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I've tried dorking around with settings to get Music to start as soon as I load GameEX. I thougth I had it configured correctly in the audio section. Yet Music never played.

Then I realized it will start once I goto the JukeBox section.

I understand you can load music with the Ambiance option, but that appears to be just 1 MP3 (Can you load M3U? playlists).

Is it possible to start your music playlist once GameEX loads? (With out having to bring up the jukebox first)

Also, I have Jukebox and DVDs/Movies/Videos disabled, yet I still get the option on my main menu to enter the Jukebox as well as the DVD section.


i have jukebox music playing when gameex starts up. i remember it took a while to figure out how to configure it.

maybe i can help when you post your log


Here's my log file

19:42:36.6  11/2/2008:  GameEx: Version 9.62: Starting Log
19:42:36.6 11/2/2008: Operating System Platform: Win32NT
19:42:36.6 11/2/2008: Operating System Name: Windows XP
19:42:36.6 11/2/2008: Operating System Version: 5.1.2600
19:42:36.6 11/2/2008: Checking for versions of .net Framework installed
19:42:36.6 11/2/2008: .net Framework 2.0 Installed
19:42:36.6 11/2/2008: Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.00GHz, 1534MB
19:42:36.6 11/2/2008: 2.99Ghz - 2 Cores or CPU's
19:42:36.6 11/2/2008: Running Randomize()
19:42:36.7 11/2/2008: Loading PlugIns
19:42:36.7 11/2/2008: Loaded Plugin:"Speak Game Name" Version 1.4 By Tom Speirs
19:42:36.7 11/2/2008: PlugIn: "Speak Game Name" Initialized OK
19:42:36.7 11/2/2008: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup
19:42:36.7 11/2/2008: Launching and waiting: C:\Arcade\Apps\winipac\winipac.exe "C:\Arcade\Apps\winipac\profiles\Default.ipc"
19:42:37.0 11/2/2008: Running Misc startup tasks
19:42:37.0 11/2/2008: Setting Menu types
19:42:37.0 11/2/2008: Opening Configuration File
19:42:37.0 11/2/2008: Getting Configuration Values
19:42:37.0 11/2/2008: Using Theme: Palmores Arcade
19:42:37.0 11/2/2008: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Palmores Arcade
19:42:37.0 11/2/2008: Launching HideOS.exe
19:42:37.0 11/2/2008: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's
19:42:37.0 11/2/2008: Arcade Mode is on
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: GameEx will check for media insertion (may affect performance)
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Hiding Taskbar
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Is Media Center running?
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Media Center Mode 2
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Custom Keyboard Input enabled: Getting custom codes
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Snap Delay set to: 3
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Get other settings
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Mouse Input is disabled
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: SlikStik support enabled
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Using DirectInput for keyboard input
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Start work for Form
19:42:37.1 11/2/2008: Getting Original Screen Size
19:42:37.2 11/2/2008: Compacting Database
19:42:37.5 11/2/2008: Opening Database Connection
19:42:37.5 11/2/2008: Initializing Component
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Retrieving resolution setting
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Initialising Windows Media Player Component
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: MAME Path is: C:\Arcade\Emus\mamefx
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: MAME EXE file is: mameuifx32.exe
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: ROM Path is: D:\arcade\roms\mame
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Catver.ini is located at: C:\Arcade\Apps\GameEx\DATA\catver.ini
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: controls.ini is located at: C:\Arcade\Apps\GameEx\data\controls.ini
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: History.dat is located at: C:\Arcade\Apps\GameEx\DATA\history.dat
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: nplayers.ini is located at: C:\Arcade\Apps\GameEx\DATA\nplayers.ini
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: MAMEinfo.dat is located at: C:\Arcade\Apps\GameEx\DATA\mameinfo.dat
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Loading Controls.ini map file
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Snap Path is: D:\arcade\snaps\mame
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: AVI Snap Path: Not Found
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Flyer Path is: D:\arcade\flyers\mame
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Cabinet Path: Not Found
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Title Path is: D:\arcade\titles\mame
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: PCB Path: Not Found
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Artwork Preview Path: Not Found
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Panel Path: Not Found
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Manual Path: Not Found
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Icon Path: Not Found
19:42:37.6 11/2/2008: Marquee Path is: D:\arcade\marquees\mame
19:42:37.7 11/2/2008: Loading Custom Emulators
19:42:37.7 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 1: [Arcade] Final Burn Alpha
19:42:37.7 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 2: [Arcade] Model 2
19:42:37.8 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 3: [Arcade] Nebula
19:42:37.8 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 4: [Arcade] Raine
19:42:37.9 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 5: [Arcade] ZiNc
19:42:37.9 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 6: [Console] Atari 2600
