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not sure if there is a problem with 11.80 ive updated and had 2 crashes in as many minutes :(

last lines of log are

20:46:53.5 17/06/2011: Not Restoring Emulator from Cache

20:46:54.4 17/06/2011: Not Restoring Emulator Database From Cache

comes up with GameEx has stopped working windows will look for a resolve box thing!

and goes back to desktop where i find my background screen has gone to black and ive lost all my desktop icons :(, i thought when i had these kinda problems before it was my windows set up but as u know ive installed a clean win7 64 bit and uptill now ( about 5 weeks ) no problems so id say 11.80 has a problem maybe with 64 bit?. Just logged of reset and restarted and all is now ok, maybe its a case of having to do a restart for all the new changes to take effect? Do you agree that it could be a contributing factor that i dont normally reboot after an update, but seems to be ok?.



I am running fine on Win 7 64-bit, Ian. Try the following: Reboot Windows, clear out the cache files and download directly from the site download link b(ack up you gameex.ini file first) and install it that way and see if that resolves your problem. You may have to right-click on the desktop and select Personalize to put back in play whatever image you were using for a Windows desktop.


Cheers Mike,

yes i did download 11.80 directly and i did a rebooot after clearing the cache and it seems to be ok for now ( ive got most things that are crossable crossed, hoping for a good run now lol ). I`ll give it a hammering and if all is ok i`ll mark as [ RESOLVED ]



@Simba: I fixed your link in your sig. ;)


@Simba: I fixed your link in your sig. ;)

Cheers, thanks for that, didn't realize i had a problem lol :)


Marking this one as [RESOLVED] !

lol, thanks Mike was about to do that, as ive had no further problems after extensive playing...sorry testing !


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