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Hi guys. I'm trying to set daphne up in GameEX but i'm really struggling. I've got all the games working through daphneloader but not through gameex. I've tried following that pdf guide from JustinCase but it doesn't work.

What do I do? I notice in the gameex config menu for daphne there are Game ROM, Game Name, Game Options fields for each game. What do I put in these?

Any help here much appreciated.

Also, when I double click DaphneLoader I get an error message saying "Cannot Update Control File! Unable to update control file due to the following error: Key decryption failed."

Thanks again guys.

  clair said:
Hi guys. I'm trying to set daphne up in GameEX but i'm really struggling. I've got all the games working through daphneloader but not through gameex. I've tried following that pdf guide from JustinCase but it doesn't work.

What do I do? I notice in the gameex config menu for daphne there are Game ROM, Game Name, Game Options fields for each game. What do I put in these?

Any help here much appreciated.

Also, when I double click DaphneLoader I get an error message saying "Cannot Update Control File! Unable to update control file due to the following error: Key decryption failed."

Thanks again guys.

Read This thread:


  Brian Hoffman said:

Hi Brian. Thanks for this, but i've managed to set it all up. Just got a few questions if thats ok? PM me if u like:

1. why do some games have different rom names eg cobra and cobraab? Are they the same game? whi9ch is better?

2. what is primary and secondary key input? is that like 1 and 2 player? i'm really confused about how to set up my controller (keyboard encoder)

ta x

  clair said:
Hi Brian. Thanks for this, but i've managed to set it all up. Just got a few questions if thats ok? PM me if u like:

1. why do some games have different rom names eg cobra and cobraab? Are they the same game? whi9ch is better?

2. what is primary and secondary key input? is that like 1 and 2 player? i'm really confused about how to set up my controller (keyboard encoder)

ta x

Also, how do you make your key input changes stick? I've been messing about with them seeing if I can get my head round it, but whenever I change the keys input, as soon as I close daphneloader, it reverts back to type.

HELP x :o

p.s. how do I set up buttons for 1 and 2 players?


We can keep the conversation in the thread. This is so everyone can benefit incase this come up again.

You can map the buttons per game by using daphne loader and choosing the confguration tab. If it is not saving your config perhaps your files are set to "read only" If you are using a keyboard encoder like an IPAC the buttons are simply key presses.

The next solution Id suggest are using auto hot key to remap the IPAC keys to daphne defaults. We can help with this as long as you provide us with your current IPAC configuration and daphnes default keys.

The laserdisc image is actually the game. This is the same for all versions. The ROM tells the system what scenes to play in what order. The frames are defined from the frame file.

So the diffrences in your cobra command roms are diffrent scenes play at diffrent points.

Hope this helps

  Brian Hoffman said:
We can keep the conversation in the thread. This is so everyone can benefit incase this come up again.

You can map the buttons per game by using daphne loader and choosing the confguration tab. If it is not saving your config perhaps your files are set to "read only" If you are using a keyboard encoder like an IPAC the buttons are simply key presses.

The next solution Id suggest are using auto hot key to remap the IPAC keys to daphne defaults. We can help with this as long as you provide us with your current IPAC configuration and daphnes default keys.

The laserdisc image is actually the game. This is the same for all versions. The ROM tells the system what scenes to play in what order. The frames are defined from the frame file.

So the diffrences in your cobra command roms are diffrent scenes play at diffrent points.

Hope this helps

Hi Brian. Thanks for helping me with this.

Ok.... I can't use auto hot key because I have 4 other emulators all set to use the same set of keys. If I remapped my ipac for daphne's defaults, I would probably be creating more problems for myself.

Regarding the different rom commands - i would have thought cobra was the main rom name for cobra command, however gameex has cobraab as the ROM. Is that right? It loads up fine btw.

To save config files, can I just change them and then hit the X to close down daphneloader? Or do I need to File / Exit?

Also, if I want to set up keys for 1 and 2 players, how is that done? Is Primary player 1 and secondary player 2? It's very confusing because you have Coin 1 and Coin 2 on both primary and secondary, same with Start 1 and 2.

