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Hey guys!

I'm having an odd Model 2 emulator problem. When loading a rom outside of GameEx it'll launch and go to fullscreen perfectly! However inside of GameEx I get a blank screen with sound from the game. Any ideas? I tried searching but just found threads from 2006/2007 which I don't believe would have been of any help.

Also I'm using version 1.0 if that helps. I've tired everything :(


Sure thing! :)

;Configuration file for the SEGA Model 2 emulator
;All text to the right of ; is ignored (use as comments)

;Add your rom directories here (max 10)
;ROMS subdirectory in the same folder than the exe is always scanned when searching for roms
;(remove the ; form Dir1)


Wireframe=0 ;Disables polygon filling (for debug purposes, don't change)
FakeGouraud=0 ;Tries to guess Per-vertex colour (gouraud) from the Model2 per-poly information (flat)
Bilinear=1 ;Enables bilinear filtering of textures
Trilinear=0 ;Enables mipmap usage and trilinear filtering (doesn't work with some games, DoA for example)
FilterTilemaps=0 ;Enables bilinear filtering on tilemaps (looks good, but can cause some stretch artifacts)
ForceManaged=0 ;Forces the DX driver to use Managed textures instead of Dynamic. Use it if the emulator
;crashes after loading or doesn't show anything

AutoMip=0 ;Enables Direct3D Automipmap generation
MeshTransparency=0 ;Enabled meshed polygons for translucency. Requires PS3.0
DrawCross=1 ;Show Crosshair in gun games
GammaR=1.0 ;Per Component Gamma correction (1.0 = no correction). Red
GammaG=1.0 ;Green
GammaB=1.0 ;Blue

WideScreenWindow=0 ;Set widescreen in windows mode: 0 - 4:3, 1 - 16:9, 2 - 16:10

;These options are configured from menus so don't touch

XInput=0 ;Enable support for Xbox360 compatible devices
EnableFF=0 ;Enable Force Feedback Effects
HoldGears=0 ;Set to 1 to return to Neutral in driving games when the gear shift key is released
UseRawInput=0 ;Read mouse through Rawinput, allowing 2 mice
RawDevP1=0 ;Assign specific RawInput devices to players. If you have more than 2 mice
RawDevP2=1 ;set which one is assigned to each player (0-based)

;FE_CENTERING Effect (Spring centering effect)
FE_CENTERING_Gain=0.5 ;Global gain
FE_CENTERING_Coefficient=10000 ;0-10000
FE_CENTERING_Saturation=10000 ;0-10000
FE_CENTERING_Deadband=1000 ;10%

;FE_CLUTCH Effect (Friction, wheel turn hardness)
FE_CLUTCH_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain
FE_CLUTCH_Coefficient=10000 ;0-10000

;FE_LEFT,FE_RIGHT (Constant force in a direction)
FE_LEFT_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain
FE_LEFT_Magnitude=10000 ;0-10000
FE_RIGHT_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain
FE_RIGHT_Magnitude=10000 ;0-10000

;FE_UNCENTERING (Sine force, wave the wheel, rumble)
FE_UNCENTERING_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain
FE_UNCENTERING_Magnitude=10000 ;0-10000


Im using sega model 2 emulator v0.9 and set it up as an emulator not using the built in one, i would sujjest

trying this as its very easy to set up, if i can set it up anyone can. ( i bet frequency will vouch for that !.)



Here's mine to compare to if it helps:

;Configuration file for the SEGA Model 2 emulator

;All text to the right of ; is ignored (use as comments)

;Add your rom directories here (max 10)

;ROMS subdirectory in the same folder than the exe is always scanned when searching for roms

;(remove the ; form Dir1)





Wireframe=0 ;Disables polygon filling (for debug purposes, don't change)

FakeGouraud=0 ;Tries to guess Per-vertex colour (gouraud) from the Model2 per-poly information (flat)

Bilinear=1 ;Enables bilinear filtering of textures

Trilinear=0 ;Enables mipmap usage and trilinear filtering (doesn't work with some games, DoA for example)

FilterTilemaps=0 ;Enables bilinear filtering on tilemaps (looks good, but can cause some stretch artifacts)

ForceManaged=0 ;Forces the DX driver to use Managed textures instead of Dynamic. Use it if the emulator

;crashes after loading or doesn't show anything




AutoMip=0 ;Enables Direct3D Automipmap generation

MeshTransparency=0 ;Enabled meshed polygons for translucency. Requires PS3.0

DrawCross=1 ;Show Crosshair in gun games

GammaR=1.0 ;Per Component Gamma correction (1.0 = no correction). Red

GammaG=1.0 ;Green

GammaB=1.0 ;Blue

WideScreenWindow=0 ;Set widescreen in windows mode: 0 - 4:3, 1 - 16:9, 2 - 16:10

;These options are configured from menus so don't touch





XInput=0 ;Enable support for Xbox360 compatible devices

EnableFF=0 ;Enable Force Feedback Effects

HoldGears=0 ;Set to 1 to return to Neutral in driving games when the gear shift key is released

UseRawInput=0 ;Read mouse through Rawinput, allowing 2 mice

RawDevP1=0 ;Assign specific RawInput devices to players. If you have more than 2 mice

RawDevP2=1 ;set which one is assigned to each player (0-based)


;FE_CENTERING Effect (Spring centering effect)

