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The old loader with the older version of pcsx2 used to work fine for me. For some reason, this loader does not work with the new version of pcsx2. I tried different settings and both loaders and all I get is a blank screen but nothing happens. I can see that the loader does load up in Windows' memory but, again, it does nothing. Can someone post or upload their pcsx2.ini settings so that I could figure out what's going wrong and fix my pcsx2.ini settings.



I get a black unresponsive mouse screen so I ctrl alt delete into task manager and minimize hshide and I must get stuck at the choose iso step. This happens on both loaders alt and regular. I'm using Pcsx2_Loader.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" as the command. I'm on xp sp3 mce 2005. My pcsx2 cd plugin is the Linuz iso one. I was previously using the old loader with the older revisions.


  On 6/5/2010 at 9:26 PM, T. Goodchild said:

I get a black unresponsive mouse screen so I ctrl alt delete into task manager and minimize hshide and I must get stuck at the choose iso step. This happens on both loaders alt and regular. I'm using Pcsx2_Loader.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" as the command. I'm on xp sp3 mce 2005. My pcsx2 cd plugin is the Linuz iso one. I was previously using the old loader with the older revisions.

I also have the same problem. When I watch the pcsx2 window while the loader runs I can see the Rom folder name being pasted into the Choose Iso command line but then nothing. Should the Rom Name also be pasted? If you could upload the script Brian I could have a look myself, If you don't mind that is.

  On 6/8/2010 at 6:09 PM, Jollywest said:

I also have the same problem. When I watch the pcsx2 window while the loader runs I can see the Rom folder name being pasted into the Choose Iso command line but then nothing. Should the Rom Name also be pasted? If you could upload the script Brian I could have a look myself, If you don't mind that is.

Probably shortening the title and setting titlematch mode will probably fix these issues.

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language: English
; Platform: Win9x/NT
; Author: A.N.Other <myemail@nowhere.com>
; Script Function:
; Template script (you can customize this template by editing "ShellNew\Template.ahk" in your Windows folder)

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#SingleInstance force

if 0 < 1
MsgBox Usage: pcsx2_loader.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]"

Blockinput on ; Keeps users from messing up loader my pressing buttons and moving mouse
rom = "%1%" ; error level (rompath romfile) gives friendly name as ROM

SetBatchLines -1

Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow ; No title, No taskbar icon
Gui Color, 0 ; Color Black
Gui Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%, HSHIDE
;WinSet Transparent, 200, A ; Can be semi-transparent
MouseGetPos X, Y ; Remember pos to return
MouseMove %A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight% ; Move pointer off screen
Run, pcsx2-r3113.exe
WinWait, PCSX2 (svn) May 29 2010,
IfWinNotActive, PCSX2 (svn) May 29 2010, , WinActivate, PCSX2 (svn) May 29 2010,
WinWaitActive, PCSX2 (svn) May 29 2010,
Sleep 100
WinWait, Select CDVD source iso..., Namespace Tree Contr
IfWinNotActive, Select CDVD source iso..., Namespace Tree Contr, WinActivate, Select CDVD source iso..., Namespace Tree Contr
WinWaitActive, Select CDVD source iso..., Namespace Tree Contr
Sleep 100
SendInput, %rom% ; sends rompath romfile from exe syntax
Send, {enter} ; loads roms by pressing enter
Sleep, 100 ; Gives time for loading to finish before unhiding desktop
Sleep, 3000
Gui Destroy
Sleep 100
Blockinput off ; Allows user to send inputs so games can be played
Sleep 100
Process, WaitClose, pcsx2-r3113.exe
MouseMove %X%, %Y% ; Restore mouse
Process, Close, pcsx2-r3113.exe


Thanks Brian. The script works fine as is. All I did was amend the - Advanced Config - field in GameEx Advanced Configuration to blank. However even though I can hear PCSX2 running, focus returns to GameEx with the following screen:


Anyway to keep focus on PCSX2?

  • 2 months later...
  On 6/11/2010 at 10:51 PM, Jollywest said:

Thanks Brian. The script works fine as is. All I did was amend the - Advanced Config - field in GameEx Advanced Configuration to blank. However even though I can hear PCSX2 running, focus returns to GameEx with the following screen:


Anyway to keep focus on PCSX2?

Jollywest, how do you have your PCSX2 setup in the Advance Config? How did you get it run in GameEx?

  On 8/23/2010 at 1:05 AM, KaseKlose said:

Jollywest, how do you have your PCSX2 setup in the Advance Config? How did you get it run in GameEx?

I have attached the Adv Config .ini I use for PCSX2. I can't remember which version of Brian's Loader from the top of the page I used so I've attached this also.

I still have the same issue when I can hear PCSX2 running a game in the background but focus returns to GameEx. It may work for you though, but if not I select Resume Game and then ALT + ENTER for fullscreen.


  • 3 weeks later...

This program didn't work for me at first. I was trying to find a command line loader for pcsx2 0.9.7 (r3119) so I could use it with Maximus Arcade. I was testing it with the "Run" dialog within windows vista (x64). I kept getting a black screen and a few "windows error dings" using the proper commands. After reading your last code snippet I noticed that you indicate the file as "pcsx2-r3113.exe" but the file I have downloaded from the pcsx2 website is named simply "pcsx2.exe".

