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  • GameLauncher Mode:
    • Lots of improvements and fixes here. Now supports the favorites, most played, and last played list along with the game information page. A MAME list update can be performed, and the issue with custom mame lists is resolved. The presentation of the list over the background snap or video has also been greatly improved.

    [*]Hiding windows:

    • When hiding the taskbar GameEx will also hide the start button on Vista Systems.
    • When the desktop is set to be hidden, GameEx will also turn off window animations, so launching between games and returning to GameEx is now totally seemless.
    • The Hide Desktop setting is now on by default on new installs.
    • If the GameEx process is unexpectedly ended and the desktop is not restored, GameEx will restore the wallpaper on next launch.
  • Smooth as silk:
    • Transitions have been improved. The 2D transition is now a little slower and smoother, and GameEx will load the first snap or video in the next list while the list is off screen. This makes everything look really nice, especially on HD displays.

    [*]Skinning extensibility:

    • GameEx now supports snap/video logos for categories, manufacturers, and years. These should be placed in a folder named 'database' within the Themes logo folder.
    • Transparant (Color Keyed) video logos are now supported. Simply suffix an AVI or MNG filename with '_TRANS' (before extenstion)
    • I look forward to seeing what people come up with.
  • Screensaver:
    • The screensaver will now run even if not using MAME.
    • Fixes turn off display screen saver mode

    [*]MAME Support:

    • Extra formatting is performed on the Manufacturer list to group companies together. For example Atari and Atari games becomes Atari. A list update is required.
  • Also in this release:
    • New GameEx ICON
    • Fixes key/joystick repeat issue.
    • New cmd line option -glaunch to launch GameEx in GameLauncher mode. There is also a shortcut in the program group.
    • Turning off Anti Alias on fonts now does just that and not set it at the system default.


Cool beans!

Btw, didn't we have a debate about hide desktop on/off by default a while back? I thought it was considered better to have it set to off so that less people would have problems with consoles. Perhaps I'm getting the settings confused though.

Either way, nice work!!!

  bkenobi said:
Cool beans!

Btw, didn't we have a debate about hide desktop on/off by default a while back? I thought it was considered better to have it set to off so that less people would have problems with consoles. Perhaps I'm getting the settings confused though.

Either way, nice work!!!

Its not the hide desktop setting for emulators, but the display settings hide desktop setting, which makes icons invisible and sets the wallpaper to black.



Not to take away from your announcement, but I figure you'll be watching this, and I have a question.

I have Bypass Disclaimer/warnings set to "NO" in advanced Mame settings.

I have been writing some scripts to run at the launch of a mame game, and it would seem that they or recieving "O", and "K" (And I would assume "Enter") from Gameex. I have been getting around this, by having my script wait for three seconds, and then continuing. Do I need to check another setting in GameEx? Or is this not supposed to happen....

Seriously that is an awesome amount of improvements, keep up the good work!




Game Ex is the best FE EVERY!!!!

Must update NOW! =]

Thanks for the great support Tom, amazing.


Hmmm.. I haven't really had the time to do much troubleshooting yet, but from what I have found with the new install...

1) Arcade controls no longer work (verified the settings are still the same in config and have verified that the buttons do still work - notepad)

2) Intro movie cuts off after about 2 seconds

That's what I've found so far, somewhat limited due to loss of arcade control. Am I the only one having these problems? I upgraded from 9.62 and nothing in my config has changed.


  Joe C said:
Hmmm.. I haven't really had the time to do much troubleshooting yet, but from what I have found with the new install...

1) Arcade controls no longer work (verified the settings are still the same in config and have verified that the buttons do still work - notepad)

2) Intro movie cuts off after about 2 seconds

That's what I've found so far, somewhat limited due to loss of arcade control. Am I the only one having these problems? I upgraded from 9.62 and nothing in my config has changed.


Let me also add, I have functionality of the mouse portion of my tankstick, but... when I scroll to an item on my list (say emulated games) it automatically scrolls back up to the top... very weird...


Nice work Tom :)

BTW I wonder what happened to Adultery and his AVI logos? I thought they were a good idea.