FE_CENTERING_Gain=0.5 ;Global gain

FE_CENTERING_Coefficient=10000 ;0-10000

FE_CENTERING_Saturation=10000 ;0-10000

FE_CENTERING_Deadband=1000 ;10%

;FE_CLUTCH Effect (Friction, wheel turn hardness)

FE_CLUTCH_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain

FE_CLUTCH_Coefficient=10000 ;0-10000

;FE_LEFT,FE_RIGHT (Constant force in a direction)

FE_LEFT_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain

FE_LEFT_Magnitude=10000 ;0-10000

FE_RIGHT_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain

FE_RIGHT_Magnitude=10000 ;0-10000

;FE_UNCENTERING (Sine force, wave the wheel, rumble)

FE_UNCENTERING_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain

FE_UNCENTERING_Magnitude=10000 ;0-10000





Thanks man! I'll give that a shot if I can't get it working from the Mame menu :)

*Edit* Thanks Adultery. I'll try it :)


It's a no go man. Even tried using your config instead. Should I just set it up as a separate emulator? Maybe it's something to do with version 1.0?


It's a no go man. Even tried using your config instead. Should I just set it up as a separate emulator? Maybe it's something to do with version 1.0?

I don't think so. I just tested with it and it's working fine on my end. You settings look fine. Looks like it's not giving focus to the emulator. Not sure what else to try at this point. :blink: Keep playing with the settings perhaps. Your hardware may need a specific change to the settings. What are the results when running from command-line?


Hmmm looks like it setting my res in the game to 800x600. When I hit escape to go back to window mode and choose 1024x768 then exit and hit "run last game.bat" it works. Weird. I wish there was an easy way to set up all the games to use same res instead of loading each game and having to do each separately :(


Hate to bump instead of editing. But seems I fixed it. I choose widescreen mod ein the ini now it loads :blink:


Hmmm looks like it setting my res in the game to 800x600. When I hit escape to go back to window mode and choose 1024x768 then exit and hit "run last game.bat" it works. Weird. I wish there was an easy way to set up all the games to use same res instead of loading each game and having to do each separately :(

Well according to your settings, it would be setting to 800x600. If you had it set to 1024x768 then Fullmode would be equal to 2.


What resolution do you want it set at?


Ah I see. I want it set to 1024x768 :)

Then full mode will equal 2. I didn't need to change the widescreen setting but if that works then stay with it but try it without. If not then it's good to know for other users.


I tried "fullmode2" with no widescreen and I got the blank screen again. But when I change back to widescreen1 which is 16:9 it works. If this helps anyone else. On my desktop PC I have it connected to 720p 26 inch widescreen LCD. So that may be why I needed the widescreen setting. Also I believe 1024x768 a form of 720p res. Reason I use this res instead of 1366x768 is because for some strange reason setting the res to that on my TV results in desktop being cut off etc.. Everything work sin 1024x768 though.

Anyway hope this helps others :)


Sorry for bumping this thread again. But I'm having an odd problem on my cabinet when trying to launch model 2 games fullscreen. Upon launching games in fullscreen it crashes but loading them in window mode they work fine. This happens inside and outside of Gameex. I can't find a solution. Is this happening to anyone else?


Sorry for bumping this thread again. But I'm having an odd problem on my cabinet when trying to launch model 2 games fullscreen. Upon launching games in fullscreen it crashes but loading them in window mode they work fine. This happens inside and outside of Gameex. I can't find a solution. Is this happening to anyone else?

During testing, I received no crashes. This probably goes back to your video settings. Any details about the crash?


Nah, a small window just pops up. Heres a screenshot.

Also it happens with emulator.exe and every game. They all run in Window mode fine though. This is on a TV using S-video.



Nah, a small window just pops up. Heres a screenshot.

Also it happens with emulator.exe and every game. They all run in Window mode fine though. This is on a TV using S-video.

For more information about this error, click here.

Perhaps that may show something useful? What are your video settings? Meet me in chat for real-time support.


Perhaps that may show something useful? What are your video settings? Meet me in chat for real-time support.

I can give you more info in the chatroom if you'd like? I'm in there now.


Version 1.0 would error on change to fullscreen but version 0.9 would work fine. User has the latest directx. Not sure if hardware is up-to-date. Any help would be appreciated.


Have you tried another means of connecting to the TV other than S-Video? Not knowing much about your video card or TV connections is why I am asking. S-Video, as well as component connections are analog connections while VGA, HDMI, DVI are digital. I am assuming also that you have a separate PC in your cab, so would be interesting to see, if possible, if you had the same issue connecting to your desktop's LCD monitor.

Posted (edited)

Have you tried another means of connecting to the TV other than S-Video? Not knowing much about your video card or TV connections is why I am asking. S-Video, as well as component connections are analog connections while VGA, HDMI, DVI are digital. I am assuming also that you have a separate PC in your cab, so would be interesting to see, if possible, if you had the same issue connecting to your desktop's LCD monitor.

Yeah, I'm running 0.9 for now since it seems to be working. Though I'd really like to narrow down this issue with 1.0. I might try hooking my monitor up to it. Though makes no sense why it won't work fullscreen when it does in 0.9. The graphics chip is an onboard one it's an Ati Xpress 200m so yeah kind of old lol

I plan on getting a new cheap card off Newegg that has TVout.

Edited by Draco1962
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