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Osama Bin Laden is Dead


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I am glad that Bin Laden has finally met his much deserved and overdue demise. So many lives lost because of him and his followers directly. So many gave their lives willingly to find him and end his days on this planet.

God bless the sons and daughters of the nations that fought alongside the U.S. or lent support to end his terror and the tyranny that his brand of Islam would impose on those that did not believe as he and his followers.

This is not a battle against Islam. It is against terror using its name as an excuse to kill and subjugate. It is fitting that no Islamic nation would accept his remains as none but a few extremists would give him prayers of forgiveness. His burial at sea was far more honorable than what what he would have received at home.

It is my hope and prayer that all abroad stay vigilante and, while they may have cause to celebrate, they keep in mind that his followers are many and that they will be unyielding in their resolve to prove their legitimacy and viability in his absence. Nature abhors a vacuum. Others will step forward to try to fill the void left by his death. May we all remember the history that lead to this day so that we will not repeat the mistakes that put this sorry excuse of a man in a position of power.

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Amazing.who would have thunk it? :)

That POS tried using a WOMAN as a human shield,I hope all these people that support him and his little gang see what type of person he was

On a side note I see I am now a GameEX GURU!! :D

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I don't trust the gov't enough to believe this. It's sort of suspicious to me that he was "buried at sea"... Not that I'm into conspiracy theory, I just don't feel like it sits right. :(

The woman as a body shield seems like a typical gov't spin to make us hate him even more. It just seems too good to be true, you know?

And congrats mesk! :D

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I don't trust the gov't enough to believe this. It's sort of suspicious to me that he was "buried at sea"... Not that I'm into conspiracy theory, I just don't feel like it sits right. :(

The woman as a body shield seems like a typical gov't spin to make us hate him even more. It just seems too good to be true, you know?

And congrats mesk! :D

He was buried at sea to comply with islamic funeral procedures.I heard the body was offered but turned down by every islamic nation.personally i believe we should have done the mussolini thing to where the italian ppl strung his body up in the middle of town square for everyone to kick and spit at but that just me :)

He did it to himself.imagine the balls to have a compound that is 8 x bigger then any other structure around it.and in a city of over 1 million ppl! then to have no internet\cable\telephone.he drew attention to himself

thanks Adultery!!

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We would be foolish to think that lopping the big head off of the hydra is going to slay the beast. There are many little heads vying to take his place and you can guarantee they will be betting on us lulling ourselves into a false sense of complacency. Since our leadership does not have the stomach to stay the course I will not be surprised if we get caught with our pants down in the not too distant future.

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Amazing.who would have thunk it? :)

That POS tried using a WOMAN as a human shield,I hope all these people that support him and his little gang see what type of person he was

On a side note I see I am now a GameEX GURU!! :D

Congrats Mesk! As a GURU, I better not see any questions asked in the forums. Especially self answered posts right after the post was made. LOL. GURU my ass! JK. Thank goodness for post counts. Makes us all look good after awhile. ;)

Keep up the good work!

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Yay justice has been served.!


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