Tom: Just one suggestion for next release can you please turn off the "Bypass Disclaimer/Warnings" option by default? Since it doesn't work on newer versions of Mame anyway. One thing you could do is create a cfg\[ROM].cfg file before launching a Mame game if one doesn't exist and there will be no warnings anyway. Much nicer way of skipping them I think ;)

  headkaze said:
Nice work Tom :)

BTW I wonder what happened to Adultery and his AVI logos? I thought they were a good idea.

Tom: Just one suggestion for next release can you please turn off the "Bypass Disclaimer/Warnings" option by default? Since it doesn't work on newer versions of Mame anyway. One thing you could do is create a cfg\[ROM].cfg file before launching a Mame game if one doesn't exist and there will be no warnings anyway. Much nicer way of skipping them I think ;)

I'm saying I do have "Bypass Disclaimer/Warnings" set to no, and it still sends OK. It messes with Iview, the program that I use to display graphics on my secondary monitor. "O" opens the "open file menu", then Iview errors with "Can't find file k". I'm assuming it's gameex, it doesn't do it from runitgame.bat.


9.63 no longer shows my menu avi's. I hade little movies for future pinball, emulators and now they don't play...only the icon displays.


Thanks for the updates Tom!

I have a couple minor problems. The last couple versions I've noticed GameEx waiting to launch until my video previews are done playing, this was a problem in previous versions and then fixed for awhile and now back. Also, when I go from my main Mame list to an individual game I get the 'Please Wait' dialog popup where it was always instantaneous before. I'm running Vista home.

  shaunopp said:
Thanks for the updates Tom!

I have a couple minor problems. The last couple versions I've noticed GameEx waiting to launch until my video previews are done playing, this was a problem in previous versions and then fixed for awhile and now back. Also, when I go from my main Mame list to an individual game I get the 'Please Wait' dialog popup where it was always instantaneous before. I'm running Vista home.

The "Please Wait" dialog is normal. It's a new feature.

New feature that lists and allows selection of other systems that a game will run on on the game information page. The list of 'other systems' is displayed when appropriate for MAME and other emulated systems. Im guessing its another first for front ends

Once it's cached it will be instantaneous as before until you restart GameEx of course.


Ill look at the ICON issue, and Ill fix the disclaimer issue. But can anyone veriyfy there having the same issues as Shaunop and Joe C? Im thinking there not related to this release.

  Joe C said:
Hmmm.. I haven't really had the time to do much troubleshooting yet, but from what I have found with the new install...

1) Arcade controls no longer work (verified the settings are still the same in config and have verified that the buttons do still work - notepad)

2) Intro movie cuts off after about 2 seconds

That's what I've found so far, somewhat limited due to loss of arcade control. Am I the only one having these problems? I upgraded from 9.62 and nothing in my config has changed.


Please post your log. What CPU are you using?

All I can think is your system does not support a tick count, which would be very odd.

  GeorgeT said:
9.63 no longer shows my menu avi's. I hade little movies for future pinball, emulators and now they don't play...only the icon displays.

Does it work if you delete the image based icon? What version did you upgrade from? GameEx searches for an image first then video. I dont hink I changed that in this release. Although could have done.


Im just uploading 9.64 now. I dont know about Shaunops or Chris C's issues. Perhaps others can please test and let me know if there getting the issues. It does correct the MAME Bypass disclaimer still beeing on when turned off. Ill make it default off for the next release, and HK it does already create the .cfg regardless.



  TSpeirs said:
Im just uploading 9.64 now. I dont know about Shaunops or Chris C's issues. Perhaps others can please test and let me know if there getting the issues. It does correct the MAME Bypass disclaimer still beeing on when turned off. Ill make it default off for the next release, and HK it does already create the .cfg regardless.



Thanks Tom! I really am grateful! You can rest now....


Chris C., Joe C - Same thing :D

So I turn on my arcade so I can take a video of what it was doing and of course, its working fine :angry:

I just thought it was weird that nothing within my config had changed yet it was acting the way it was. Sorry for the waste of space guys. Tom - Keep up the great work!

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