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Logo Picture Question

DJ Infinity

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I found a picture to use for A Super Game Boy logo (since there are none by default in Game EX)How do I get the emulator aetup wizard to use it? I saved as PNG and put it in my logos folder for my particular theme but I can't select it. Any Ideas? :(

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I found a picture to use for A Super Game Boy logo (since there are none by default in Game EX)How do I get the emulator aetup wizard to use it? I saved as PNG and put it in my logos folder for my particular theme but I can't select it. Any Ideas? :(

Emulator Setup >>> Logo

Click on the question mark button for more detail on that feature.

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are you shure? i have create some logos for lego games and other stuffs and it work.

this is the path: GameEx\THEMES\Default - Default\MEDIA\LOGOS

just put your png file in the LOGOS folder

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quite sure. it's in the folder but I cannot select it. does it need to be a certain size?

The name of a PNG or JPG Image without the extension and path that will be shown on the Start Page when the emulator is selected. This image must be in the Program Files\GameEx\themes\[selected theme]\Media\Logos folder. Note there are a selection of images already there for most emulated Systems.

The icon MUST BE in the theme's directory that you are using. Then it will be selectable from the drop-down box in the Emulator Setup section.

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The icon MUST BE in the theme's directory that you are using. Then it will be selectable from the drop-down box in the Emulator Setup section.

That's not true. If you put the logos in the GameEx\THEMES\Default - Default\MEDIA\LOGOS, the logos will be shown no matter what theme you use.

However, I think that if you have a logo in the current theme, it would be shown instead of the default.

DJ - I threw a random image (3countb.png) in the GameEx\THEMES\Default - Default\MEDIA\LOGOS, and it shows up in the list too choose from...

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I found this in the C:\GameEx\THEMES\Default - Default\MEDIA\LOGOS\DATABASE\About this folder.txt file:

This folder can contain logo snaps and videos for manufacturers, years and categories.

Simmply place a png, jpg, mpg, mng or avi with the same name as a category, manufacturer or year in this folder.

Transparanet AVI and MNG's are supported by suffixing the filename with "_trans"

I didn't know GameEx had this feature. smile.gif

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That's not true. If you put the logos in the GameEx\THEMES\Default - Default\MEDIA\LOGOS, the logos will be shown no matter what theme you use.

However, I think that if you have a logo in the current theme, it would be shown instead of the default.

My mistake. Thanks for jumping in. I guess I shouldn't assume. But then again I never run into issues. LOL. tongue.gif

That's why I posted what was in the help section of that feature. wink.gif

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My mistake. Thanks for jumping in. I guess I shouldn't assume. But then again I never run into issues. LOL. tongue.gif

That's why I posted what was in the help section of that feature. wink.gif

Believe it or not, it even happens to me. dry.giftongue.gif

The only reason I knew was because of being involved in the emulator project. They need to update the text in the setup wizard. I think it is a nice feature, instead of having to copy your logos into everry theme.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I found a picture to use for A Super Game Boy logo (since there are none by default in Game EX)How do I get the emulator aetup wizard to use it? I saved as PNG and put it in my logos folder for my particular theme but I can't select it. Any Ideas? sad.gif

Hey DJ,

I didn't see where you noted finding an answer. If you have added Super Game Boy to your list of emulators (Will show up as [Handheld] Nintendo Super Game Boy), you can do one of two things - both of which will create the same file:

1.) Rename your Super Game Boy logo _Handheld_Nintendo_Super_Game_Boy.png and save it in your theme's logo folder


2.) Open your logo in Paint, Photoshop, Gimp (whatever you use to edit yoru image files), click on Edit then Copy. Open your theme in Theme Editor, then locate under Logos > _Handheld_Nintendo_Super_Game_Boy and click Paste. Then click Save.

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  • 2 weeks later...

unfortunatly for me my mainboard & memory were destroyed by a virus (Thanx to my bartender) so I havent had a computer tot try it out on. It'll be awhile before I have the cash to rebuild it. :mellow:

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unfortunatly for me my mainboard & memory were destroyed by a virus (Thanx to my bartender) so I havent had a computer tot try it out on. It'll be awhile before I have the cash to rebuild it. mellow.gif

Hmmm... how much does he earn in tips? wink.gif

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