottyVH said:

Great software!  One question... I prefer my media files to be named the same as the "Display Name", not named as the "Table Name".  Is there a way to change the media file naming to use the "Display Name"?


Sorry.. i have to hold my hand up there, it's my fault media is saved to match the table / file name -  main reason is to guarantee uniqueness in the saved media file names. Glad you like it other than that though! :)

  • Like 1


Just tried it and I love it.  Great works guys.  One feature I would love to see added is a "Bulk ROM" checker for the Visual Pinball tables.  Again, great work.

  • Thanks 1


  On 6/19/2020 at 9:39 PM, AndyMcDandy said:

Just tried it and I love it.  Great works guys.  One feature I would love to see added is a "Bulk ROM" checker for the Visual Pinball tables.  Again, great work.


Thanks Andy

The"bulk rom checker" is the button "vp table info" . This button will only work with vp tables and will get the author, version and rom from all your vp tables and put them in Database manager. 

If you also enable the option "auto check vp tables" in the default settings tab, it will check for vp tables evertime you select the visual pinball xml databe (or if selected, during launch of program) and populate from all modified tables the author, version and rom info. (Mostly used when a table is updated with the exact name, so you don't have to do it manually)

So vp table info run once and enable the option in the settings and you don't have to bother about any vp table information anymore

I thought I put it all in the manual that is atrached in the zip file.

Please let us know if you have any further questions



Love the program, however for some reason all of my databases are not showing up in the list now. My pinball FX2, FX3, VP9 are the only databases that show up. My VPX, PYSMOD5 and Future pinball databases are not showing up. They show in in the PinballX database manager, are enabled in PBX settings and they are good to go with running pinballx (frontend) Any ideas.





i certainly miss something... i want to create a custom database (70' for example) for all the systems...

i succeded to create this using filter  but in pinballx i have 3 list "70'" one by  system

is there a way to merge ?

as u can see my english is not perfect and im sure ive miss something

thx for the help 



Hi Davy33

Thanks for your comment. 

This is a limitation of PinballX, but think it merge it automatcly if you create  1 group. Doesnt matter what yougroup (i have for exammple all my visual pinball grouped). And that will merge the xml's. 

Send me a PM for further questions or use the support forum

  • Like 1


  On 11/8/2021 at 7:58 PM, davy33 said:


i certainly miss something... i want to create a custom database (70' for example) for all the systems...

i succeded to create this using filter  but in pinballx i have 3 list "70'" one by  system

is there a way to merge ?

as u can see my english is not perfect and im sure ive miss something

thx for the help 



  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1


The solution is so obvious ^_^ thx Scutters



The answer dont tell where to put the ini... In group folder? In wich system folder ? In général database folder? Im not at home to test for the moment



  On 11/9/2021 at 9:25 AM, davy33 said:

The answer dont tell where to put the ini... In group folder? In wich system folder ? In général database folder? Im not at home to test for the moment


I think it needs to be in an enabled systems database folder. So amend one of your existing ini files, but leave it where it is. Then remove the others.

Probably best if you have all your 'all systems' ini files in the same database location for maintenance.

  • Like 2


sorry that was my birthday... yes this trick works very well to create "allsystem".ini very quicly! i put them in VP database folder and work like a charm!



Just discovered this after finally finishing building my cabinet! I had planned on using pinup popper after I just installed the baller installer. But I am just about to start tediously adding the over 3000 various media and table files I have downloaded myself over the past year. And it's an effective UI to add media and stuff fairly quickly to the front end. Plus it has a nicely functional FTP server for finding media files, and a lot of good creators that regularly put new media on the FTP. But when you are in a situation like I am, where I have been researching, ordering, and building everything over the course of 1.5 years... So close to be playing it but I know it will be many days to properly set up all of my over 2000 media files and over 1000 VPX tables. I'm a patient guy though. Somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to organization, usability,  and convenience. 

I'm at the part now where I just need to add all of my tables, backglasses, and media files to a front end and make it look nice and professional! And lots of testing tables to see if they work. Setting up various script options, making sure media files work right and that pup packs play correctly, etc..

After setting up a few tables with media working correctly and testing them out, it was great fun. Many looked amazing, and sounded great too. But after I thought about how long it took me to add 3 tables with media set up the way I like too, I realized it would most likely take me months to properly set up everything the way I like too.

IT looks like I found what I needed!! This is exactly something I was wishing for when I just started to set up my media. Can't wait to try this out tomorrow!! Thank you so much to everyone involved!


  • Thanks 2


Hi, I’ve just installed 64 bit VPX that’s required for some of the newer VPW tables, and have tried using the alternate exe option to launch certain tables with the 64 bit version of VPX in pinballx.  The default VPX exe is the 32 bit version,  but even when setting a table to use the 64 bit VPX with the alternative exe option it still always launches with the 32 bit version.  Is this a known issue or is there something else to configure?



  On 3/16/2023 at 10:36 PM, ashleyb said:

Hi, I’ve just installed 64 bit VPX that’s required for some of the newer VPW tables, and have tried using the alternate exe option to launch certain tables with the 64 bit version of VPX in pinballx.  The default VPX exe is the 32 bit version,  but even when setting a table to use the 64 bit VPX with the alternative exe option it still always launches with the 32 bit version.  Is this a known issue or is there something else to configure?


