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1) has anyone found a good tool (and affordable) to modify/fix the .x files for the cabinets?

2) has anyone found a good link for .x files?

3) FYI. There are tons of Google Sketch-up free models for cabinets & consoles if someone has the proper tool flow to export to .x files...


OK... So I can export from Sketchup to .X files that GameEx can display... Sketchup can even import 3DS images!

I can get the models to display for MAME cabinets, but how do I get them to display for the Menus and logos (I'm using GameEx 11.15)?

I'm putting the .x files (and any texture images) into my Theme/media/logos directory where I put my .png/.avi files with the same root name with the .x extension. If I keep the .png files, they are displayed, and if I remove them (leaving just the .x), then I get the default logo. I'm using a custom theme and custom menus if that matters. Am I putting them in the wrong location? wrong name?

Thanks for the feature and the help!


I can get the .X files to work when I turn off Custom Menus, but with Custom Menus on, the .X files are not displayed... Is this the expected behavior? or do I potentially have something else wrong. To test it, I simply created a theme/media/logos/media/media.x directory and file, and ran GameEx. With the Custom Menus off, the .X file is displayed during the Multimedia selection. If I run it with Custom Menus on, and the media line:


I simply see a File folder instead of the .X file.

Thanks for all of your help Tom.


Tom - You are the man! Gotta love the support for GameEx!!! I just installed version 11.17, and the .X files work for Custom Menus now!

Thanks! and keep up the great work.


I don't mean to be a pain, but I'm testing this .X feature and trying to make sure it's working... When I browse through my menu, it appears that the .X files can be displayed differently (different quality or textures). When I start up GameEx, the first .X file displayed is attached as GameEx_Xfile_good.png. If I go to another .X file (not displaying very well -I'm unsure if it's the .X file, or GameEx), and then come back, the GameEx .X file is displayed differently (not nearly as nice), as shown in GameEx_Xfile_poor.png. I've also seen a much darker textured image after I look at a different .X file with darker textures. If there's something you need to help look at this, let me know.

I've added the 3 test .X files I'm using:


Atari 2600 - this is really a light grey Wii logo (this is the one used in between the two supplied pictures.

media - this is an Atari2600 with dark textures as mentioned above.

[Edit] Added the dark GameExLogo image as well.






I tested the version 11.19, and it does appear fixed! Thanks! No problem about using the logo, but that one is pretty generic and just a test... I've attached a better one, although it could still be improved...




You're welcome! I've attached a smoother logo (just learning Sketchup), but I think this is overboard... It's 35MB, and it takes my machine a while to load it in GameEx. I might try to come up with a compromise, but I have to start over each time because SketchUp doesn't let you change the number of segments on circles and arcs except right when you make them... So that compromise will have to be another day...




As I'm learning/experimenting with SketchUp, I've run into another issue that might be GameEx, might be the SketchUp exporter to .X... I've added textures (simple gradients) to the GameEx Logo, and it looks great in SketchUp (attached figure). But when I load it up in GameEx, the textures are not correctly applied (attached figure).

Is there some way to determine if this is a GameEx display issue or the SketchUp .X Exporter issue?

[Edit] I've found a second SketchUp .X Exporter, and the result is the same... So I'm hoping that this is a GameEx issue... (only because I know Tom's support is great!)

The GameExLogo_v4.7z file can not be uploaded to this message because it's larger than the 2MB limit...

Any ideas?




I am converting some Google SketchUp models but models in GameEx are too dark. I posted in "Feature Request" section some ideas for X files feature.

I found an Atari 2600 console model and I converted to .X file, it works in GameEx and it looks great. I attached it.

Congratulations to the GameEx developer, .X files support is fantastic.

Atari 2600.rar


So when are we going to see some cool console .x packs? :)

I took a peek at doing it myself using Sketchup, but it seems a bit complicated for a n00b like me. Hopefully people can come up with the best designs available and make a nice little pack for everyone to grab. :D


So when are we going to see some cool console .x packs? :)

I took a peek at doing it myself using Sketchup, but it seems a bit complicated for a n00b like me. Hopefully people can come up with the best designs available and make a nice little pack for everyone to grab. :D

I've been playing around with it. I might start coming up with something. There are consoles available already that other people have done but don't know how that would would as far as releasing with GameEx. Better if it is done in house. So hopefully we have a few artists out there that will start popping up and contributing.


I am converting some Google SketchUp models but models in GameEx are too dark. I posted in "Feature Request" section some ideas for X files feature.

I found an Atari 2600 console model and I converted to .X file, it works in GameEx and it looks great. I attached it.

Congratulations to the GameEx developer, .X files support is fantastic.

Although I'm not the "GameEx developer" I wrote the basic model loading and rendering code and did the conversion of 3D Arcade models to .x format (which was a long and tedious job BTW). It's an idea I was nagging Tom about for a while so in the end just wrote up a demo to show him (I have written an engine in MDX so have the great fortune of being able to fast track ideas by presenting code lol). The main issue was with scaling the models so they can be rendered in the same area which is probably why it's a bit slow loading large models, as it needs to go through the vertex data, calculate the centre based on it's radius and then scale it to a certain size and then shift the centre to be exactly centre to the model. The arcade models for example have their point of origin at the base of the model and of course not all models are created to the same scale so all this was necessary just to display a rotating model. Also the models often contain textures with alpha channel so they needed two rendering passes to render correctly. The actual demo I wrote renders the models fine so I think there is a problem with the render target Tom is using. That or his render states are such that they are not rendering as nicely as they could be. There are other optimizations so poly's are smoothed around their edges and giving the textures linear filtering etc. so I hope Tom does a bit of an investigation in that. Even so with my demo I'm sure it was a decent amount of work on Tom's part to implement into GameEx so I can't take all the credit for it. But I'm chuffed you and others seem to like it.

Anyway that particular Atari 2600 model you've converted to .x does indeed look great although there does seem to be a stray poly around the 3rd switch from the left. You can see it more clearly using the DirectX SDK's mview .x file model viewer. I'll attach the program so people can test their models without having to load up GameEx first.



Thanks for the effort and powers of persuasion B) Headkaze. And thanks for posting mview.

Tom - I tested the version 4 of the GameEx Logo I created with the mview executable, and the textures do appear correctly. If you need my model to help test it, I just need a way to get it to you since it excedes the 2MB limit of these forums. Thanks for all of your support and new features!

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