19:42:38.0 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 9: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx 16
19:42:38.0 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 10: [Console] Nintendo NES
19:42:38.0 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 11: [Console] Nintendo SNES
19:42:38.1 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 13: [Console] Sega Genesis
19:42:38.2 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 14: [Console] Sega Dreamcas
19:42:38.2 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 15: [HandHeld] Atari Lynx
19:42:38.2 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 16: [HandHeld] Nintendo GameBoy
19:42:38.3 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 19: [PC] Microsoft Windows
19:42:38.3 11/2/2008: Loading Emulator 20: Pinball Games
19:42:38.6 11/2/2008: Using 3D Alpha Blended Animations. This could be slow
19:42:38.6 11/2/2008: Using General Font: Comic Sans MS
19:42:38.6 11/2/2008: Using Title Font: Comic Sans MS
19:42:38.6 11/2/2008: Attempting to load game list
19:42:39.5 11/2/2008: Initialising DirectDraw
19:42:39.5 11/2/2008: Applying GameEx is Loading Image
19:42:39.5 11/2/2008: Creating DirectDraw Device
19:42:39.5 11/2/2008: Using Device: ATI Radeon 9600 / X1050 Series
19:42:39.6 11/2/2008: 501mb video memory available
19:42:39.6 11/2/2008: Setting Resolution to 1024x768 32 bit color
19:42:39.6 11/2/2008: Creating DirectDraw Surfaces
19:42:39.6 11/2/2008: Creating Primary Surface - Full Screen Mode
19:42:39.7 11/2/2008: Creating Back Buffer
19:42:39.7 11/2/2008: Version 2 Theme being used. Loading.
19:42:39.7 11/2/2008: Loading Button Data
19:42:39.7 11/2/2008: Loading Font Data
19:42:39.7 11/2/2008: Loading Layout Data
19:42:39.7 11/2/2008: Loading Taskbar Data
19:42:39.7 11/2/2008: Loading graphic Surfaces
19:42:39.7 11/2/2008: Display is running at: 1024x768 32bit color, 85hz
19:42:39.8 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Flags
19:42:39.8 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs
19:42:39.9 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Volume
19:42:39.9 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Arrows
19:42:39.9 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text
19:42:39.9 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Toolbar
19:42:39.9 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds
19:42:40.2 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls
19:42:40.2 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo
19:42:40.2 11/2/2008: Creating Surface Unselected
19:42:40.2 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Snaps
19:42:40.2 11/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars
19:42:40.3 11/2/2008: Creating Fonts
19:42:40.3 11/2/2008: Creating Game Font
19:42:40.7 11/2/2008: Creating Game Font Faded
19:42:41.5 11/2/2008: Creating Title Font
19:42:42.3 11/2/2008: Creating Font Black
19:42:42.4 11/2/2008: Creating Font Black Small
19:42:42.6 11/2/2008: Fonts Created Succesfully
19:42:42.6 11/2/2008: 441mb video memory left available
19:42:42.6 11/2/2008: Creating instance of global keyboard hook
19:42:42.6 11/2/2008: Text/Language: English
19:42:42.6 11/2/2008: Applying Language/Text
19:42:42.7 11/2/2008: Initialising Bass Audio Library
19:42:50.0 11/2/2008: MAME CMD options: -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo -lightgun -mouse -offscreen_reload -mt -multithreading -video d3d -hwstretch -d3dversion 9 -filter -waitvsync -resolution 1024x768@120 -triplebuffer
19:42:50.0 11/2/2008: Loading last used Game List
19:42:50.1 11/2/2008: Setting Music Volume
19:42:50.1 11/2/2008: Creating DirectSound Device
19:42:50.1 11/2/2008: Trying: Primary Sound Driver
19:42:50.1 11/2/2008: Loading Sound Files
19:42:50.1 11/2/2008: DirectSound Device Created Successfully
19:42:50.1 11/2/2008: Initialising DirectInput for Gamepad support
19:42:50.2 11/2/2008: Unable to create a joystick device
19:42:50.2 11/2/2008: Initialising DirectInput for Keyboard support
19:42:50.2 11/2/2008: Initializing MCE Remote
19:42:50.2 11/2/2008: Playing intro sound file
19:42:50.2 11/2/2008: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx!
19:42:50.3 11/2/2008: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame
19:42:50.8 11/2/2008: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully
19:43:12.7 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator from Cache
19:43:24.2 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator from Cache
19:43:24.3 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
19:43:28.2 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator from Cache
19:43:28.3 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
19:43:28.5 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator from Cache
19:43:28.7 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
19:43:29.2 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator from Cache
19:43:29.3 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
19:43:29.5 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator from Cache
19:43:29.6 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
19:43:29.8 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator from Cache
19:43:29.8 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
19:43:29.8 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator from Cache
19:43:29.9 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
19:43:30.2 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator from Cache
19:43:30.2 11/2/2008: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
19:43:31.7 11/2/2008: Running: cmd.exe /c C: nulldc_1.0.3_mmu.exe -config imagereader:defaultimage="D:\arcade\roms\Dreamcast\Ikaruga - Border Down.cdi"
19:44:00.2 11/2/2008: Exiting GameEx!
19:44:00.2 11/2/2008: Saving Settings
19:44:01.8 11/2/2008: Disposing Plugins
19:44:01.8 11/2/2008: Closing database connection
19:44:01.8 11/2/2008: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit


