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title pretty much says it all.only on the mame list,the main list the one with all mame games,adult,multi,4player,etc... the text jumps all around and every time I choose a different list (neogeo,cps) GameEX starts loading.EVERY TIME.even if I already was on that particular list.anyone else experiencing jumpy text & constant loading?


I am always running the latest version :) TBH,this really started becoming a issue after updating to the version where memory optimizations were implemented.



Hmmm.. if you optimize a brain that is abnormal, do the abnormalities not become enhanced? :blink:

On a more serious note, have you cleared out your cache, etc? Another suggestion might be to download the latest version and install it to overwrite the dbs for the systems.

  On 5/17/2011 at 6:24 PM, Draco1962 said:

Hmmm.. if you optimize a brain that is abnormal, do the abnormalities not become enhanced? :blink:

On a more serious note, have you cleared out your cache, etc? Another suggestion might be to download the latest version and install it to overwrite the dbs for the systems.

I find it a bit strange that it only affects the MAME list,all my other lists function normally.

to clear out the cache,where exactly is the cache?


I see this in the log:

Failed Opening Video: i:\emulation\emulation artwork\arcade artwork\mame\video snaps\showdown.avi

Could be something to do with it.

There was an issue in regards to where it scans for preview videos to show in the second snap shot but I thought I fixed this. Maybe there is still an issue if GameEx cannot open the videos which it looks like here.


Tom - could a malformed .avi file possibly cause issues when attempting to load? If this file is removed or replaced, would be interesting to see if the issue resolves. I know that he had been recently converting files from FLV to AVI (not sure if this was one the files he had recently converted, however) but I think it worth a shot.


Showdown is the last MAME game that i played

the only files converted were genesis video snaps,not mame.and like i said this only affects the mame list

just tried removing showdown.avi-no change

here is a new log after launching a different game (contra)


  On 5/17/2011 at 10:25 PM, mesk said:

Showdown is the last MAME game that i played

the only files converted were genesis video snaps,not mame.and like i said this only affects the mame list

just tried removing showdown.avi-no change

here is a new log after launching a different game (contra)

Crazy thing is I see no mention of any game having been run. Everything else looks good. *puzzled*

Did you try using the default theme to see if it happens still? Also do you use video backgrounds? And did you try deleting your theme image cache?


im going to try the default theme,no video backgrounds,theme image?

ok,when using the default-default theme there is no jumping in the text,yet the constant loading persists.I may just have to learn to live with it,im pretty picky about themes. :rolleyes:


If you change themes this won't be needed, but yeah. GameEx caches theme backgrounds for quicker loading.


I dont know what the deal is with blackglass,the game lists dont line up correctly.my pet peeve with most of the available themes is they all have too much going on at once.like with most themes it will show the video snap for the game,then the static snap underneath,then it will show the 3d model if available for that game,or box\cart art. all on screen at once! i love bluglass because it is simple:one side game list,the other side a big video player for the video snap.all the other artwork is available when you select a game.

what theme are you using adultery?


I use a heavily modded version of BlueBox, and it has a big video snap with a little static snap below it (these are v4 themes. I think the one you use is actually a v2 theme).

I used to use the theme you're using now actually. Maybe I could have a look at it and see if I can tweak the layout to work better, but still keep the simplicity.

You don't have to switch themes permanently, I was just wondering if the problem persists using other themes is all. :)


So i decided to mess around with the theme ini and there was a option to outline fonts,so i set it to true and guess what? no more jumpy text!! :D the loading is still present however,but its not that big a deal and im sure it will be sorted out in future releases


I really think this problem is theme specific TBH. :(


@Adultery -Not sure but have there been any changes with the way the themes cache is handled? Odd that a theme that had not been changed and was working fine would start going wonky following an interim update and only within one emulator.

@Mesk - Have you tried running MAME as an emulator and, if so, did you get the same response? If not, can you try doing so to see if, as an emulator, the issue still occurs. My thought is that it should not if run as an emulator.


@ Draco I tried running MAME as a seperate emulator and the problem is not there.although when setting MAME up as a emu,there is just one list of games,and the problem only occurs when on the MAME list,all mame games,multiplayer,4player,adult that list

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