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Quick question:

Does this game run for you?

I updated mame 0.128 to 0.130 because magical drop III (and II) wasnt workin. It's a funny and action packed two player game!

Now with 0.130 its still not working. It worked fine with 0.127..

does it work for you?

  chriss said:
Quick question:

Does this game run for you?

I updated mame 0.128 to 0.130 because magical drop III (and II) wasnt workin. It's a funny and action packed two player game!

Now with 0.130 its still not working. It worked fine with 0.127..

does it work for you?

Hey Chriss,

Both games work perfectly fine for me.

I am using regular Mame .130 compiled using HeadKaze's compiler with highscore and nag screens removed. I have not added the diff's from .130u1 or .130u2 yet.


ok weird! i dont get an error message in the gameex log

i should start it seperately and check for errors maybe


If it doesn't run outside of GameEx obviously it won't work inside. Definitely try the runitigame.bat to see what's going wrong.


oh true... i forgot about the batch file!

will do and report back, thx for the hint bkenobi


I had this problem with Magical Drop III & II plus all the NeoGeo ROMS I had when I updated to MAME v0.130. I couldn't fix it so I just went back to the older MAME I was using. I'll try that runitigame.bat and see if that helps with v0.130. These games wouldn't show on the list but if I tried loading them anyway, they worked. The audit wouldn't show them as a working ROM either. Its no worries either way, can still play KOF97 through Kawaks.


I've read about the change in the NeoGeo roms, but with a 0.130 romset and a 0.130 version of MAME, things should work fine, shouldn't they? :unsure:


Yep, I just didn't know where everybody was at with Mame, and their roms. Celly said that S(He) updated Mame, didn't say if S(He) updated the Roms. Chris said that it worked in Mame 0.127, but hadn't worked since. It seemed to me that maybe S(He) didn't update his roms. I'm not trying to confuse anybody. You know that I don't have a good grasp of the English language, and how I jump to wild conclusions... <_<


other neo geo roms seem to work fine

the last romset update i did was 0.127 to 0.128 update... maybe i should get magical drop from the most recent romset and see if it works

thanks for the help!


It looks like they are reporting problems with NeoGeo not verifying in Mame.130 (although I may have mis-interpreted)

Mame.130u2 fixes the problem...


i got the two roms magdrop2.zip and magdrop3.zip from the 0.130 romset and I'm using mame plus 0.130 and now i receive the following error message when starting the game:

C:\Programme\GameEx>cd DATA

Warning: unknown option in INI: m68k_core
Warning: unknown option in INI: m68k_core
Warning: unknown option in INI: m68k_core
Warning: unknown option in INI: cheat_file
Assign joystick MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad to player 0
Assign joystick MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad to player 1
Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 3 to player 2
Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 4 to player 3
Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 1 to player 4
Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 2 to player 5
233-p1.bin NOT FOUND
233-s1.bin NOT FOUND
sfix.sfix NOT FOUND
000-lo.lo WRONG LENGTH (expected: 00020000 found: 00010000)
EXPECTED: CRC(5a86cff2) SHA1(5992277debadeb64d1c1c64b0a92d9293eaf7e4a)
FOUND: CRC(e09e253c) SHA1(2b1c719531dac9bb503f22644e6e4236b91e7cfc)
EXPECTED: CRC(94416d67) SHA1(42f9d7ddd6c0931fd64226a60dc73602b2819dcf)
FOUND: CRC(97cf998b) SHA1(977387a7c76ef9b21d0b01fa69830e949a9a9626)
233-m1.bin NOT FOUND
233-v1.bin NOT FOUND
233-v2.bin NOT FOUND
233-c1.bin NOT FOUND
233-c2.bin NOT FOUND
233-c3.bin NOT FOUND
233-c4.bin NOT FOUND
ERROR: required files are missing, the game cannot be run.

same happens when i use the mame plus gui tool


there is way to many versions of mame. they need to slow down and not release as many versions. ... Insted of small updates they should do big updates. Any games not working remove from the list ect ect ...


mayhem, i agree!

the last version i didnt have any troubles with was 0.127... with 0.128 i couldnt run capcom games so i updated to u4. now i cant run some other games that worked before...

well, i guess we can be thankful for all the updates that the community receives. but i decided to not spend so much time with converting chds to new formats, update my romset with every new version and download all these LD releases that I'd probably never play. I'm enjoying the games i have (esp pang and donkey kong) so from a gamer perspective there is no real need for all these new goodies...