Renaming the file in my pcsx2 directory from pcsx2.exe to pcsx2-r3113.exe fixed the issue and now the loader works from a run command or Maximus Arcade (or probably any front end loader for that matter"...

Thanks a lot for this, I've been searching everywhere for a solution and I'm too impatient to wait for the next release of pcsx2 with command line support. Much appreciated! :)

Side note: full screen does not work for me, with either version. I understand that this was intended for GameEx and as such I'll live with it. The new pcsx2 is supposed to have fullscreen boot fixed. Also, esc works perfectly, exiting the program and returning me to my front end. I love it! :)


Sirjmann - I believe that you are the second Maximus user to post here in as many days. I think that is the best compliment that we can get regarding our forum. Welcome to GameEx, Your best source retro gaming information! :)

  On 9/9/2010 at 10:33 PM, sirjmann said:

Thanks a lot for this, I've been searching everywhere for a solution and I'm too impatient to wait for the next release of pcsx2 with command line support. Much appreciated! :)

Side note: full screen does not work for me, with either version. I understand that this was intended for GameEx and as such I'll live with it. The new pcsx2 is supposed to have fullscreen boot fixed. Also, esc works perfectly, exiting the program and returning me to my front end. I love it! :)

Actually, I wrote it to be CLI friendly for any FE. I just happen to frequent these boards rather than some other FE's. We have quite a talented bunch of regulars here.

If you look at this part of the code.

Gui Destroy


Sleep 100

You can see I am sending ALT+ENTER whcih is suppposed to make it full screen.

Perhaps adding a sleep 1000 before will make it work.. EG maybe it's sending the keystrokes before the emu loads.

Gui Destroy

Sleep 1000


Sleep 100

  On 9/10/2010 at 10:28 AM, Tempest said:

Sirjmann - I believe that you are the second Maximus user to post here in as many days. I think that is the best compliment that we can get regarding our forum. Welcome to GameEx, Your best source retro gaming information! :)

That made me chuckle ;)

Do I have a good attitude or what!?

  On 9/13/2010 at 5:51 AM, palindrom said:

is it possible to use the [virtualdrive] option with this loader?

No, not at this moment. There are a few reasons why.

First, the emulator nativly supports reading from image files. eg. ISO,BIN, ETC... So needing to mount it first is an un-needed step.

next, the [virtualdrive] is limited to what the included virtualdrive software supports, which I believe is limited to ISO (I could be wrong).

It may be a good option if all your images are in a compatable format.

Id wait till the next version, I believe it may support CLI out of the box.

Sorry mate.


Well, all my Cd image are in MDX format (compressed image to save space) it work well for the PS1 emulator with the Virtualdrive command (the virtualdrive command only mount the image and send the ''d:'' path to the emulator, so any format that daemon tools can mount is supported.

i wish this command would be supported in the pcsx2 loader in the future.

  • 3 weeks later...

I would check the ngemu fourm first as this the most recent is in a series of Beta releases and there have been noted some speedups in some areas but slow downs on others, especially with older graphics adapters. Might want to hold back on adding it until official and stable.

  • 4 months later...
  On 10/8/2010 at 8:29 AM, Jollywest said:

Use command line:

pcsx2-r3878.exe --fullscreen --nogui "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

Is this your working command line still? I'm having issues with this build.

  On 2/14/2011 at 6:59 PM, celly said:

Is this your working command line still? I'm having issues with this build.

What kind of issues are you having?

  On 2/14/2011 at 7:47 PM, fRequEnCy said:

What kind of issues are you having?

Runs and plays fine outside of GameEx, used the command Jollywest suggested -

pcsx2-r3878.exe --fullscreen --nogui "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

And no dice. Select a game, leaves GameEx, goes to black screen then back to GameEx. I'll post a log when I get to my cab if you want.

  On 2/14/2011 at 10:21 PM, celly said:

Runs and plays fine outside of GameEx, used the command Jollywest suggested -

pcsx2-r3878.exe --fullscreen --nogui "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

And no dice. Select a game, leaves GameEx, goes to black screen then back to GameEx. I'll post a log when I get to my cab if you want.

Log will not help in this situation. Try running in debug mode so that the command window shows and it will show an error of some sort that will be useful. Then post the results please.


Yeah, I got it. Geez. The parameters where backwards. Jollywest's cmd line of pcsx2-r3878.exe --fullscreen --nogui "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" didn't work but should have.

I changed it to pcsx2-r3878.exe --nogui --fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" making the nogui parameter first made it work.

Freq, an easy fix huh? Ha! Thanks.

  On 2/15/2011 at 1:42 AM, celly said:

Yeah, I got it. Geez. The parameters where backwards. Jollywest's cmd line of pcsx2-r3878.exe --fullscreen --nogui "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" didn't work but should have.

I changed it to pcsx2-r3878.exe --nogui --fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" making the nogui parameter first made it work.

Freq, an easy fix huh? Ha! Thanks.

LOL. It's always an easy fix but just need to utilize the tools that are there. Tom makes GameEx easy to troubleshoot for users but those tools are rarely used. I usually always test an emulator from the command-line so I can see the output before I attempt to get it working in GameEx. I always hear the classic, "But it works outside of GameEx"! LOL. Which isn't true cuz if worked out of GameEx then would work in it as well. Just need to always test from command-line or make use of the debug feature if problems arise. Am glad you got it working. Yay. Have fun! ;)

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