Need to check that part. Alternateexe is a functionality from PBX, but noticed lately it was not working as expected. Lets continue this in the support area



Thanks Mike.

Though it’s no longer an issue for me as I’ve gone fully 64 bit, so that become my default exe.  

Though I guess it would be useful if any tables need to be run with 32 bit VPX.  I think you’re correct in that it is a pinballx issue rather than your manager as when I checked the xml file it had correctly added the entry and path to the 64 bit file.  So does appear that it’s pinballx that is possibly ignoring it.

  • Thanks 1


  On 3/17/2023 at 1:29 PM, ashleyb said:

Thanks Mike.

Though it’s no longer an issue for me as I’ve gone fully 64 bit, so that become my default exe.  

Though I guess it would be useful if any tables need to be run with 32 bit VPX.  I think you’re correct in that it is a pinballx issue rather than your manager as when I checked the xml file it had correctly added the entry and path to the 64 bit file.  So does appear that it’s pinballx that is possibly ignoring it.


I think if you use 'Launch Table' from within Database Manager then PinballX ignores the alternate exe flag, but it should work if you launch directly from PinballX.

  • Thanks 1


Ah I’ll test that theory, because I was test launching the table from database manger so I could check the vpx version easier.



  On 3/17/2023 at 8:19 PM, ashleyb said:

Ah I’ll test that theory, because I was test launching the table from database manger so I could check the vpx version easier.


I moved completely to 64 bit, but have 1 table that need to run in 32bit VPX.
I only extracted from VPinballX-10.7.3-395-2bd9ac3-Release-win-x86.zip (could be another version as well, as long it is the x86 file) the following 4 files :Bass.dll, freeimage.dll, scilexervp.dll and vpinball.exe to a TEMp folder


Rename in this temp folder the Vpinball.exe to Vpinball_X86.exe 
And now copy(or move) these files to your current \Visual Pinball directory (where your 64 bit exists.
Now you can run 32bit (X86 aka Vpinball_X86.exe ) and 64 bit (X64 aka Vpinball.exe)
Note that your file association is set to VPinball.exe (so the 64 bit)
Setup in Databasemanager that only this table should run with this vpinball_X86.exe (see alternate exe)



and selecting this table in PinballX would load this game in 32bit :

05:55:17.28  18-3-2023:  Working directory set to: D:\pinball\Visual Pinball
05:55:17.28  18-3-2023:  D:\pinball\Visual Pinball\D:\pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinballX_X86.exe -play "D:\Pinball\Visual pinball\Tables\VPX\Ghostbusters LE (Stern 2016).vpx"  -ExtMinimized
05:55:17.31  18-3-2023:  D:\Pinball\PinballX\vpauto.exe 
05:55:21.19  18-3-2023:  VPX Full screen exclusive mode detected
05:55:21.19  18-3-2023:  VPX Full screen exclusive focus hack set
05:55:41.75  18-3-2023:  Exit System Control Pressed
05:55:46.49  18-3-2023:  Created DirectX BackGlass Window
05:55:46.50  18-3-2023:  Main display running full screen windowed.


  • Like 1


  On 3/18/2023 at 5:07 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

I moved completely to 64 bit, but have 1 table that need to run in 32bit VPX.
I only extracted from VPinballX-10.7.3-395-2bd9ac3-Release-win-x86.zip (could be another version as well, as long it is the x86 file) the following 4 files :Bass.dll, freeimage.dll, scilexervp.dll and vpinball.exe to a TEMp folder


Rename in this temp folder the Vpinball.exe to Vpinball_X86.exe 
And now copy(or move) these files to your current \Visual Pinball directory (where your 64 bit exists.
Now you can run 32bit (X86 aka Vpinball_X86.exe ) and 64 bit (X64 aka Vpinball.exe)
Note that your file association is set to VPinball.exe (so the 64 bit)
Setup in Databasemanager that only this table should run with this vpinball_X86.exe (see alternate exe)



and selecting this table in PinballX would load this game in 32bit :

05:55:17.28  18-3-2023:  Working directory set to: D:\pinball\Visual Pinball
05:55:17.28  18-3-2023:  D:\pinball\Visual Pinball\D:\pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinballX_X86.exe -play "D:\Pinball\Visual pinball\Tables\VPX\Ghostbusters LE (Stern 2016).vpx"  -ExtMinimized
05:55:17.31  18-3-2023:  D:\Pinball\PinballX\vpauto.exe 
05:55:21.19  18-3-2023:  VPX Full screen exclusive mode detected
05:55:21.19  18-3-2023:  VPX Full screen exclusive focus hack set
05:55:41.75  18-3-2023:  Exit System Control Pressed
05:55:46.49  18-3-2023:  Created DirectX BackGlass Window
05:55:46.50  18-3-2023:  Main display running full screen windowed.



Thanks Mike, I already have 32 and 64 bit versions running side by side so I’ll try that next week.

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