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I have noticed an increasing number of forum posts where issues/errors are being reported. After suggestions are made to workaround or resolve the error, there is no response from the person requesting the assistance as to whether or not the error has been resolved. There have also been quite a few repeat original threads that are regarding the same issue by the same person.

I know that all of us (new and old) here at the GameEx forums have at one time or another have been guilty of the above and just wanted to remind everyone (myself included) that there are resources available that we should try to avail ourselves of first before starting a new thread. I know that I often forget them myself in my enthusiasm for using this great frontend and support from fellow GameEx users.

Below are a few great resources that we should be aware of and utilize prior to posting a new issue:

FAQ - usually the best place to start, especially if new to the software. It contains basic, yet valuable information for the new installation of GameEx.

How to ask for Help - Probably one of the most important references that should be consulted before posting an error within the forums (Thanks, Tempest!). Please review this first! It contains steps to resolve most common issues and how to best report to the forum the errors you may encounter that the steps within cannot resolve.

User Submitted Configs, Map Files, Wrappers and Databases (Uploads) - Contains a plethora of information for the most common emulators supported by GameEx. These are but a few of the gems to be found in our forums that are most frequently accessed:

- Submissions by fReQuEnCy - excellent resource for loaders, wrappers, and general getting your emu up and running goodness.

- Loaders (Wrappers) By Tempest is also a good source for loaders/wrappers by Tempest. Flash, and other forum members.

- Applications and Guides by Tempest - another good source for various support applications and guides.

Etiquette - There are no links to provide. This is the common sense courtesy and manners that our parents and society try to instill in each of us.

- If someone asks you a question, please don't be offended if you have performed the steps being asked. It is possible you left that part out of your request for help.

- If you received help and the issue is resolved, let everyone know what worked and what did not.

- If you chance upon a solution to an issue that you encountered, but do not see a recent post regarding - please share! It is likely someone else might be in need of that knowledge you possess!

- Please be patient! Like most of us, Tom has a life (or so it has been rumored ;) ), job, etc. outside of GameEx. As such, he may not respond on your time table. Other members may be of help to you. If you have an feature/enhancement request, please post it here. He may get to it on the next release. Your request may not be feasible due to program or OS limitations.

Many of us have made our financial contribution towards this great piece of software. As with any software, we are being allowed to use it and do not necessarily "own" it or its creator! I have seen a few instances where some note that they "are considering purchasing the full version, but.." or similar comments. IMHO, it does not matter if you are using the free version or registered version other than that some issues you may encounter with the free version may not be an issues at all . It is possible that the functionality doesn't exist until you have registered the product. Regardless, we are all here to help one another and contribute to the continued evolution of this product and community of users.


I would like to add that it is also helpful to search the forum using [RESOLVED] before posting, as someone may have a similar issue that has already been addressed. I've been trying to keep up with this as we go, but of course if someone doesn't let us know the error or problem is fixed, it's hard to add this tag to the forum title. ;)

  • 4 weeks later...

I am bumping this thread again as I have noticed in the last few days several threads started all with regards to reporting the same issues (ROM Filters not working, Lists disappearing, Video playback issues, etc.), some for the same issue repeatedly by the same user. While I understand that when we have a problem arise with the functionality of something, we tend to see that as the most important thing to get resolved at the moment. Patience is at a low and there is interest in gettng it resolved because we are empassioned about the product and want it to work right again.

All I am asking is that we all (myself included) try to exercise more patience with Tom and our fellow "resident experts" in the forums. Be thoughtful of others, the next person to logon, the newbies to the forum. Is it fair that they have to search through so many threads of the same issue being reported? Is it any more fair to Tom or the mods & gurus that they should have to answer the same questions several times in several threads, or have to cleanup and combine them into one useful thread?

Use the tools that are available (Search, FAQs, How to Ask for Help and pinned submission links) to seek answers first. Then look to the threads to see if the issue has already been posted and add there. Look to the recent threads that show [RESOLVED] next to the title - your issue may already have a solution!

Most of the time you know that you are going to be asked to provide a copy of your log file and/or gameex.ini file. Be proactive whenever possible. Try to provide them without having to be asked. Post a screen capture of what you are encountering if a visual bug if you can. Sometimes a picture can provide much information to suppliment the text description of the issue.

Alrighty, I've said what was on my mind. SOAP BOX MODE [OFF]


Thanks Draco and well put! We all volunteer here, and sometimes it's kind of like a job. This is an active forum full of knowledge, helpful folks, and enthusiasts over something that should be fun. Let's all pitch in and do everything we can to keep it that way!

I don't know of any other forum where you can get answers from seasoned vets over just about anything even remotely related to emulation. I for one would love to see that continue indefinately!

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