Thanks hun


I've noticed a file called dapinput. It has all the keys (up, down, coin 1 etc) and then numbers next to each field. This must be the config for the keys but I don't understand all the numbers and how to change them to the keys I want.


Keep in mind this as well. There are some times mulitple version of these laser disc floating around. Dragon's Lair has muliple rips from DVD, HD DVD, Laserdiscs, re-encoded versions are more so don't let that throw you off too much.

So where are you at with this right now, what are you still trying to get working with it?

  Visitor Q said:
Keep in mind this as well. There are some times mulitple version of these laser disc floating around. Dragon's Lair has muliple rips from DVD, HD DVD, Laserdiscs, re-encoded versions are more so don't let that throw you off too much.

So where are you at with this right now, what are you still trying to get working with it?

The key input config thingy. I don't understand it. Whenever I remap the keys through the Configure option, it never saves it and reverts back to default.

Also, do I map keys for Player 2? Or does player 2 use the same keys as Player 1? Never played laser disk games so don't know.


  clair said:
I've noticed a file called dapinput. It has all the keys (up, down, coin 1 etc) and then numbers next to each field. This must be the config for the keys but I don't understand all the numbers and how to change them to the keys I want.

So then post your current IPAC keys config. Then open daphne and post its defaults and Ill make a config for you.

  Brian Hoffman said:
So then post your current IPAC keys config. Then open daphne and post its defaults and Ill make a config for you.

Hi Brian. I have managed to change the keys in DaphneLoader and it appears (when looking at the input field) to have changed permanently. However, when playing the game, the keys are the same as the old default.

Is it because I have changed them in DaphneLoader but I am playing the games through Daphne?

My keys for your config are:

Primary Key:

Up - Up arrow

Left - left arrow

Right - right arrow

Down - down arrow

Start 1 - 1

Start 2 - 2

Button 1 - Q

Button 2 - E

Button 3 - R

Coin 1 - 3

Coin 2 - 4

Quit - escape

Pause - P

Secondary Key:

Up - W

Left - A

Right - D

Down - S

Start 1 - 1

Start 2 - 2

Button 1 - Z

Button 2 - X

Button 3 - C

Coin 1 - 3

Coin 2 - 4

Quit - escape

Pause - P


As Clair said earlier, there is a file called dapinputi.ini in the daphne folder that has the default mappings in it. There is also a file called keylist.txt that shows what codes to use for which keys. I couldn't remap my keys through DaphneLoader, so I just changed the codes myself. I don't see any codes for gamepads though.

You could just make a script to setup your xpadder profiles, and then call Daphne yourself from the script, apparently you can change the name of the Daphne.exe, if you change it in the GameEx.ini yourself. That's what I'm doing with my "Marquee Magician" script to display graphics on the second monitor.


I was going to make a loader a while back, but then had some other problems that needed addressing first. I think I can get back to this now. Thanks for the info!


Brian I was just wondering if you'd got round to doing that config. As mentioned in my previous post, I can set the keys in DaphneLoader but this doesn't work when gameex launches Daphne.

Also, what do I put as my rom names in setting up in gameex? There are lots of different names for each game e.g. cobra - cobraab, astron - astronp, rb - roadblaster


  clair said:
Brian I was just wondering if you'd got round to doing that config. As mentioned in my previous post, I can set the keys in DaphneLoader but this doesn't work when gameex launches Daphne.

Also, what do I put as my rom names in setting up in gameex? There are lots of different names for each game e.g. cobra - cobraab, astron - astronp, rb - roadblaster


Is this the Daphne config you need working? If so this is what I need.

I also need your current ipac config.

So currently what I need are. Please edit the table below once you reply.

From the Left the keys are what the IPAC is currently. The Right is what daphne wants the keys to be.