Well... heh... I found the issue.

I've ONLY used the "setup wizard" thus far, I kept loading that and changing my settings in there, I didn't realize there's more options under the Advanced Config =/


Ive got a very similar question actually. Is it possible to have the jukebox start playing when game ex starts but without the actual jukebox menu option? I really just want it to play a few tracks at random, no need to have the full jukebox menu option to select certain tracks etc. Thanks.


i think this was asked before and as I recall it there isn't really a possibility to not display the jukebox option while having random music at startup

  chriss said:
i think this was asked before and as I recall it there isn't really a possibility to not display the jukebox option while having random music at startup

It's also a part of the theme you choose. I have Retro Future running on my cabinet, with the music playing. It's pretty descreet as you only see the line of info at the top, it's small and faded. Other themes have more graphics, and boxes displayed. But there is no way to remove the jukebox without altering the theme... as far as I can tell...



This is a silly suggestion since it could be more easily included in GameEx directly, which would make it easier and a lot more user friendly. BUT, you could use a script that runs at startup to copy one of your files from your audio files to an intro audio location. You could even use a Hard Link to keep from actually copying the file (reduces HDD usage and file copy time). Then, just point GameEx to that file. If I understand the problem correctly, this could be a usable workaround.

EDIT: There are several programs out there that appear to do just this task I described. The one I'm linking was written primarily for copying a random bitmap to your system directory for a random background each time you start up Windows. This would work just fine for this task too!

link - DOH, Dead linky!!!

EDIT2: Well, since that link is dead, I found another way to do it with AHK. Read this thread if you want to see the details...

total = 0
Loop, %a_musicdir%\*.mp3
total += 1

Random, select, 1, %total%

Loop, %a_musicdir%\*.mp3
IfEqual, A_Index, %select%, Setenv, file, %A_LoopFileFullPath%

FileCopy, %file%, C:\Music\IntroSong.mp3

Just adjust the location you want the file stored and point to that file in GameEx. Good to go!

  • 2 months later...


How is the problem of not playing the songs when starting Gameex solved ?? I have the same problem. When I start GameEx, he does not start any game. When I go to Jukebox, then he starts per Random a title...How ist that possible ? Would be nice if anyone could help. I do not use MediaPlayer and have the following settings :

JukeBoxMode : File Audio Tags

Jukebox Queue Mode : Clicking songs instantly plays

JukeBox startuo : Automatically play music

I also had double entries in my title list, but this could be solved with this thread : I deleted the dat files and started gameex again : everything is fine !

But I have two other questions, regarding the Jukebox feature, where I did not find the answer in this forum :

1. How can I access a DIRECTORY in the Jukebox ? I have put a directoty with songs in my folder Music, but I get no information about that in "genre, Artists...etc", because these title do not have any special information. I can access them only when I go to "All Titles", but they are not sorted. So it would be very nice to access them via directory, just as in the Picture Section, where You also choose a directory.

2. As described in 1. I have copied a folder with music in my folder c:\Music and I can only access them via "All titles", but since there are many titles, these titles are everywhere and not sorted

Please help,




Problem solved : AGAIN you have to directly edit the gameex.ini :

Change the following line to True : LoadPlayListAtStartup

Man, the configuration is for a newbi absolutely nothing. I am really lucky that I am a system engineer, but for "normal" people, its a headache !! Someone must think to ease much more the configuartion. Just have a look at all these posts here...

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