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Casey Anthony not guilty!


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Yea pretty messed up.I blame the fact that it is summer and ppl want to go on vacation,if they convicted 1st degree murder,they would have had to stay longer to go through the death penalty process,this way they are most likely on their way home now.

No one wants to do the right thing anymore,everyone thinks of themselves

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LOL all i know is that I ever go on trial for murder 1 (and I wont) but If I did,I would demand my jury be from pinellas county florida.

there we have 12 people who still believe the world is flat! :)

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In some ways I am glad she didn't get convicted. Not to say I don't think she is guilty because I believe she is. Just that the prosecution did not have the evidence to clearly connect her to the child's death. I would rather this happen than see someone innocent convicted under similar evidence circumstances. There have been too many convicted wrongly for less evidence.

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In some ways I am glad she didn't get convicted. Not to say I don't think she is guilty because I believe she is. Just that the prosecution did not have the evidence to clearly connect her to the child's death. I would rather this happen than see someone innocent convicted under similar evidence circumstances. There have been too many convicted wrongly for less evidence.

Really?You didnt think they had the evidence? I thought just her behavior AFTER her child was missing was evidence enough.normal people dont do the things she did,especially after the trauma of losing a child.

But oh well life goes on.It will be interesting to see what happens next.Will these same ppl who hate her now be the first to run out and buy the book? most likely,as we live in the USA.the united states of AMNESIA

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Unusual and damning as her behavior was after her child was missing and even during the trial, it isn't enough to convict someone. When you think about it, anyone willfully committing a crime of violence is not behaving in a normal manor. I expect no less in other aspects of their life. But that alone is not enough to erase reasonable doubt. Circumstantial evidence requires clear proof of intent. It wasn't there and doubt prevailed.

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Zanny wasn't proof enough? Cadaver flies in the trunk of her abandoned car? Lying to her mother (note I didn't say parents because I'm willing to bet her father was involved in this somehow)? If I was on the jury, that would be enough for me to at least hang the jury, but all 12 say not guilty? Unbelievable.

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So how long does everyone think it will be before someone try's to knock her off?

Gotta love that the state of florida is suing her for reimbursment for "special conditions" lol

One thing i have to say is that if she does get a book deal,you would have to be a real scumbag to buy it.I hope it becomes the most pirated e book in history :)

but alas,we live in the united states of amnesia,so people probably will buy it.....how sad once again the one without a voice,the victim,gets no rights at all :(

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I make it a habit to avoid books and Lifetime Movies from a lucky verdict's perspective personally. ;)

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I make it a habit to avoid books and Lifetime Movies from a lucky verdict's perspective personally. ;)

Same here.It will be interesting to see if she gets a movie\book deal.I cant imagine what you would get from reading a book though,its not like she is going to admit guilt or anything...

If a book does come out,i cant imagine people actually buying the book at a store,I know i would be embarrassed.ppl who buy it would be supporting a murderer.real nice

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