Player 1 Defaults

Current Default------------Daphne Default

Up= Up Arrow ---------Up= Up Arrow






Button3=Left Shift-----Button3=Y






Player 2 Defaults

Current Default------------Daphne Default

Up= Up Arrow ---------Up= Up Arrow






Button3=Left Shift-----Button3=Y





  clair said:
Not quite sure what you mean Brian. I listed all the buttons in a previous post is that what you mean? :blink:

you gave me one set of buttons. I need to know what the current key is followed by the key it needs to be mapped to.

If by default button1 for daphne is "x" and your current button 1 is "j" then I need to remap J to X.

Get it?

Use the above table to define your existing controls and the defaults for daphne.

I really cant explain myself any better. I hope this helps.

  Brian Hoffman said:
Is this the Daphne config you need working? If so this is what I need.

I also need your current ipac config.

So currently what I need are. Please edit the table below once you reply.

From the Left the keys are what the IPAC is currently. The Right is what daphne wants the keys to be.

Player 1 Defaults

Current Default------------Daphne Default

Up= Up Arrow ---------Up= Up Arrow

Left=Left Arrow --------------------Left= Left Arrow

Down= Down Arrow -----------------Down= Down Arrow

Right= Right Arrow ------------------Right= Right Arrow

Button1= Q---------------Button1=space

Button2= E---------------Button2=left alt

Button3=R -----Button3=left shift

Coin1=3 -----------------Coin1=5

Coin2=4 -----------------Coin2=6




Player 2 Defaults

Current Default------------Daphne Default

Up=W ---------Up= [8]

Left=A --------------------Left=[4]

Down=S -----------------Down=[2]

Right=D ------------------Right=[6]

Button1=Z ---------------Button1=left ctrl

Button2=X ---------------Button2=

Button3=C -----Button3=





Button 1 and 3 for secondary key are blank. Also, I don't understand that coin 1 coin 2 start 1 start 2. Is coin 1 - coin for player 1, start 2 - start for player 2? etc

  Tempest said:
As Clair said earlier, there is a file called dapinputi.ini in the daphne folder that has the default mappings in it. There is also a file called keylist.txt that shows what codes to use for which keys.

I don't have that keylist.txt file :(


Also, what do I put as my rom names in setting up in gameex? There are lots of different names for each game e.g. cobra / cobraab, astron / astronp, rb / roadblaster etc.




TAB = 9

CLEAR = 12


PAUSE = 19


SPACE = 32



HASH = 35



QUOTE = 39




PLUS = 43

COMMA = 44

MINUS = 45


SLASH = 47

0 = 48

1 = 49

2 = 50

3 = 51

4 = 52

5 = 53

6 = 54

7 = 55

8 = 56

9 = 57

COLON = 58


LESS = 60




AT = 64




CARET = 94



a = 97

b = 98

c = 99

d = 100

e = 101

f = 102

g = 103

h = 104

i = 105

j = 106

k = 107

l = 108

m = 109

n = 110

o = 111

p = 112

q = 113

r = 114

s = 115

t = 116

u = 117

v = 118

w = 119

x = 120

y = 121

z = 122

DELETE = 127

KP0 = 256

KP1 = 257

KP2 = 258

KP3 = 259

KP4 = 260

KP5 = 261

KP6 = 262

KP7 = 263

KP8 = 264

KP9 = 265




KP_MINUS = 269

KP_PLUS = 270

KP_ENTER = 271


UP = 273

DOWN = 274

RIGHT = 275

LEFT = 276

INSERT = 277

HOME = 278

END = 279

PAGEUP = 280


F1 = 282

F2 = 283

F3 = 284

F4 = 285

F5 = 286

F6 = 287

F7 = 288

F8 = 289

F9 = 290

F10 = 291

F11 = 292

F12 = 293

F13 = 294

F14 = 295

F15 = 296




RSHIFT = 303

LSHIFT = 304

RCTRL = 305

LCTRL = 306

RALT = 307

LALT = 308

RMETA = 309

LMETA = 310

LSUPER = 311 /* Left "Windows" key */

RSUPER = 312 /* Right "Windows" key */

MODE = 313 /* "Alt Gr" key */

COMPOSE = 314 /* Multi-key compose key */

/* Miscellaneous function keys */

HELP = 315

PRINT = 316

SYSREQ = 317

BREAK = 318

MENU = 319

POWER = 320 /* Power Macintosh power key */

EURO = 321 /* Some european keyboards */

My Daphne setup (I'm not saying it's the best, but it works, well maybe not all of them... LOL)