Right now I'm just trying to get the sstuff working I have on my cab... It really bugs me that magical drop is not working anymore since i really like this game as a two player game.

It's weird that some of my roms dont seem to work since during attract mode it sometimes returns to gameex which indicated that a rom couldnt be loaded. this happens after like every 10th rom playing (estimated)

130u2 still gives me the same error when starting magical drop III :(


yeh i had the same problem last night. how ever i use Mame Plus wich is a much better port of mame and allows for none working games to be played. Between the last 3 versions i have had problems but now on U2 its fuilly working as such all though my Ld's show up as un converted. (that realy annoys me) .

What we all have to rember though is one main thing. Mame playabilty is a Side effect of mame. Mame hasnt been built to be able to play the games but as a way of Calatlogueing and storing these peaces of history. Were lucky enough to be able to play these catalouge games and we souldtn realy complain when they do not work. Like i say its a side effect.

Im shure how ever they will sort the problem due to the ammount of deadacated ppl working on such a large project. Its a shame some majour companys didnt follow there code of practice.


Chris - you have to upate your roms to 128.u2 as well...

And It looks like you guys have sort of worked it out on your own, but you shouldn't complain about something that is free... It's discouraging.

When you get tired of it, don't update. It almost always causes something not to work, let someone else work out the bugs. I'm at Mame .127, GameEx 9.89. It does look like with the new features Tom has added, I'll have to update GameEx 10.00, but I'll wait a few revisions to see what happens. If your tired of chasing the latest, and greatest, I suggest you do the same. No disrespect intended.


About the only thing that gets updated more than MAME is GameEx. :lol:

Tempest is right though - there's no need to keep updating unless a new release adds or fixes something important to you.

What you should do however, either if you keep updating or just to sort out your Magical Drop issue, is download and learn to use clrmamepro. It's a pain to get started with, but it will help you validate your ROMs and figure out what will and will not work.



You know, if a new version of MAME breaks something, you can always keep the old version and use it for specific roms. We now have a feature built right into GameEx to help do this. In fact, this is EXACTLY why I had MAME 0.117 and 0.83 installed on my machine. I used 0.117 for my gun games and MAME Analog+ 0.83 for my rotary games. With the alternate MAME code Tom just added, this task is SOOOOOO simple!

For me, I only update my MAME exe when I see something worth jumping on. I was running 0.125 until just recently. I updated to 0.130u1 since I was recompiling anyway. I keep my romset up to date on my file server and only update the cabs when I update the exe. It's important to keep the rom set and the exe consistent!


The problem isnt fixed in 130u2 because thats what I've been running for the last week. I'm having to use the less than ideal verify roms 'no' option in game ex to play samurai shodown etc..


Guys, don't get me wrong: I don't want to complain or blame the mamedev team. These guys are doing an awesome job! I know that they see themselves as preservators of electronic history. I guess thats why features that are much appreciated by the community such as high score support have been stripped back out of mame.

I was just wondering if the magical drop rom is working for you guys. SInce some of you reported it is working I wonder why it isn't working on my end.

I use mame plus 0.130u2 (self compiled/no errors) with the 0.130 magical drop roms. it's not working outside of gameex so it must be an issue with my mame build or romset!

I would like to know who has it working with which mame build and romset. thanks in advance for the info!


i guess it doesnt if you look at my error msg from last page... but it is the most recent rom from the 0.130 set

  chriss said:
I was just wondering if the magical drop rom is working for you guys. SInce some of you reported it is working I wonder why it isn't working on my end.

I use mame plus 0.130u2 (self compiled/no errors) with the 0.130 magical drop roms. it's not working outside of gameex so it must be an issue with my mame build or romset!

I would like to know who has it working with which mame build and romset. thanks in advance for the info!

Hey chriss,

I have both games working fine with standard version mame .130 (source from mamedev.org). I am using the roms from the .130 set. I compiled it with the nag screens removed and highscores (hiscore.dff from arcadecontrols). Both games run perfectly fine for me inside GameEx. I am going to be updating to .130u2 in a few days, I will let you know how I make out when I do.

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