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Back from Maine!


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just got home from maine.I was there over the weekend to see my cousin graduate from medical school,and I just have to say,and no offense to any Mainer's,but what a BORING state! there was NOTHING to do! except eat! thank goodness I threw my mame rom set,mame & GameEx on a laptop and took it with me I almost didnt! my mother said,"dont worry there will be things to do" wow was she wrong!

only problem was,i forgot to bring a controller! so after a 55 minute drive,i got to a staples,or office max one of the two and bought a cheap ass fake playstation controller.and TBH,it worked well.for a wired controller that is.and talk about a long ass ride! im from rhode island,where getting EVERYWHERE takes no longer the 15 minutes!! :lol:


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Yeah? Well the real question is... Did you have a lobster roll? *drools*

I absolutely despise seafood.just the smell of it turns my stomach.I dont understand why,with all the great food to eat in this world,people want to eat something that eats feces.yuck! :wacko:

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What, for real? I LOVE me some sushi! Not to short count other foods out there, but seafood is teh 1337!

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Hey, if they eat poop they won't eat me! I love me some shrimp, lobster, & crab!!! Ultimately, don't we all eat poop, at least indirectly? If you eat Cheerios, the whole oats were grown on a farm in a field fertilized with POOP! The milk came from a cow that ate corn, grown in a field and fertilized with POOP! Like blue cheese (or any cheese for that matter)? Guess what - bacteria POOP! Drink beer, wine, or liquor? Yeast POOP! And, if we are what we eat, we are all POOP!

I'm hungry, what kinda poop is in the pantry?

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