Enabled_1 =True

ROMName_1 =mach3

GameName_1 =Mach 3

GameOptions_1 =-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\mach3\mach3.txt


ROMName_2 =ace

GameName_2 =Space Ace

GameOptions_2 =-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\ace\ace.txt


ROMName_3 =astron

GameName_3 =Astron Belt

GameOptions_3 =-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\astron\astron.txt


ROMName_4 =badlands

GameName_4 =Badlands

GameOptions_4 =-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\badlands\badlands.txt


ROMName_5 =cobraab

GameName_5 =Cobra Command

GameOptions_5 =-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\cobra\cobra.txt



GameName_6=Esh's Aurunmilla

GameOptions_6=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\esh\esh.txt



GameName_7=Bega's Battle

GameOptions_7=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\bega\bega.txt



GameName_8=Galaxy Ranger

GameOptions_8=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\galaxyr\galaxyr.txt



GameName_9=Road Blaster

GameOptions_9=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\rb\rb.txt



GameName_10=Super Don Quix-ote

GameOptions_10=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\sdq\sdq.txt



GameName_11=Us vs. Them

GameOptions_11=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\uvt\uvt.txt



GameName_12=Grand Prix World

GameOptions_12=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\gpworld\gpworld.txt





GameOptions_13=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\interstellar\interstellar.txt



GameName_14=Goal to Go

GameOptions_14=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\gtg\gtg.txt



GameName_15=Cliff Hanger

GameOptions_15=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\cliffhanger\cliff.txt



GameName_16=Fire Fox

GameOptions_16=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\firefox\firefox.txt



GameName_17=Laser GP

GameOptions_17=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\lasergp\lasergp.txt



GameName_18=Dragons Lair

GameOptions_18=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\lair\lair.txt



GameName_19=Dragon's Lair 2

GameOptions_19=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\lair2\lair2.txt



GameName_20=Thayer's Quest

GameOptions_20=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\tq\tq.txt



GameName_21=Space Ace 2

GameOptions_21=-framefile C:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\ace2\sa91.txt

Brian - How about I make a simple script to build scripts to map keys? Press a key on the keyboard that the game expects, press a second key that you want to use? Good Idea? or just plain silly? Or a tutorial on how to do it. (It's so easy a caveman could do it!)

  Tempest said:

My Daphne setup (I'm not saying it's the best, but it works, well maybe not all of them... LOL)

Brian - How about I make a simple script to build scripts to map keys? Press a key on the keyboard that the game expects, press a second key that you want to use? Good Idea? or just plain silly? Or a tutorial on how to do it. (It's so easy a caveman could do it!)

Ya I was thinking the same thing. Kinda a key2key.exe

I invision either building a GUI to prompt for a user to press the key (button) Then record the button pressed to an INI.

Then prompt the user to select the key they need it to be mapped to from a dropdown and write to the INI. (The reason for the dropdown would be because if your using an IPAC you may not have a keyboard connected to press the button you would like it to be.) Upon Finishing it will prompt to name the file. EG.. Daphne.INI

Then you can launch Keytokey.exe daphne.ini and have it load specific configs and you can have as many as you want.

If a Gui isnt created the INI will be made by hand. (not a big deal) However it seems even that maybe hard to understand.

What do you think?


If you think it's worthwhile, I'll work on it (I've got time ;) ) I wouldn't think an ini file would be necessary... Just output the code needed, and move on... Unless your thinking of storing a users preferences for p1b1, etc...

You know what else would be cool, is if it had the default inputs for common emulators...

How about pictures of the emulators original controls, so you can see what buttons you are assigning (as some emulators (SSF?) have...

How crazy do you want to go? Talk to Me!

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